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Last time, on SAKURA WARS!

Having abandoned Maria to her grisly, possibly too-hot-to-be-broadcast-on-television fate, Ogami sprints to the courtyard to see if he couldn't possibly get a better view of the proceedings!

Of course, he didn't count on running into Kanna.

... 's outstretched fist.


Oh, Kanna. You're really into that fighting spirit today, aren't you.


What!? Every time I do, I break bones that I--




-- YOU break bones that I never even knew I had! Besides, Maria's presently getting somethinged by Tsubaki! Why in the world would I want to spar with you again?


Weeeell, first off, Maria's fine, she's got an anti-rape goblin protectin' her. Secondly--


You, uh, you lost me at 'firstly,' what--


Her gun, silly. Now where was I-- right, secondly, I'm the main reason why Sakura's willing to talk to you and not shank you on sight, so I think you owe me somethin'.


Well, I, uh. Couldn't you let me pay some other way? Gimme a break here!


Sure. Arm or leg?



Alright, let's do it!

And from the way things are turning out, Ogami's going to be running into Kanna's outstretched fist repeatedly.

Hey, that doesn't sound too bad.

Granted, I'm kind of miffed that she didn't ever ask whether Ogami wanted to be on O or D in any of the PREVIOUS training sessions, but I'll take what I can get-- the fewer broken bones, the better.


Right, here I go!


I gotta say, Captain, you've got the damn weirdest way of charging up chi I've seen in a long time.


It, it just works for me, alright?


It just looks like a steam-powered game pad to me, that's all I'm saying.



How's this!

... she says, catching it in her fist.

Guess we gotta try harder?




Not bad, Captain! Let's see the next one!!


C'mon, gimme more! MORE!!






A-alright, who am I to get between a junkie and her entire reason for living?





Whoop, that was dangerous... heheh! This's really heatin' up!!

You ain't seen nothing yet! How about--



Let's go!


Whoa whoa... crap!


Kanna's legs are wide open! Now's my chance to attack!! Here...


Got you! Deryaaaaah!!


Ch', not bad, Captain. I'll make use of that strength, Captain... here we go, Super Rinpai!!


HEY WAIT you never said anything about YOU attacking!?


You never told ME you were gonna whip out SEVEN buttons! And you even trained up an awesome battle cry!!


Wha-- you're supposed to TRAIN battle cries?


Less talk more gratuitous one-sided violence!



Here it comes!

You've got a split-second to guard yourself as best you can...

But lo and behold, Ogami puts up a damn good defense!



Great! I've stopped it perfectly!!


All those weeks of getting hit by trains as practice finally paid off!!


C'mon, Captain, are you serious? Just trains?


Yeah, I know, I couldn't find anything that packed more punch.



No no no... Kanna, your Super Rinpai was extremely good, too.


Aah, by all means.

And with multiple final attacks under his belt, Ogami will be unstoppable.


Ogami was mildly surprised when that slipped out of his mouth (the first bit, not the part about going somewhere else). He honestly DID enjoy sparring with Kanna, and not just because it kept his blood pumping, his adrenaline running, and his sense of danger finely honed!

... sonnuvabitch, not her too. The theater can't handle two moping pilots at once.



Iris... are you awake yet?

Saying things like "Gee, I wonder if she's awake HEY ARE YOU AWAKE IN THERE I WONDER?" is kind of a self-fulfilling statement there, Ogami.

Hi ho, into the lion's den once again. What horrors await--


I want everyone... to be... together...


Iris... is she crying in her sleep...?

Fine, fine, this isn't so much horrific as it is kind of awkward. I mean, how does one respond to something as heartrending as--

-- wh--


The sheer incomprehensibility of the third choice and everything that it implies about the nature of the game, the game developers, and the target audience broke my mind and stalled my hand.




Iris... I'm sorry. We've made you worry, haven't we.
If I'd... done a better job...

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