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seorin posted:

If this is a reference to "A cat is fine, too" then the circle will be complete.

Most definitely. I traversed around 4chan for a while before I signed up for the SA forums.


Also, I can't believe Sumire is wielding a giant fucking naginata My vote for her is that much less likely to change. Besides, she shows the most cleavage.

This game looks bad ass, and I love steampunk besides. Never before have I more desperately wanted to understand Japanese.

Apparently, the Kanzaki family tradition not only consists of being horribly rich, but of being horribly rich while creating giant firestorms with a naginata. Though, yes, if you can get past her prickly cactus thorns, Sumire IS a great character.

novaSphere posted:

Speaking of Kanna, has anyone seen her Voice Actress live, especially standing next to the rest of the cast? It's absolutely hilarious to see--she's actually shorter than the rest of the team, including Iris, but she's still got her bold voice and personality. It's really, really strange.

I've seen a few videos on YouTube. Kanna's voice actress is about twenty shades of awesome. She's got a snappy sense of humor and a ridiculously lively and boisterous voice-- and she's more like a hilarious older aunt than your typical VA.

That she's short beyond any hope makes stage productions interesting. They try to make her seem buff like Kanna by giving her shoulderpads, but it doesn't really help.


I love this fucking series.

Spuzz posted:

I don't know how I have missed this thread for so long. I've always wanted these games to be translated. I vote for Maria since she seems the most stable so far.

It seems pretty close between Maria and Sumire! I wouldn't know, because I haven't actually started tallying the votes thus far.

Glazius posted:

So is this grid-based or are we looking at actual free-range movement here? That is, can you cheat your action gauge by tweaking out a few fractions of a step and then still unload a full attack?

Free-range, though if you go to the menu, you can see that each character's max movement is confined to more of a circle than a grid. It still measures the distance traveled, however, so the action gauge can't really be cheated. I only tweak around if I note that an enemy (or multiple enemies, with some characters) can get targeted if you turn just right.


I note that Action Movie Rule 26 is in full effect: "even if the impact isn't strong, even if neither thing involved could possibly combust, when two objects collide there's a screenful of explosion". Or were those all fireworks stands?

I think that most of the useless little doodads that you can waste time destroying- snack stands, cars, etc- all explode, even if it's not entirely possible for them to.


Also, forget the mecha suits, the real hero here is piloting Rolling Thunder. Then again the tracks were probably just laid out by Diddy Kong rules - keep going full throttle and you'll never miss a jump.

I personally like to think that the engineering team made the grave mistake of allowing Yoneda to look over the final blueprints... while he was drunk off his ass.


*Hic* D'you, d'you know what'd be fuckawesome? JUMPSH. Here, here, an'... oh, y'know, here.


B-but sir, you... you just took a pocketknife and cut out bits of the blueprint at random--




Y... yessir.


Couple more questions:

I notice that despite the earlier slap fight and Sakura being inside the Doom Flower, Sumire only took out the mook. I'm guessing there's no friendly fire?

Oh GOD no. Given how many of the characters have AOE final attacks, that'd make the game hellish.


And how the heck does Tachibana work? Is her sniper rifle a normal attack with a giant range, or does she snipe entirely through special attacks?

Characters have different normal attack patterns- for instance, Sumire's attack is short-ranged but elongated, while Sakura's was just one enemy.

So, yes, Maria's normal attack is single-targeting-- at giant range (no minimum range, however).

Bakanogami posted:

Rolling Thunder!

Would just like to put my vote in for anybody but Iris. I like Sakura, Maria, Kanna, and so on are cool, and even Sumire is alright. (Naginata yaaaaaay!) I would just like to see you mistreat and neglect Iris as much as the game will physically allow.

I'll keep that in mind!


Same here, though I think that some of the SRW games would take first priority, since they've only translated the OGs IIRC.

I would kill for an English translation and/or port of SRW's Alpha series. And the PS2 OGs.

Thuryl posted:

There are also fan translations of SRW and SRW3 (by Aeon Genesis, so you know they're good), and AG have about half a dozen other SRW games on the backburner. I don't think you're ever going to see official translations of a SRW game besides the OGs, for legal reasons if nothing else -- sorting out all the intellectual property issues would be a nightmare.

Not to mention the inevitable English dubbing.

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