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Battle's over!

Also, have some epilogue.

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For the second time this game...

... in an explosion that somehow manages to leave absolutely no trace of the unfortunate robot, Ginkaku once again exits stage left.



(... Lord Tenkai. Miroku has finished her preparations. It is about time...)


(Hm... it seems that Miroku has successfully completed her part of the operation...)


Some days, I can understand why Tenkai does the things he do.

When your teleportation magic engulfs you in HUGE PILLARS OF FIRE, you probably don't have any choice other than to make ALL your exits as ludicrously dramatic as possible.


It's fine, isn't it? I mean, in any case, we've managed to keep the damage to a minimum.

Naturally, the Wakiji get no thanks for having such horrible aim that they can't hit the broad side of any building in the area.

And whatever happened to attacking the huge radio tower in Shiba Park? The one that's basically the pillar holding up all radio communications in the Imperial Capital?


Well, you know, pulling off the same plan more than once just isn't "hip."


In other words, you straight out forgot.


Says the moron who died after falling for every pitfall in the handbook of villainy.



That someone as unwilling to give praise as Sumire-san would compliment machines...


You already make use of other people like there's no tomorrow. Well, guess that means that you just see people and machines on the same level, huh?


Then does that mean that Sumire's Koubu, like, also thinks that she's domineering?

So, basically... a masochistic robot?

[Sumire's Koubu]

Are you.. are you going to ride me again, Mistress?


Well... well, yes, but--

[Sumire's Koubu]

MISTRESS SUMIRE! I simply cannot function unless you scold me, Mistress!


Wh-what are you--

[Sumire's Koubu]

Look upon me with those condescending eyes of yours, Mistress! Crush me underneath your heel like the unworthy worm that I am! Tell me that I am unfit to do naught but lick your feet clean!


Gyaaaaah!! G-Get away from me!!

[Sumire's Koubu]

Yes! Scold me! Scold me more! MORE!!


Once again, I find myself thankful that we cannot hear whatever it is that the Koubu are trying to communicate to us.


'Cause machines an' people were both born so that they could support each other.

People and machines, born to support each other...?

... this is the only thing that comes to mind, sadly.


Well, both people an' machines DO tend to give up on bein' courteous if you're too selfish, though.


Hmhmhm... now then, shall we go ahead with the usual?


That's right... awright, here we go~!




And then all was right with the world again.

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