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Part one of the battle. 'Bout nine minutes worth of ass-kickings.

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Ogami always goes first, 'cause he's the leader and everyone just finds it so heartening when he dashes out ahead and gets blasted to pieces by the enemy and/or whatever traps are lying in wait for them.

Interesting fact: it's somehow an automatic game over if Ogami falls in battle, almost as if his defeat would stop the six other perfectly capable and much stronger pilots from clearing the stage by themselves.

... no, I don't know why either, so stop looking at me like that.

Anyway, the layout of the level is the exact same as the game's very first stage...

The only difference is that we start on the opposite end of the map. The little ledge that was our starting point in the FIRST stage is currently occupied by a trio of snipers.

And almost directly to our left is a bunch MORE snipers and a few swordsmen. It's not a particularly heavy load of enemies.

Slap up a protect on Kanna...

Waltz up to the nearest Wakiji...

And that's the first Wakiji down, right off the bat. This stage won't take very l--


Scratch that. It's... it's going to be a long, long fight.

Kanna's turn, which starts with a big burst of fire that blinds everyone whose eyes had just finished adjusting to the nighttime gloom.

Let's hear if the folks at base have anything to say about this mission.




... that's it? No pointers? No tactics? No nothing?


Ogami-san, it would be more grammatically correct to say 'no anything', since 'no nothing' is, I believe, a double negative, so--


... give me my wasted thirty-five seconds back.


Kanna's turn ends without her killing anything. She's gonna help soak up damage.


Sakura Shinguji has arrived!


Wait! Sakura-kun, you're about to do your Haja Kensei Ouka Houshin, right?


Yup! Destroyer of Evil's Conquering Sword, Cherry Blossom's Divine Releas--


No, fuck that, you're calling it "S" now.




Look, haven't you ever thought about how much time we're all wasting when we sit around and shout out our ridiculously long attack names? Captain's orders, you're calling it "S" now.


But, but that's--


Fine, you can have "Sa" so that we don't confuse your attack with Sumire's "Su," but that's as far as I'm going to go. Chop chop, let's get going.






See? Isn't that a lot better?


M, my final attack name...


You're a horrible human being, Captain.


Yeah, but this way, I'll at least be a time-efficient horrible human being.


And the rest of Sakura's turn is spent charging up her spirit gauge.

Posing with a bunch of cute widdle robots is SRS BUSINESS.

And regardless, Kohran just kind of sits there and guards.


Just in time for the Wakiji to charge in and start attacking, blasting her with four hits.

Eh, she'll probably survive. I mean, these are the WAKIJI we're talking about here, after all.

See? It only chunked off about four HP WHAT THE HELL A QUARTER OF HER LIFE

The second gun-type Wakiji pitches in for five hits.

... and that's, that's about half of her life gone.

This can't be happening. We are seeing airborne animals of a porcine nature, and purgatory is experiencing a sudden drop in temperature, what the fuck is going on.


Kohran, you're not giving up and letting them tear you apart, are you...?


HELL NO! Do I LOOK that far gone to ya!? You saw me! I put up my guard!


Wait, then...


They're gettin' as serious as we are!


... they're flirting with each other during battle and holding tea parties?


Okay, bad turn o' phrase. I MEANT that they're gettin' serious.




It's not a fluke, Kohran is legitimately getting her ass kicked. We shouldn't be seeing these kinds of numbers even if her trust level was rock-bottom, and she's actually doing pretty well with trust bonuses.

... this could be bad.

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