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Same deal as last time.

Motion is fairly key to this part of the game.


But first, despite the angry enemy robo-things doddering around, there's always time for everyone's favorite section of vidya gaems:

The on-the-fly tutorial!


I believe that you've been reading the operating manual, but...

While riding the robot in question, which in turn was being carried by a train that ran without tracks and proceeded to barf us all out FOUR STORIES UP IN THE AIR.... yes, I think I managed to get past the table of contents.


Would you require me to instruct you on how to move around?

Lady, if I didn't at least know how to make the damn thing MOVE, I think my Koubu would be a crater in the ground.

I think I can afford to throw away my pride and dignity to learn how to keep myself alive, yeah.


Aaah, please, by all means. I'd like to hear it again to make sure I've got it right.

Yeah, the battlefield WOULD be a horrible place to find out that you've got the brake and the gas pedal mixed up.


.... understood. In that case, we shall show you the basics. Please watch us carefully.


I'm certain that the evil demonic man and the Wakiji will be kind enough to wait over there and continue terrorizing the populace and their concession stands while we teach our esteemed leader how to put one foot in front of the other.


... look, if you guys really don't want to do this...

First of all, Sakura-- let's start with you.


Okay, understood!

Pink is Sakura's color, and she wields a wicked sword.


Now, the badass entrance pose is key to ANYTHING you do. Understand? And see how I kicked up a flurry of cherry blossoms with my sword? You'll learn to do stuff like that even if there AREN'T any cherry blossoms around--


Sakura-kun, can... can I just get the walking lessons first? Please?

As you can see, Sakura walked forward, eating up her action gauge as she goes.

I left out the whole "walking to the back, to the left, and to the right" of the demonstration. The action gauge only decreases when you go FARTHER from your starting point, so you can conceivably backtrack, run around obstacles, or even run around in circles for as long as you like- just as long as you don't take an action.

Or as Maria explains it...


Now, Sakura! Attack!!



Center the target, press the switch.

Circle button!

Circle button!


You press the circle button to make the Koubu attack, and can keep pressing it to keep hitting the enemy. Each hit eats a block of the action gauge- if you have enough blocks, you can throw in a maximum of five hits in one go. Naturally, you want to throw in as many hits as possible 'cause it does a fuckton of damage.

He's down...

... and as Sakura's gauge is empty, she ends her turn, hitting the 'Finish' button. Maria says pretty much what I just said, so I'll pass up on this part.


Hmhmhm.... at last, it is the star performer's stage entrance.

Yes, yes, we know, just--


Now, feast your eyes upon the intricacies of my magnificent, high-class performance.


After she lights Ogami's head on fire with her naginata...

... Sumire walks to the end of her movement range, running out of action gauge before she can actually attack.

Then, for some incomprehensible reason, she ends her turn instead of walking back and just defending.


Sumire... you have to stop there and wait for the next order.


I suppose it cannot be helped. In that case, my movement phase ends here.


Even if your action gauge isn't completely depleted, you can end your phase, so....
Please respond accordingly to the situation and arrange all members in strategic locations.

Case in point:

Sumire gets pwned because she ended her phase within easy reach of an enemy. Without defending.




H, how dare you.... you are a million years too early if you intend to disable my Koubu!


Are you alright, Sumire-san? I'm coming over now to help repair your Koubu.

The triangle button is 'Heal'. Doing so takes a LOT out of the action gauge, but..

Bam! Healbot'd. Sumire's blue HP bar goes back up.


Ensign... have you come to understand this?
Koubus come equipped with a function that allows them to repair their durability ratings...

The duct tape dispenser, the already-been-chewed-gum gun, and the spit-swabber.

... which is not limited to one's own unit, and allows one to repair a neighboring ally's Koubu.
Furthermore, it is possible to take defensive action and lessen the damage received from enemy units.


That units designated as evil underlings would dare to injure this Koubu of mine....
Even if the heavens grant you pardon, I shall never forgive you!

The 'x' button allows you to...

... charge up your spirit gauge, which is basically your limit break gauge.


Ensign Ogami. As you can see, one's spirit gauge goes up after taking damage from an enemy, but...
... also, as Sumire just demonstrated, you are also able to boost your own spirit gauge.
And, once your spirit gauge has hit its limit, you become able to release your final attack!

If your gauge is full, just hit the 'x' button--

-- which, in this case, turns your normal attack into---

The "Kanzaki Whirlwind Style.... DANCE OF THE BUTTERFLY!"


The special attacks in this game are very, very nice. Especially the mini-FMVs.

Yes, congrats, you blew your final attack on a grunt.


... this is everything that we are able to teach you.


Our tutorial concludes here, with Sumire's unit having incurred a few hundred thousand yen worth of damage for no reason whatsoever, as demon-driven mechanical soldiers continue turning Ueno Park into a pile of matchsticks. I hope you're happy, Ensign.


Sorry, could you guys go through this stuff again? I think I fell asleep.


... that's it, I'm taking command.


Aah, thanks. With this... I feel that I'll be able to make it work out somehow.




Er, uh, I mean... yes'm, I most DEFINITELY got it.


Now then, Ensign.... we are relying on you to give us precise commands.


Alright, first we destroy the demon-driven mechanical soldiers, 'Wakiji'!! Let's go, everyone!


... ... ...


... look, they can't ALL be amazing flashes of inspiration, alright?




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