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No special healing, just normal healing. I have the sinking feeling that Iris's final attack will come in handy in the not-so-near future.

Attempted to reawaken some sort of trauma-related memory in Rasetsu, but...

... it didn't work out.


... so you'd better not fuck it up.


Just, uh, do what you think is best.


Good boy.





Just baaaarely enough action bar to get over there, defend, and whip out the final.


Would-be anime heroines beware: there are certain risks in using so much damn fire for your dramatic introductions.

Yeah, I get her to fill Kanna's health bar up the rest of the way. After a 100+ damage attack, I'm not taking any chances.

And the rest, as they say, is violence.

... though I make damn sure to keep Sumire out of Ginkaku's attack range.


For once, Sumire and/or Kohran aren't the must-kill targets of the day, so Ogami's skills are probably best-suited to making sure that Sakura doesn't get cut to ribbons.


I'm just thankful that these guys are doing an appreciable amount of damage, though I do have to wonder if Ogami and Kohran attacking separately doesn't do more damage than their final combination attack.

On the other hand, the final combination attacks kind of attack an entire screen's worth of enemies, so I can't really complain.


Ogami-kun, be careful! We're detecting an abnormal amount of demonic energy emanating from those large-scale demon-driven mechanical soldiers!


Wha-- couldn't you have told us this BEFORE Rasetsu nearly stove Kanna's head in and BEFORE Setsuna gutted Sakura like a fish!?


We totally would've told you earlier, but you were too busy gallivanting around and committing acts of spiritual hanky-panky with Kohran.


I-- well-- that-- that was strategically important hanky-panky.


... my, the art of warfare has certainly changed in this day and age.


YOU were the ones who decided to make a man the leader of an all-female assault force populated with nubile young women!!


Just as planned.



Don't let down your guard just because you've defeated them once before!


Understood! I'll take that to heart!!


Kanna... must you ALWAYS punch the ground?


Yeah! It's like a ritual that fighters from my part of town have. Why d'you ask?


Well, it's just-- might there be some unpleasant side-effect to punching the ground when in a spirit-powered robot that amplifies your abilities a trillion times?


Pff, like what?


... well, nothing in particular comes to mind, but...


... I do worry about some of these things from time to time.


It's a little late, but let's see what we can gleam from the transmission option!


No offense, guys, but could you possibly be, y'know, any less helpful?


If you prefer, we could crash the Shogeimaru into the battlefield and--


Er, no, I was speaking all hypothetically and stuff. 'Sides, Yoneda'd kill us if we wrecked his ride, he waxes the damn thing every day.


I'm sorry, but Ayame kind of stole our thunder. We don't have anything else to report.


How 'bout... I dunno, weak points? Suggested strategy? Anything?


Kanna... you actually use strategies?


Of course I do! You gotta know the three H's of attacking: Hellishly Hard, Hquick, and Hmake the other guy regret ever lookin' at you funny!


... Kanna, those don't actually make sense AND only one of those actually starts with an 'H', why--


Pops was a badass killing machine, but he had a bit of a speech impediment.


I'd rather not get our team's healer crushed alongside Kanna. Thankfully, the latter has a pretty damn useful skill where this is concerned, and...


... well, being able to jump definitely has its advantages.

Kanna's turn proceeds without incident!

Except for the part where, y'know...







... I trigger Kanna's special attack, PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION, and ruin Ginkaku's shit by BULL-RUSHING STRAIGHT THROUGH HIS MOTHERFUCKING MECH, which just so happens to lower its defense.

Now, had I been thinking, I would've used Sumire's ridiculously overpowered special attack, the one that cuts the afflicted enemy's actions by more than half. This would've saved Kanna one helluva beating in the long run, but I kinda panicked and whipped out Sumire's final attack instead.

Meanwhile, Sakura is almost dead.

Instead of gritting her teeth and showing her hot-blooded determination, she just stands there and looks so sad, thereby playing to every hot-blooded male's chauvinistic desire to guard members of the fairer sex because they are just so weak and delicate and feminine.

You could almost forget that Sakura can cut an entire battalion of demons into little sushi-sized slices just by slashing the air.

You can burn most of your turn to heal yourSELF, but it doesn't work as well.

That, or Sakura just sucks ass at healing. I wouldn't be surprised if her idea of "repairing her mech" is "kicking the dashboard until the engine starts working again."

She's a bit more proficient at cutting, though.

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