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Ayame-san... is something the matter? I mean, you're sitting outside this late.


Hmhmhmhm... I was just looking at the stars.


It's mysterious, isn't it... even though you can see them clearly at night... you just can't see them during the day.


Even though they're shining brightly... they're extinguished by even brighter objects.


Like those explosions we get when Kohran detonates the attic or when Sumire unleashes her flaming naginata attack and Kanna does her Super Rinpai move and they clash and nearly kill every living thing within five miles.


... so close and yet so far, Ogami-kun.





Even so, the stars are still shining. Even though we lose sight of them, they're still shining with all their might.


Hmhmhm... that's true, isn't it. Ogami-kun, you always think positively. But that's... what I like about you.


Eh...? Er, no, that's...

Goddamn, she has him dancing in the palm of her hand.


Stars are... stars. Once the sun goes away, they can light up the night sky...
... I'm glad I talked to you, Ogami-kun. Thank you.


Not at all...


That by some chance, we might end up losing sight of a great many things.
That in order to obtain something that shines brightly, we might have lost something in return...


But that's two things. Also, we're the Flower Division, not the Star Division, you silly goose!


... just nod and smile, alright?



... yes.


... somehow, it's gotten a little chilly out here. Now then, see you later.

Perhaps it's the chill wind of heavy-handed foreboding that's sliding down your exquisitely curved back, Ayame.

With that, he's off!

Off to take the bull by its horns! 'Cause I mean, really...

Things To Do:
- Peep in on Maria.
- Call Maria out on her shit.
- Save/Sexually Harass Sakura.
- Iris's Symphony of Terror.
- Get drunk in five minutes or less with Yoneda.
- Sumire.
- Punch Yoneda.
- Utterly destroy Yuri's self-esteem.
- Read a letter.
- Embarrass Kanna.
- Have yet another heart-to-heart talk with Ayame.

- Find out what's bugging Kohran.

... we're batting zero for zero here.


Yeah... I thought it'd be good for me to help do maintenance on the Koubu every now and then.


There ain't much maintenance that y'all could do on these robots.

Possible insanity notwithstanding, they don't call Kohran a genius for nothing. She's well able to predict how THAT would turn out.


H~m... in that case, just let me help you out in general. Even I can do something like that, right?



That's true. Innat case... maybe y'all could wax th' Koubu.

Yay, grunt labor that even an ape could do!


Alright~! I should be using that can of wax over there, right?


That's a tank of highly flammable gasoline, Ogami-han, but don't let me stop ya!


OH GOD. Er, alright, how about this one?


That's th' right can of wax! It's also highly volatile.


Don't you have anything that isn't--




Right, right, I almost forgot who I was talking to for a second.



Yup, that's right. Do your best now~



Well whaddaya know? It IS a wax-on-wax-off motion.

I love those little touches.


Right! It's sparkling!! Looks like I wiped it well.


Nevermind the question marks, Ogami just forgot what he was doing for a second, what with his goldfish-caliber short-term memory.


Oh! That turned out great!! They're shining like mirrors.


Hell if I know what motion THIS button combination is supposed to represent. The only thing that comes to mind is an Ogami quadruple-wielding waxing cloths with his hands, one foot, and his freaking forehead.



Whew... that turned out great! Almost like it's as good as new!!


"Various other things"? Ogami-han, you've been pilotin' this here thing for HOW long?


Look, it's just, like, cameras and things, right? I don't need to know the details backwards and forwards to pilot it!


Look, I don't have time to talk, I have to polish the left-turn signal and the throckwaddlethingy.


... auxiliary camera an' left steam vent, Ogami-han.




And once that's out of the way...

The Koubu stands tall and proud in all of its completely unchanged glory!


Right, it's perfect! I'm sure that even Kohran'll be satisfied with this.
Now then... I've finished cleaning the Koubu, so I should show it to Kohran.


Ogami-han, how's it goin'? Are you done yet?


I just finished. I was thinking of going to get you.


I see. In that case... guess I'll give it a once-over an' check how it turned out.


I, is that so... I was just hoping that it'd... go pretty well.


Perfect, it's perfect! From here on out, I'm leavin' th' waxin' to you, Ogami-han!



Even though we call 'em machines... they're surely trasmittin' their feelings to us.

By jacking into the brain interface plugs hidden at the base of every pilot's skull.


Yup... that's right. Now then, I should get going.


A'right, seeya later. Good luck on the nightly rounds.

Well, that's our good deed done for the day, and never you mind the fact that Ogami didn't actually ask and see what's gotten Kohran down in the dumps.

NEXT TIME: End of the Nightly Rounds! Also, no one understands me.

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