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Welcome back to Sakura Wars: In Hot Blood! After a year and a month of playing, we've hit the seventh chapter, which is a bit shorter than the others.

... well, okay, it felt that way when I played it through, but it's probably not going to make too much of a difference when LPing it.

Anyways, it's the eyecatch screen, which I keep forgetting to show! This is where you save the game, check out everyone's stats, fiddle with the difficulty, and so on and so forth.

As you might be able to tell from the backdrop, it's Sakura's chapter. Kinda.

This is currently where each character's trust level is. Sumire's been holding the top position for a while, but Kohran's gotten a huge boost from the last chapter; Maria and Kanna are, for now, just kinda there.

And meanwhile, Sakura and Iris are at the bottom because no one likes Sakura and Iris, not even Sakura and Iris.

They seem to be pretty darn popular in Japan, though. I guess all of us Westerners just have a lower tolerance for saccharine adorableness. Alternately, Japan is masochistic for jealous Sakura types and pedo for little blond girls.

But all that aside...

... let's get started.


... Miroku. Are you sure that you have not made any blunders?


None at all... please, leave it to me. I have already divined the whereabouts of their main base...


Oh ho? Was it because the members of the Imperial Assault Force never actually bothered to hide their true identities when "masquerading" as the Imperial Operetta Troupe, so after we found out everything about Maria Tachibana you were able to do a little research and confirm that the IAF and the IOT are indeed one and the same?


What? Of course not, you fool, I used a gremlin.


Ignore him, Miroku, he keeps getting all these fanciful ideas in that brain of his.


But they're seriously just--


Honestly. "Do a little research" indeed!


No one understands me.



There is only one Earth's pulse point remaining! At last, the time has come for the completion of our "Roku-Hassei Kouma-Jin"!!
A great judgement from the very creation of heaven and earth shall fall upon and destroy the Imperial Capital!!
The future of Japan, the land of the gods, has been corrupted by gratuitous Westernization!
I was resurrected once again for the sake of reviving the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Go forth! Drive out every remaining piece of Western culture!!




It is all as you say, Lord Tenkai...




I can taste that post-victory barbecue party already. And everyone's invited!


A... party, sir? But was your plan not to just nuke everyone from orbit?


That's the joke! HAW HAW HAW man, I slay me.


You've... you've certainly slain me, my lord.


Cue title.

Back over at the good guys' protagonists' lair, nothing's really changed.


After that incident at Fukagawa, we can breathe a bit more easily about Sumire-kun and Kanna's performances together...
And thanks to the "Mr. Cloud" that Kohran had created, the stage productions have become also become more eye-catching...
So after the closing performance, we got an incredible number of requests for an extension of the performances.
Well, it's good that the customers are enjoying themselves, but...


Even so, I'm beat. I really want a break...

And when I say "nothing's really changed," I mean "Ogami is getting worked to the bone yet again."


My work is pretty much finished; I take it that you aren't quite done yet, Tsubaki-chan?


Yes, it's right when the customers are all filing out that the shop is the busiest.


You have no idea how many purchase requests we get at about this time.


For bromides and souvenirs and stuff?


For the actresses.


... you mean by rival theaters and stuff, right?


Unless there are any theaters called "my basement" around these parts, probably not.


... that WOULD explain why you kept calling me over and making me stand with my ticket clipper held out in a threatening manner.



I see... then I shouldn't get in the way, huh. In that case...


In that case, I'll go meet up with everyone else.

Hey, misery loves company. We can gripe about our lack of a break, together!


If you're looking for everyone in the Flower Division, they said that they'd gather at the salon after the performance.
I believe they said they were going to throw a party.


Aah, I'm not surprised. They all love that kind of festive stuff.


Yes indeed, festive stuff like "Spin the Ogami," "Pin the tail on the Ogami," "Hang Ogami from the ceiling and beat him with a stick until candy falls out," and the classic favorite, "See how far we can hit Ogami with the weapon of our choice."




Ha ha ha, it's not nearly as bad as it sounds! They try not to hang me by my neck AND they let me keep some of the candy that falls out.



Hey, miss! Gimme a picture of big sis Son Goku!

Big sis Son Goku--

Man, these kids are going to be so confused when they grow up.


Yes, right away! A bromide of Kanna Kirishima, is it? That'll be fifty sen, please.
We'll be putting on a new show in the fall, so please come to watch us again, okay?


... you look pretty busy. Well, I'll excuse myself here, then. Good luck.


Yes. Thank you for your work!

Now we're free to roam wherever we please (within the theater. Outside world? What's that? Is it tasty? ) for about the next hour.

And right off the bat, it's Kanna, who seems unaccountably pleased that Ogami didn't completely ignore her and the bawling child she has in a headlock kid who's standing next to her.


What's up? Is something the matter?


And eventually, it seems that he just got straight-out lost.


I see...




... kid, weren't you just buying a bromide from the shop?




Captain, he's been standin' here for the past ten minutes bawling his eyes out. It's gotta be someone else.


Man... lemme tell you, Kanna, I've been living here all my life and I STILL can't tell all these Asian people apart from each other.


I'm not Kanna. Who're you?


Wha-- FUCK!!


Not in front of the kid, Captain. And for chrissakes, get yourself down to the infirmary and get someone to look at your head.



Aah, I got it. We'll find her as fast as we can.


But y'know, Captain... where do you think we should start looking? I'm thinking that she might still be close to the audience seating, but...

Well, lessee...


Let's try going to the secretarial office.


Actually, I just was thinking to dump the kid in the lost and found bin.


Hey, that's an even better idea. Less time wasted!




Shut up, kid, else it's gonna be Kanna time.




Meanwhile, back in reality...




Well... this kid got lost, so, y'know...
Could you use the in-theater broadcast system to call for the kid's mother?


... I understand. Please wait just a little bit.


Hahahahaha... that's not true at all.


If I'd been SMART, I'd have figured out how to defend myself from everyone in the theater.


Or you'd have devised some plan to flee the theater and the country without getting caugh--




Bing bong bing bong.


Reporting a lost child. He is about ten years old and is clad in a kimono; we will be waiting in the secretarial office.
If his mother is still in the theater, would she please hurry to the secretarial office as quickly as possible?


He is safe... for now. We may be persuaded to give him back for approximately 20,000 yen. Thank you for your coopera--


Wait, what the hell are you doing!?


Manager Yoneda's orders. He'd thought up another way to generate revenue for the theater.


By holding them for ransom!?


That actually just seems to be the backup plan. Manager Yoneda has commanded Kohran to research some way to turn the spilt blood of children to gold, so...


That's, that's sick! Sick AND unhygenic!!


Not necessarily, Kohran's reportedly making sure to wash her hands first--


That doesn't help.



Kid... just wait a little longer. You're a man, ain't'cha?



Soon enough...


I-I'm so sorry! I'd looked away
for just a second!!




Good for you. Try not to get lost again, 'kay?


ESPECIALLY not in this theater. Not if you know what's good for you.



'kay! Kanna, try not to get lost too, okay!!


... not if you know what's good for you, or I'm gonna break your kneecaps like Son Goku did to that one demon lady.


Hah! Touché, kid! See, Captain, I taught 'im that!


First off, wasn't that an accident?


Eh, Sumire'll live, she's too high-class to notice anything like busted kneecaps.


... and secondly, what kind of an example are we BEING for these kids!?


An awesome one! Or I'm gonna break your kneecaps.





Now now, don't be rude. Thank you so very much. Now then, good-bye...


Bye-by~e! Let's play again~!

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