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The second half of the boss battle sequence!

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Kohran attacks! Not much to say there.

Meanwhile, Ginkaku is Not Happy.

ANOTHER 76 damage...

And another 24 damage.

The AI in this game seems pretty happy to keep attacking the one person that keeps getting healed. I'm not complaining one bit.

Setsuna teleports all the way down there, which... kinda sucks for the two melee characters who will have to spend about half their turn getting back to Setsuna.

For reasons that needn't be explained, it also kinda sucks for Kohran.


I figure I can spend some of Iris's turn to pile more damage on Ginkaku.

That, and I kinda want to see Iris's special attack.

It summons Jean-Paul!

And Jean-Paul--


In addition to doing damage,

Iris's love for everyone apparently drains the opponent's spirit gauge to refill her own.


You heard it here first, folks. Iris's ability to drain the very souls of her enemies for her own consumption is canon.

Aaaanyways, at least she can put that soul to good use by healing everyone.


The turns flow smoothly from here on out; it's basically a big nasty slamfest.

In the north, though, I thought it better to have Ogami heal Kohran 'cause WE aren't cool enough to have a dedicated healer of our own.


And the turn proceeds as normal.


Y'know... come to think of it, why the hell are we risking life and limb for Shiba Park? It's basically a wasteland with horribly terraced hills and horrible barrenness.


Ogami-kun, don't you dare think like that! Barren as it may be, Shiba Park is still a part of Japan, and we are still honor-bound to protect it from all enemies!


Well, yes'm, but--


But me no buts, Ogami-kun. Decades later, Japan will remember our fervent efforts to save Shiba Park. And do you know what they will say about us?


"Goddamn it, why did the Flower Division save Shiba Park, it's such a horrible barren wasteland?"


... no. Also, you're in charge of cleaning every toilet in the theater tonight, Ogami-kun.


But I'm already--


With your tongue.




Kanna got hit so much that she's been pumping out final attacks like a woman possessed.

Also, is it just me,



... or is she doing more and more damage as time goes on?

Sakura gets there with JUST enough action bar left to, uh, stand around like an idiot.

Due to a lack of HP, Kohran whips out her special attack-- "Emergency Repairs"-- on her turn.

And fires off... something...?

-- that flies above Soukaku and engulfs it with a beam--

-- that fires a beam over there--

-- to Kohran.

The "Emergency Repair" part gets pretty clear when, in addition to doing damage...

... Kohran heals the exact amount of damage that she deals.

Given that the Koubu don't have HP above 120 and that the pilots do more than 150 damage on average, you can see how this can get kind of ridiculous.


Forecast for the southern front: rain with a chance of beatings.


Forecast for the northern front: beatings with a chance of rain.

Hey, lookit that, a combination attack!


We have enough for a second helping!


I'll take that!



Despite the combination attack happening twice in a row, Sumire is still unable to kill Ginkaku on her turn.

The final blow against Soukaku is...

... kinda anticlimactic.


Without so much as a parting word...


Setsuna dies. Again.

It's probably safe to say that the Hive of Darkness has what amounts to the worst retirement plan in the world.

On the other hand, sure they'll reanimate your dead body and get it blown up multiple times, but they've got great dental.


Whew, we got THAT over with with a minimum of death. Hey, do you guys need any help over--




Neener-neener, snake-woman!


Hmph! Gorilla-woman!!



... but I guess you guys got it covered.


Do you mind, Ensign? We are having a moment.


You're just killing things while throwing insults at each other.


One of these days, Captain, you too will have a significant other who you'll love to hate, and then you'll understand where we're coming from.


Is that romance?


What? Hell no, this's a mutual understanding rooted in both verbal abuse and an irresponsible use of experimental government-developed steam-powered spirit-energized robot thingies, so shaddup and let us keep kicking ass!


Way to tell him off, Kanna-san!


Shut up, snake-woman!


No, you shut up, gorilla-woman~!


Ow. Ow, my brain.


NEXT TIME: Chapter's over!

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