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Why didn't anyone tell me that that was going to happen!?


To be fair, Captain, you generally turn to KOHRAN to let you know about these things.


Well, okay, fine, but--


Furthermore, you neglected to worry about someone taking you to, I quote, "some kinda spiritual hot springs," as you are wont to do.


But, but, Kohran was terminally sad until about three minutes ago! And--






I don't know HOW you did it, but you've got a high-powered energy beam as wide as an ELEPHANT approaching from Ginza and it's going to turn Shiba Park into a crater if you don't--


Oh, don't y'all worry 'bout a thing, that was jes' us.


Oh, okay. Carry on.


Wait, why--


With the usual CHOOOOOOM,

And the incredible barrage of miniature BOOMS that accompany it,

Soukaku... uh, Soukaku doesn't die.


Fuck, I was kinda hoping that we'd have it easy this time around.


Don't worry, Ogami-han, we got 'em jes' where we want 'em! I've learned a very important lesson t'day, after all!


So you've found your own way of non-violent fighting through the power of friendship?


Fuck no! Blowin' shit up is where it's at!


Bbjkadfgb-b-but, b-but, you and robots--


Yeah, I still believe in all that touchy-feely stuff, but when ya get right down to it, people an' robots understand each other th' best when they're perpetratin' violence! Violence's th' greatest equalizer in th' world!


Nice! Congrats, Kohran, you've seen the light!


An' it's all thanks t' all y'all!! See, Ogami-han? All th' cool kids are doin' it, so let's get steampunk medieval on these guys' arses!


I... sure, okay.





Got it!

With Kohran's guns and Ogami's swords, we can--

-- totally fuck up his gravitational field and blast him with shiny purpley things!

Ain't science wonderful?



But... seein' whether or not this spirit armor can become th' hope of the people depends on how we use 'em, for one...
I... wanna do my best so that machines an' people can become able t' bridge th' gap between them.
... and 'cause of that, I'm fightin' for now. Ogami-han... y'all be sure t' watch me.




Alright, I'm counting on you! Do your best!!


Of course! I'll do my best with all o' my strength!!
Until th' day people an' machines come t' understand each other, I'll do anythin' ya tell me to~!


That's the spirit, Kohran! I'll be cheering for you.




... jes' cheerin'? Aren't ya gonna, y'know, help at all?


Nah, it's cool, I'll just stand back and cheer. Actual effort gives me gas.


Oh, I can cure somethin' like that right quick with a couple dozen supposito--


HIP HIP HOORAY let's do our best together, Kohran!!



Thanks! In that case... I'm gonna go do my best!!

Huh. Well, unnaturally fossilized (?) skin and brainless glowing eyes'd explain why Rasetsu hasn't been at all talkative.

He doesn't even have a spirit energy gauge, which probably translates to "hurr durr I don't have a soul" and most DEFINITELY translates to "no final attack."

To top that off, he's going for Kanna, the tankiest tank on this side of Tanktown. This should be worth a couple of laughs!

Well, that wasn't too--





What the hell just happened!?


I'm really not sure, but Kanna might be dead! Also, she got stomped like a Goomba, which might explain--


No, I mean, when the hell did they gain the ability to actually do damage!? That's what I'M worried about here!!


... uh, what about Kanna?


Eh, she'll be fine. If swimming through a freezing cold ocean and fighting off an army of Wakiji on foot won't kill her...


That tickled!




Man, how long's it been since I got hit so hard that I couldn't feel my legs?


... y'all sure she's alright?


This, uh, this'd be a bad time to start proving me wrong, Kanna.


This ten-inch-tall box is comfy, I can see the back of my own skull!


Setsuna's (?) turn!

Apparently, the first action he HAS to take is teleportation...

So even though he could've blasted Kohran and Ogami at once with that sort of attack range, he settles for tearing Sakura a new one.


Once again, motherfucking OW.


Yeah... without the Summit strategy to back 'em up defensively, there would've been casualties by now.

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