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It's first part of the battle! Look out, Shiba Park, here we come.

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The Earth orbits the sun, the moon orbits the Earth, the sky is above our heads, the ground is beneath our feet, and Ogami goes first.

Probably a good idea to make sure that Kohran doesn't die 'orribly. In any case...

This is the same stage as in Kohran's very first introduction; this time, instead of starting from the very bottom of a hill and having to work our way up, it's the other way around.

Furthermore, it's the usual assortment of gun-and-sword Wakiji, along with a scattering of those damn Fire Arrow cannons.

Anyways, because I promised that I'd show you guys this stuff, have some stats.

Ogami. For the most part, he's pretty well-balanced; there's no one base stat that he's lacking in.

The only problem is that there's not nearly enough space for some of the translations, as you can see by R.K. Mekkyaku KokuC Musou.

With the appropriate trust levels backing her up, Kanna is nothing less than an offense-oriented beast.

Surprisingly enough, for a melee-oriented character, Sakura's kind of so-so; however, as I keep mentioning, her final attack more than makes up for that.

Kohran appears to be Sakura's statistical twin. This isn't exactly a problem; she's not meant to be on the front lines, and her normal attack is a ranged area of effect.

Iris isn't exactly meant for straight-out fighting-- she's the healer, after all, and her strength is in her zero-collision teleporting mobility.

And yes, I'm as worried about that special attack name as you guys likely are.

Defense? Maria doesn't need no stinkin' defense; she's got more range than KOHRAN, for chrissakes.


Good lord, no wonder Sumire keeps getting shafted all the time.

Anyways, let's beam back to base and see what the Transmission gets us.

... that's it.

It sounds kind of like something an evil villain would say, but.

Well, who am I to argue?

Annoyingly enough, Kohran hasn't changed at all from the first battle.

Kanna's out tankin'.

... as is Sakura. On hindsight, this may not be a good idea.

The focal point of the chapter!

It'd be a TAD bit more convenient if Kohran's blue funk weren't causing her to, once again, be unable to unleash her final attack right off the bat. (Granted, her final attack has a tiny radius compared to her normal attack, so...)

The end result's the same, though.


I'm sorry...

The enemy attacks Kohran, only to be discouraged by...?


Whose powers of protection seem to be getting more and more mystic every time I watch him.


Sakura kind of steals all the tanking thunder from Kanna.


Which is perfectly alright, because they... don't seem to be doing as much damage as before.

This may be because Ogami actually has had time to get those trust levels built up.


By some miracle, Iris isn't blushing like a girl twice her age!

She proceeds to completely own the Wakiji standing next to Ogami...

And Maria joins 'em on the western front.


Maria, I couldn't help but notice, but... is there any particular reason you keep pointing your gun in this direction?


To make sure that Iris comes to no harm. You entered a little girl's room while she was sleeping, Captain.


What? But I won't-- wait, SHE'S stronger than I am, shouldn't yo--


I am also ensuring that she does not harm you as well, Captain.


Okay... so if you're protecting both of us from the other person's possible inappropriate advances, you're just going to shoot whoever makes the first move?


Not quite. Should either of you initiate anything untowards, I'm just going to shoot both of you.


... is this where I should be begging forgiveness for leaving you alone with Tsubaki?


Start groveling, you enemy of women everywhere.


Do I even have to mention that she's the last to go?

Regardless, she's helpin' Kohran on the eastern front.

If by "help", you mean "hits the enemy once."




And then...

LOTS of time passes. People move around.

More specifically...

Kanna gravitates towards the largest concentration of delectably killable enemies remaining Wakiji, at the very bottom of the park.

Sakura, uh, cuts the air so hard that the usual burst of spiritual cherry blossom energy slices up a few bitches.


Sakura~, why does your Oaker Hoesheen have all those flower petals flowing outwards like that?


Those are cherry blossoms, Iris-- it's symbolic AND it's a play on words! See, it's Sakura! And it's called Ouka Houshin.


Hmmm... so if you were named something like Kitty Shinguji, what would happen to your final attack?




Would there be kitties and stuff flying around!?




Father... mother... I never thought that I would be grateful for my name, but thank you so much.


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