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Meanwhile, on the northern front, one lone sniper Wakiji takes his shot.


Ogami guards Kanna! No lovey-dovey message this time, though.


Wha-- why didn't y'all do that t' ME when I was gettin' my ass handed t' me!?


I'm sorry! I would've, had I known that they were all going to mass on you like that!![/b]




Look, it's hard to explain, alright!? I have to /visualize/ you before I can do that whole Protect thing.


And only immediately before or after I move.


... and I can only do it three times per battle.


Don't worry Ogami-han, I'm sure that there're other men out there with problems like yours--


... I really hope not. I wouldn't want to wish my fate on anyone else.


As for the second Wakiji...

Seems like the Protect was just enough to push Kanna over to the realm of the lovey-dovey.

The third Wakiji burns up the last of Ogami's Protect charges. On the plus side, Kohran is almost dead due to Ogami's criminal levels of negligence all three Wakiji are easier for us to reach!


Don't expect me to hold back.


Naturally, she runs out of action gauge before she can even get within range of the enemy.


Just enough to squeeze out a Snowmaiden, but--

I decided to save it until I can actually hit a group of units with it.

End result: Maria holds back.

Yes, I am still kind of horrified that they never bother typing in Iris's full name.

If there ever was one person who needed a full heal, it's Kohran.




Attagirl, Iris, you remembered to truncate your final attack name!


Am going to marry Oniichan when we get b--


On second thought, your final attack name is now "Z" so that we can avoid any abuses of an attack name that corresponds to a pronoun.


Awwww. Killjoy.


And that's enough of that. All three are healed!


Are you prepared to applaud?


Sumire actually gets within range of one of the Wakiji.

She even pulls off a combination attack!

"Hurry up and come over here!"

"Outta the way!"

Not that the dialogue is very, y'know, combination-like in nature.


NORMALLY, that would kill a Wakiji. Here, it's just barely not enough. So in addition to having a boost to attack, they've got a small boost to defense, it seems.

Ogami's turn again! I send him flying to the north.




Ah! ... no, it's nothin'...

Once again, Kohran flinches whenever a robot dies.

Kanna can clean this guy's clock in four hits.

Realizing this, the Wakiji saves her the trouble and just self-destructs.


Heheheh! When I'm with the Captain, I don't feel that I could lose!

The last Wakiji gets the special treatment.






Look, it's just not the same if I can't belt out a good "TERIYAAAAAAAAH" or "HOWACHAAAAAA" to go with it, y'know?


Fine. Fine! Go ahead, I give up.



Finally got off my lazy ass and translated these stats. I'll whip out a translation of every character's stats when the boss battle rolls around, I promise.

Here... well, it's pretty easy to see that Kanna is an embodiment of her "the best defense is punching someone in the face until they die first" strategy.

Sakura's turn again. I send her scurrying over towards the bridge.

... squeeze a bit 'cause Kohran's blocking the way like a huge lump...

And, uh, guard, 'cause that's all she can do with the action gauge she has left.

NEXT TIME: The rest of the battle!

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