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Yeah, we can definitely squeeze in one more scene outta these nightly rounds.

We're overclocking Ogami's schedule so hard that he'll be crying for worker's comp.


Kind of, yeah. But getting a full house every day really feels great.


Actually, it kind of makes me feel like I should be getting paid a lot more than I am now.


... you're actually getting paid?


Of course I am! It's just that Manager Yoneda doesn't give me nearly enough peanuts to get me through the week.


... maybe if you got him to pay you with actual currency?


Every time I ask him, he starts throwing Monopoly money at me until I stop moving.



All the pamphlets and things are sold out, but if you're looking for bromides, we still have some.
What will you do? Are you going to buy one?

Eh, why not? I've been neglecting my collection of freaky stalker pictures.


That's right... I'll probably take a bromide, then.


You're going to buy one? Heheheh... thank you~!
Now then, please choose one. We've got a bromide for everyone in the Flower Division.

Good lord, when WAS the last time I'd bothered buying a bromide? Chapters ago?


That's Kanna-san's bromide, isn't it.

Yaay, a close-up of Kanna doing what she does second-best!


That'll come to 50 sen~. Thank you for your patronage!

'Course, we don't swing by Tsubaki's stall just to get free goods; we also do it to strike up a conversation that may or may not end with creepy pedophiliac undertones (on account of her being fifteen years old, which, once again, is about average where the rest of the characters are concerned).


New merchandise?

"Teigeki" is shorthand for both Imperial Assault Force and Imperial Operetta Troupe, and a manjuu is a steamed yeast bun with filling.


We've even started selling it at the cafeteria! The "Teigeki Manjyuu Combo"!!


That's... that IS amazing.


I see. A new product, huh... let's see...

Too normal; let's wait for the choices to change. I mean, they're BOUND to be better than--

Wait wait no bugger argh argh argh


How about an Iris plushie? I think it'd sell pretty well.

Yes, it'd be the PERFECT way to attract a fanbase consisting solely of greasy lardball stalkers who would purchase the plushies solely to do unspeakable things to them.


Wouldn't it!? I'm certain that it'll be a big hit! Let's make a trial product at once!!

On the plus side, they'd pay ludicrous amounts of money. LET'S DO IT.

-- but before we can get started, there are suddenly footsteps...


Mumblemumble... did someone call Iris?

... as Iris makes the worst mistake in her life.



Says Ogami, looking frighteningly serious.

Says Tsubaki, pulling out a length of hemp rope from under the counter.

Says Iris, slowly backing away from the advancing, drooling adults.

Says Tsubaki, as she corners Iris and rips the clothes off her back.


... eh? What, I don't want... kyaaaa--!

Screams Iris, who, after a lengthy cross-theater chase, eventually manages to escape their clutches and start running for Maria's room.



Says Ogami, who starts to understand just how valuable life is, especially when his is the one at stake.



Teigeki rice cookies?


Yup, my family's home is a rice cookie shop, so I was thinking of asking them.


I see. That'll definitely work, won't it? I'll leave it to you, Tsubaki-chan.


Well, we're done here.


Now then, I should get going. Do your best with the shop's cleanup, Tsubaki-chan.


Yes, definitely! I'm almost done doing maintenance on the products, so...
We'll be getting a lot of guests tomorrow, too! I'd better get the preparations done the best I can!!


Aah, that's right. We're leaving the shop to you, Tsubaki-chan.


Hahaha... we're relying on you. Now then, I'd better get back to the nightly rounds.

Which are done with at the very second Ogami finishes talking to someone-- never before, and never during.

It's times like these that make me wonder if Ogami is more than meets the eye.


Right... before I go back to my room, I guess I'll go down to the hangars and check on how Kohran's doing.

And then he does things like "yeah, I'm totally going to NOT check on my teammate who may or may not be suffering a nervous breakdown, or at least not 'til the very last minute," which confirms that he's just the same old vaguely-confused idiot that he's always been.



Kohran... are you still doing maintenance on the Koubu?


Er... gotcha. But I swung by because I WAS worried...


I see... thanks. For lookin' out fer me.


Cool! Well, now that we've determined that you're perfectly mentally stable and that there's nothing going on that'd make my life harder, I'm just going to go to bed--



Even so, we've been launchin' a lot lately, right? Ah've gotta get that maintenance done properly, else I'll feel sorry for th' Koubu.
These children... if I wasn't around, they wouldn't be able t' get their work done with precision, so...


So close. And yet, so... so... far.




Which is like saying that the ocean is wet.

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