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Yup... she certainly doesn't seem to have her usual energy, huh...


It might be better to let her rest as much as possible today.



As usual with Maria, it's the two-choices-kill-you-one-choice-lets-you-live setup.


I got it... I'll keep that in mind. I'm worried about her, too.


Then I'm leaving it to you.




You could've just TOLD me that you wanted to talk to me the normal, non-violent way. Also, you tend to leave a lot of matters up to me, Maria.


... for instance, the mental wellbeing of every pilot in the brigade, which in turn will determine the fate of Japan, is now my responsibility.


Sounds about right.


... why do you do this, Maria?






Better you than me, Captain.


Sunnova-- not even Kanna can jump over this wall.



Sakura punches it once for minimal damage.

And Kohran finishes what Sakura's started...

With miniature robots that EXPLODE.


Suddenly, designing the chibi-robos to be continuously reconstructed and forced to relive the most horrifyingly painful moments of their short episodic existence for all eternity didn't seem like such a good idea.

One more kill later...


What's wrong, Kohran? Are you not feeling well?


I'm already... I don't want to fight anymore...




(C'mon, Ogami, this is your chance to see what's wrong with Kohran! You're the man! You can totally snap her out of her funk! You--)


(W-wait, did Kohran just say that she didn't want to blow shit up anymore? Didn't... want to blow shit up... she...)






What's the matter, Kohran? That you'd say something like that...




... Kohran?


Nah... ferget it. Ah'm goin' back to th' battle...


... what's wrong? Kohran's really acting strange...

No change to her trust level.

Kohran ends her turn by shielding herself. There stands the final Wakiji.


... which, as though drawn by her empathy with robots, her stress, and her pain, keeps attacking her, as if it KNOWS that it's breaking Kohran to make her kill robots.

Sure, they suck at making actual plans, but boy does the Hive of Darkness know how to build a mean mech.

And Maria...



... doesn't kill the Wakiji straight out, but uses her Special Attack, which has its own effect.

In addition to doing damage....

... it lowers attack.

On hindsight, I wouldn't have used it, but I had absolutely no idea what it does and had absolutely no qualms about using the last Wakiji as a guinea pig for the strongest mecha brigade in Sakura Wars.


Rest in peace, little fella.


She proves it by popping the robot...

And that's the end of THAT. Huzzah!

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