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You really like the Koubu, don't you. We're relying on you, Kohran.


Yup... I like the Koubu.


But... it's not good to push yourself. How about you turn in for the night and continue again tomorrow?

This might be the only situation where the CORRECT answer to the ages-old "what's more important to you, me or (insert-thing-here)?" question is the "insert-thing-here."


Kohran... what do you mean by that? I'm worrying for your sake, aren't I?
If you collapsed, who would help protect the capital? There's no one who could replace you.


So that's why... back then... when I was told t' make a set for all y'all...







Emergency! Emergency! Demon-driven mechanical soldiers have been spotted in Ueno!! The damage is spreading out of control!
The Imperial Assault Force, Flower Division, is to gather at the strategy command room as quickly as possible!!


Let's go, Kohran! We're going to have to sortie!!


Just as long as they can move! If we don't hurry up and launch, the damage is only going to keep spreading!!



... sorry 'bout that. I was kept late by th' Koubu's maintenance...


Our deepest apologies. Now then... how is the situation at Ueno progressing?


... not good. Since it's so late at night, the evacuation of the populace has been falling behind schedule.


You guys actually bother to evacuate the populace? Don't we always see twenty or thirty people still trying to run away when we arrive?


Yes, those are the poor souls who lose the "who gets to live" lottery.


It's the circle of life! 'Sides, this way we don't need to hire more than three people t' help evacuate citizens, and we save on overhead costs.


Well, uh, at least they all manage to get away somehow, right?


Yeah. Dirty cheating bastards.



If we don't hurry up and defeat the demon-driven mechanical soldiers, the situation is only going to get worse.


Captain, please give the order to launch.


What's the matter, Kohran? We got a report from the maintenance crew sayin' that they just finished.


As long as the Koubu can move, it's fine. You're just arguing over minute details now.


None of this pointless emotional "emo" stuff, we have already used up our quotient for the rest of the game.


But YOU got t' spent your entire chapter on--


For the rest of the game.



That's right, Kohran. If all of us do our best, it'll turn out alright even if the Koubu aren't in top condition.
You think so too, right, Ogami-san? It'll be fine if it's all of us, right?



Ogami didn't have the heart to let down Sakura's frighteningly misplaced confidence, so he changed the topic.


Let's do our best to make up for the Koubu's share of the work, too. Even if they're not in good condition, we can't lose just because of that.


No matter what the reason, we gotta protect the peace of the people; I mean, we're the Imperial Assault Force, after all.


It's that last part that I'm worried about.


Yeah, well, I figure it'll all even out if we protect MOST of their pieces, right? They don't necessarily have to be /whole/.


... and again, THAT last part is enough to rekindle my fear of my teammates



I KNOW that defeatin' th' Hive of Darkness's important, but still...
But still... can't we all take better care of the Koubu when usin' them, even jes' a little bit?

'Sure, we have to make sure that this giant evil organization isn't going to mass murder the entirety of Japan, but let's assume that we'll have the time to THINK OF OUR ROBOTS.'

... on the other hand, we DO talk during battle, hold goddamn tea parties, and flirt with one another...

Yes, I really DO think that we have leisure.


As the Koubu are all machines, if they get broken, all that needs to be done is to fix them. Don't you agree?

... oh god.




... what's wrong, Kohran? You just fell silent all of a sudden...

That was the sound of one mind breaking, you foolish, foolish woman.


Th' Koubu... my Koubu weren't born jes' for th' sake of bein' broken!!


Wh, what are you getting angry about? And all I did was to state the obvious...


Kohran, what's wrong? You're acting weird.


Right now, beating the enemy comes first, doesn't it? Let's hurry up and sortie!


I'll try to fight in a way that'll avoid wrecking the Koubu as much as possible. That'd be fine, wouldn't it, Kohran?




Now then, Captain. Please give the order to sortie.


Er, aah...


Imperial Assault Force, Flower Division, launch! Our destination is Ueno!! Repel the demon-driven mechanical soldiers!



It took five minutes for Sakura to realize that the meeting wasn't over yet, and that everyone was still sitting in the command room.

NEXT TIME: The Battle for Ueno Park! ... again!

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