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For the first and only time, Ogami rushes into the Manager's Office without bothering to knock or announce the fact that he is, indeed, standing in front of said office and he wonders if Manager Yoneda is in, etc etc.


Oh snap, you guys know what time it is?


Expository video! Choose your poison: one is in English, but has ugly yellow subtitles, while the other is the "clean" version, but is in moonspeak.

Google Version - With Subtitles!
Google Version - No Subtitles!








... Commander, weren't you going to start the projector?


I didn't think you were gonna close the curtains BEFORE I could even stand up.


Screw it. Ogami-kun, could you?


Yeah, yeah.




I thought YOU guys wanted to show ME this movie, so why'm I stuck manning the projector?



... and I don't even get a seat!?


Mind passin' the popcorn, Ogami?


I'm not some theater employ--


Oh. Right.


Shhh, it's starting. Also, pass me a soda, will you? Don't forget to sweep under the seats.


God, I'm never coming to one of your movie showings ever again.



Haha, stupid foreigners can't even spell 'roll' correctly.


This IS a foreign movie in another language, sir.


Pfff, foreign. That just means that the barstuds didn't have the decency to make it in good ol' Japanese English.


Sir, the movie's starting.



This is...


Hey, willya lookit that-- rudimentary humanoid steam tanks.


Footage from the European War.

... which seem to be totally owning the boring, conventional, and most importantly armless tanks.


And... the children getting into their spirit armor are... the Star Division.
An experimental brigade created before the formation of the Flower Division.

The first pilot! Who is blond-haired and thus probably British or American or Russian.

The second pilot, who has silver hair and thus can never be trusted under any circumstances 'cause, y'know, silver hair.

And the third pilot is all purple and exotic-looking, so she's probably ladylike or imperious or--


Sir, as fascinating as your in-depth analysis of each pilot is, we could really do without your running commentary.


Spoilsport. Weren't you the one mouthing off during Maria's flashback a few months ago?


Wha-- how do you even KNOW about that?


Old man's intuition, m'boy.



The Star Division... THESE children!?


... aren't there supposed to be five? What about the other two?


Shut up, they're not important yet.


And the mysterious spirit armor units take off, never you mind the fact that they haven't got anything equipped to propel themselves that far up.


They touch down again pretty quickly.

FUN FACT: these units are an older model of spirit armor, predating the Koubu. In addition to having oddly-shaped eyes and a huge, rotating, Y-shaped battery unit on the back (if I recall correctly), they're called "Eisenkleid" (lit. 'Iron Dress') units 'cause they're made by FOREIGN.

But don't worry, you can afford to forget all that 'til one of the sequels.


Purple unit has pointer finger lasers, so it's kind of awesome.


Teal unit is deflecting bullets with a motherfucking lance.


And it actually uses it to completely pulverize one of those antique tanks.

As for the white unit...



It has dinky little mech-scaled throwing knives.

... which are apparently much more powerful than they appear, so it's best not to laugh at it.



The three out of five pilots, who will not end up being important characters in any of the later games and/or OVAs just because they're blatantly singled out in this FMV.

[Scientist 1]

So, uh. Whaddaya think? Can we make the Star Division an official brigade?

[Scientist 2]

Well, in addition to being frighteningly strong, they've demonstrated a deplorable approach to warfare that points to a casual dismissal of any sort of assumed value to human life and/or property damage.

[Scientist 1]


[Scientist 2]

They've also destroyed the town they were supposed to be protecting AND, in a hideous shower of blood-- rather, in a conglomerate of showers made up of individual showers of blood-- everyone living in it.

[Scientist 1]

So... that's a yes, right?

[Scientist 2]



[Scientist 1]


[Scientist 2]

Eh, don't sweat it, it was a good effort. A little less slaughter and it would've been greenlighted, I think.

[Scientist 1]

What if someone else picks up on this idea?

[Scientist 2]

Hah! You remember how hard it was just to get pilots with high enough levels of spiritual energy, right? With the ratio of spiritually-inclined men to women being what it is, you'd end up with six women to one man. Who'd be dumb enough to try something as risky and potentially world-shattering as THAT?

[Scientist 1]

... the Japanese?

[Scientist 2]

Even THEY couldn't be that dumb. Now shut up and help me clip the rest of these cards.



Just these five people displayed enough spiritual energy to destroy an entire town....



... but the brigade was quickly dissolved.



That was different from the assault force that I had in mind.

For one thing, Yoneda probably doesn't want any Division to be used as weapons against other people.


And y'know...


Kohran saw this footage almost every day.


... are you seriously syncing this conversation up with the increasingly evil-looking pictures of the Star Division?


Why in God's name would you think that I'd pass up a chance like this? Now hush up and let me wax eloquently.




She kept watching it while crying.


You recorded her sitting alone in a room and crying her heart out? ... why!?


To tug at the viewer's heartstrings! You always gotta prepare these things ahead of time, m'boy, you never know when you'll need an exposition dump.




Now sit down and keep watching, we've got half an hour left of Kohran sobbing and wailing, accompanied by fade-ins to the Star Division ruthlessly tearing apart manned tanks.


... that's it, I'm turning this thing off.


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