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Oh, rest assured, I can most CERTAINLY do more than make you blush. If you know what I mean.

, etc.

It's just too easy.




... well, there is nothing wrong with your breathing, so... hmm... there are no problems.


Welp... naturally, this IS the Captain.


.... just out of curiosity, exactly what kind of freakish superhuman do you think I AM, Kanna?


One hale and healthy enough to survive everything this theater's had to throw at you?


It was an "adapt or die" situation, Kanna.


You didn't give up the ghost though, right?





So... Kasumi. How's the Captain's body?


That's great. But you should care for your health a little more, okay?


Aah... that's right. I've got to be more careful.


Aah, thanks... Kasumi-kun....

I'm surprised! Nothing sketchy or untoward happened to anyone involved in this little shirtless sketch--



Wh.. what was that!?




Wh-what about Kanna? Why didn't you mention her?



And the thought of Kanna being involved of ANY sort of semi-demi-sexual act with Ogami and Kasumi at the same time was so horrifying that Sakura's mind blanked out Kanna's existence as a self-defense mechanism.

Thus, she flees.



The early bird gets the worm!!


Sakura-kun! Please wait for me!!

Here, though,

It just means that Ogami's made a horrific miscalculation.



W-what are you planning to do to me, looking like that---!?


Eh? Th-this is um well you know....

Sakura flees, utterly horrified by the sight of A MAN WITHOUT HIS SHIRT OH GOD IT'S A MAN GYAAAAAAAAAH.

I... I guess 1923 sensibilities take precedence over freakish stalker-level adoration?



Kanna... thanks.


Just leave Sakura to me. I'll make sure to talk to her and get this cleared up.

Kanna: a real man among men.


Thanks... Kanna, Kasumi-kun... I'm counting on you.



Now to make sure that Ogami's properly tucked his shirt into his pants!


Good morning, Tsubaki-chan. You seem quite perky this morning, huh.


At six o' clock in the morning, even the most ardent of morning persons should be grumbling and groaning for their first cup of coffee.


Well, I'm a little kid young woman with more than enough energy to spare! What about you, Ogami-san, why aren't YOU at all sleepy-looking?


Oh, it's just the usual fear that's keeping me awake.


Of what?





Ah, yes! Please leave that there!!


Tsubaki, please come here for a moment. I'd like you to help tidy up these shelves.


Who's helping who again?


It's a small price to pay~! Hehehehe.



I got it... I'll do my best to not talk about it.

Tsubaki's so innocent and cheerful that anything Kohran does will probably scar the poor girl for life.


Um, Tsubaki-chan...

Time to change the subject!


Eh... th, that's not... that doesn't have anything to do with you, doesn't it, Ogami-san?


oh snap.




U, um... it wouldn't be good for me to intrude on this, so I'll just be going now...


Maria-sa~n... I've got a favor to ask of you... could you hear me out~?

Ogami weighed Maria's life and her worth against his own desire for self-preservation.

Which is more important?


Maria... do your best.



See? ... that's what Ogami-san says, so...


Eh... T-Tsubaki!?



See, over here~...


Tsubaki... you're still half-asleep, right? That's right! That's why, right!?


(I... looks like it'd be better for me to be somewhere else. Maria... I'd best abandon her.)


... Captain, you heartless bastard--!

Rest in peace, Maria.

Meanwhile, we're heading over to the courtyard so that we can get a good view of the dressing room through the window.

NEXT TIME: We might even be able to finish the entire daily rounds!

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