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We're going to vault into battle once more! Here, have some pilot stats.


... well, they're all so-so. Haven't had much time to DO a lot, and I haven't really focused on any one character-- Kohran's the main star, but she really hasn't been seeing much of any trust level boosts.

Also, I have no idea why Kanna's trust level is as high as Kohran's.


Introduction to the battle, complete with gut-wrenching drama, hot-blooded action, and a ridiculous amount of justice.*

Google Version!
Youtube Version!

*Disclaimer: Does not actually contain drama, action, or justice.

"In the middle of August, 1923, the Hive of Darkness once again decided to lay waste to Ueno Park. Demon-driven mechanical soldiers-- the ever-present Wakiji-- stormed along the peaceful lanes and did a fairly respectable amount of property damage before the Imperial Assault Force could respond.

"As usual, no casualties were reported, other than those typically resulting from the Imperial Flower Division mobilizing its forces. However, the Hive of Darkness launched their strike late at night, forcing the Flower Division to fight in the dark. Equally worrying was that the Wakiji appeared to be moving faster and in a more coordinated fashion than in previous encounters.

"At the time, no one could even begin to foresee what this would eventually entail. Doubly so as certain members were struggling with the problems inherent in fighting at night-- for instance, the little ten year old girl whose bedtime rarely exceeded 9:00 pm."

- Excerpt from the 1977 edition of "Samurai Spirits: The History of the Flower Division," written by M. Sunnyside.


... where a woman can be seen chasing a man through a temple gate.

More telling is that there's this other man at an oden stall who doesn't actually notice the EVIL GIANT ROBOTS stomping around the park--

-- until it's about to chop him right in half, when he suddenly vaults from his seat like an Olympic eat-and-runner.

(Yes, the Wakiji really IS that slow.)

And instead of shooting down the stragglers who're trying to flee the scene...


... the gun-toting Wakiji are shooting up food stalls.

I'd petition for more competent villains, but then I'd probably have to ask for more intelligent protagonists, too.


The Imperial Assault Force arrives on the scene on foot, rather than blasting into the air from their underground/underwater subway train transport of awesome.

Understandable, because there isn't nearly enough sunlight to make an awesome "sunlight glinting off of the robots' gleaming armor" kind of entrance, but regrettable all the same, I'm sure you'll agree.


Captain, if we do not hurry up and destroy the demon-driven mechanical soldiers, the damage is only going to keep spreading.


That's right. They said that the civilians haven't all been evacuated yet, so we've gotta get this cleared up in a jiffy.


(Even so... th' only way t' save the Wakiji is to destroy 'em...)



... define 'starting'.


It could very well start in a little bit, once the Wakiji notice us and decide to--


Ignore us an' keep shootin' those soba stands over there 'til we beat 'em black an' blue.


It could happen!!


Well, y'all let me know when that's happenin', Ah'll jes' keep angstin' until then, 'kay?



You are always such a child, Iris... Ensign, let us get this over with quickly.



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