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Well, that's good to--


Wha-- what do you mean, "just"? Which parts of this was MY fault!?


Well, you're a dick, Oniichan!


Iris, this isn't the time to be adorably adopting mannerisms from the adults around you, this is the time to help soothe my shattered ego.


I coul--


No double entendres or euphemisms or misinterpreting that in any way.


Not even--





I mean, Iris... made trouble for Kohran too...


Iris... you were awake?


No... it was because I heard Oniichan's voice...

Okay, I'll admit, I kind of awwwww'd.


Thank you... Iris.

... which kind of shriveled up and died away in the face of nauseatingly semi-demi-romantic undertones.


... she fell asleep, huh. But this time, she's smiling in her sleep.
Good night... Iris. Pleasant dreams.

We all know what's in the salon!


... and she's yawning.


H, hi... Sumire-kun. You look sleepy.


Sorry... I wasn't meaning to see it, but...

I suppose watching people yawn is considered horrifically impolite.



... once again, the third option reveals more about the state of Ogami's mind than I could ever want to know.

Rule of thumb when facing Sumire: if none of the choices look at all intelligent, chances are you're not supposed to answer.





And thus began the most asinine conversation you'll ever see in the entire game.




Any concern about me is... unnecessary.


I see...


Thank you... but the Manager has called for me, so...


I see... well, perhaps next time.


Right then... I'll be going now.



After all this time, the one chance we get to see Sumire actually sitting in the salon-- THE PLACE WHERE GOD INTENDED HER TO BE SITTING-- just so happens to be ridiculously awkward.

Anyways, kitchen.



... are you still sore about that whole shirtless thing back there?


Yes, Mr. Sexual Offender.


Didn't they clear things up?


Kasumi told me that all men become animals who feast upon the succulent flesh of young women and pilfer their virgin oil once they are of the age of consent and are married.


... and what did Kanna say?


That it all works out in the end because all girls have an anti-surprise-sex goblin that lives in their thingamajiggies, donchaknow, with razor sharp teeth and a red-hot poker.


... chrissakes. When Iris gets older, I'm not letting anyone other than Ayame-san give her The Talk.



Was it your turn to make breakfast today, Sakura-kun...?


Ah, I see...




I don't think so, Ogami-san.


... it's really the most that any of us could hope for at this point.



Kohran's probably pretty hungry, so... I wanted to make something she likes, but.


Because she never says if she likes or dislikes anything, and she always eats it all without leaving anything behind...

"Welcome home, dear! Would you like to have dinner first? Or a bath? Or perhaps... me...?"


Let's see...

Not hot-blooded enough.



... cooking is an expression of love. Whatever kind of food you make, as long as you put your heart into it, it'll be fine.

Not literally, of course.


As long as I put my heart into it, I'll be able to cook something that will make her happy!


You AREN'T going to take off your shirt and do indecent things in my general direction at the slightest provocation, right?


... what the hell do you think I -am-?


Someone whose body moved on its own towards the bath about five or six times?


Other than that. OTHER than that.



It looks like you understand... that love is the true essence of cooking.

Naval Officer. Master Cook. Martial Artist. Mecha Pilot. Piano and Cello Player. Master Waxer. What CAN'T Ogami do?


Aah, do your best. I'll... think of something for Kohran, too.


And I'm worried about Kohran, but it seems like it'll be better to leave it to you, Ogami-san...

Oh c'mon, not you too!? Why is Ogami always the dump stat around here?


... I got it. Seeya, Sakura-kun.


Thankfully, it's right next door.

NEXT TIME: Cameo Video Time!

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