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After the battle, Kohran loses it

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Delightful! Just what we need: more mecha-corpses to gaze upon in horror.


Hey, Ogami-han...


What's up, Kohran. Did something happen?


BESIDES the whole "congrats, now you're horribly traumatized" thing.


... well, for one thing, Iris won't stop playin' th' violin whenever I start lookin' sad.


Iris is a helper!


Now, Iris, you KNOW that you should not do anything to add fuel to the fire.


Even if she won't snap out of being sad?


... yes, even if her angst has long overstayed its welcome.





I'm tryin' t' get my mind t' understand that. But even so...


My heart's breakin'... I can't do this anymore... I jes' can't...


Kohran... you care about machines that much...?

By God, Sherlock, how do you do it?



As usual, the Wakiji take their sweet-ass time in getting over there.

Not that it matters, because Kohran is approaching dangerously Shinji-levels of "catatonic spinelessness."


I... I...


All you Wakiji can't have been built jes' to be broken!!


That's... that's jes' too cruel...


Kohran, get a hold of yourself! If you don't fight now, the Koubu's going to be destroyed!!


... what about Kohran? Won't she also get her head blown off or something?


Oh, right, almost forgot about that. Don't do it, Kohran, you'll die too!




Look, in my defense, the thought of Kohran dying is much less frightening than the thought of Kohran living to see her Koubu destroyed.


In that case, uh, shouldn't we go help her, Captain?


Are you kidding? We've got to sit around, stare in shock and horror, and wait for her to get through this patch of character-building on her own.







No... I don't want this anymore...











Koubu... are y'all protectin' me...?
You... believe in me, don't you...


Are you alright, Kohran!?


Ensign, she is lit up like a Christmas tree. "Enveloped in a radioactive glow" does NOT constitute as being "alright."


Well, I kinda want to check and see if she's still capable of speaking, and if she CAN, that she hasn't turned into some sort of mutant monstrosity.



It wants t' be useful to humans... it wants t' communicate th' feelings of its creator... an' it says...
That it wants t' protect me... that's what it's sayin'!!



Better humor her.


That's... the wish of all machines. Isn't that what you told me, Kohran?
That the Koubu are good machines... that they'll become the hope of the people. That they're all warm machines!


Yes, that's right! The wish of Koubu... the wish of all machines... I gotta listen to 'em!!


Here we go, Koubu!! Let's fight together for th' sake of peace!


Well, hey! It looks like Kohran's doing alright.


Captain, you DO realize that her Koubu isn't supposed to be doing that, right?


What do you mean?


I flipped through the manual again. The only way that this could be possible is if Kohran was using the spirit energy processor on her Koubu to bend reality.


Okay, but don't the Koubu already--


... and if the pilot's mental state so unstable that it wraps around the bounds of insanity to emerge on the other side, causing a feedback loop in the Koubu's systems that makes it so that she starts to hear voices.


... buh?


Keep humoring her, Captain, it may be the only thing standing between us and destruction.


Oh, okay, I'm familiar with THAT. Why didn't you say so in the first place?



The glow should, by all rights, turn everyone within a five-mile radius into giant sacks of cancer.


Instead, it just shuts down the Wakiji.


Well, willya lookit that, all th' Wakiji've been deactivated.


And they're all helpless an' stuff, with no one t' complain if we do anythin' to them.







Wh, what is the meaning of this!? That the Wakiji would stop all activity...


Useless machines! Blow yourselves up! Disappear from my sight!!

Man, Tenkai has the flashiest remote detonator ever.





The exact same thing that you've done to countless generations of Chibi Robos?


Disposing of scrap metal... that is only natural. I shall do the exact same to all of you!


Y'all jes' shut up!! Tenkai! I ain't never gonna forgive you!!


My personal army of Wakiji-- gone up in flames! TENKAAAAAAI!!





K-Kohran! Calm down!


Hold her back! Don't let her charge forward!


Wouldn't it be a lot easier if we just let--


It won't, Captain.




If we beat Tenkai NOW, we would just end up in the second stage of the game, with a super-powered all-new antagonist and a bunch of powered-up enemy robots to fight. Just trust me on this.



Then do so if you pososibly can! These shall be your opponents!! Come! Imperial Assault Force!!




Tenkai disappears because he isn't man enough to take his beatings.


... oh.

Or, y'know, or it could just be because that he knows full well how much damage two bosses at the same time will do.







Captain, there are two of the enemy.


Holy shit, Maria, really? I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED.


... let me finish.



Let us split the brigade into two groups and fight them simultaneously.


Right, everyone! We're destroying the demon-driven mechanical soldiers!!




Wait, why on Earth is this a good idea? We could barely take them down as a whole group, do you really think that four and three will have any chance in hell against these guys!?


Would you rather get boxed in and pieced apart by two brothers acting in tandem?


If they could do so, they'd have fought in tandem from the very beginning!


Regardless, Captain, I am the one in charge here, so you would do best to listen to what I say.




... waitasec.


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