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The second part of the battle!

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War is hell.

Le sigh.


... Kohran? Is something wrong?


As I'd guessed... destroyin' th' Wakiji is painful...




Maybe you can make your own way of fighting? Another method that isn't just destroying machines...


Another method...?


Just using your weapons to destroy doesn't count as fighting.
I believe that you could have a way of fighting that only you can do, Kohran.


My own way of fightin', huh... that's true, huh...
A way of fightin' that ain't destroyin', but savin'... I"ll try lookin' for it.


Hey, maybe th' Mr. Universal Remote I'm cookin' up might be able to do somethin' about all these Wakiji!


Or maybe this's a job for Mr. Mecha Sodomizer. Hmmm... so many choices.


I... no offense, but I'd rather be left out of the planning process so that I don't have to claim any responsibility for whatever happens next.



... thanks. I can still keep chuggin' along, somehow.
Sumire-han... a lot's been goin' on, but... let's get along from here on out, a'right?


Yes, but of course. Let us both do our best.


Yup, understood.

More .

Interestingly enough, Kanna still seems to take minimum damage from grunts. So...



Still healing her, just to be on the safe side.



And the highlight of the battle is that while all the foot troops start swarming Kanna...

Maria snipes the hell out of that last cannon.

Clean up time!

Interestingly enough, Ogami's got a slightly different final attack this time around! Remember the multiple-choice options that occasionally crop up during conversations? Depending on the type of responses Ogami makes the most, his final attack changes somewhat, as does his preferred strategic command.

So, basically:

An abundance of hot-blooded answers ("COOKING IS LOVE, LOVE IS COOKING!!") leads to Fire, flirtatious or gregarious answers ("Aren't I the greatest~?") lead to Wind, intelligent and/or calculating answers ("Gee, Tsubaki, you sure look happy to be with Maria ") lead to Mountain, and a mix of all three leads to Forest.

Here, Ogami's defaulted to the Mountain version of his final attack, which is a nice little melee AOE rather than the usual one-Wakiji final attack. The only visual difference, however...


Rokkou Mekkyaku...



... is a yellow glow around his sword.


And a giant yellow explosion of lightning, but who's counting?

Anyways, fun fact: Ogami has the best damn final attack names ever. His standard final attack? Wolf-Tiger Destroyer, Problem-Solvin' Blade.

His current final attack? Wolf-Tiger Destroyer, Dauntless Patriot.

... I'm not even sure where to begin.

The first Wakiji explodes! HELL YES TWO AT ONC--

Gaaaaawd, woman, can you knock that off just once this stage?




Right now, it still... can't be helped. Because this is the only method that we have.


I see... if it's you sayin' that, Ogami-han, then 's probably th' case...

Damn, her trust level dropped.


But I... I still want t' think that there's an alternative out there.



And then the second Wakiji explodes in an overly melodramatic manner.


Kohran... this may be the only alternative that we have, but I just want to set the record straight: I don't enjoy this one bit.
So don't... don't think that you're alone in your pain. All of us are your friends, Kohran.




There there, it's al--







Wh... what, no, wait--


HEY CAPTAIN HEY why didn't you tag that third Wakiji in that newfangled final attack of yours, Captain!?


That's... um, well, you know that I still kinda owe you one for that thing earlier today, so...




It's all yours. Take it away, Kanna.


No, wait, don't y'all see that--



Aw, fuckin' SWEET! Thanks, Captain, I'll make this an explosion to remember!


Oh god what're you noooooo--






Honestly, Kanna-san, how could you DO such a thing!? You insensitive brute!


... ?


At the very least, you could have saved that last one for me!!




NEXT TIME: There's nothing more painful than the (s) at the end of "Boss Fight(s)."

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