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Right then. Our mission is just, and our mission is simple:

Things To Do:
- Find out what's bugging Kohran.

Sure, we're doing the nightly rounds, but nothing will sway us from checking up on our valued brigade member's mental well-being. I mean, there's absolutely NOTHING more important than--

Oh, hey, what's goin' on in here?


Oh, it's Maria's voice. It sounds like it's coming from the costume room, but...


Wha... Maria... what could she be looking for so seriously?

Maria's in the costume room? Again?

I think this is the game's way of saying "something suspicious is going on here" and then slamming it into your face repeatedly until you get it or until your uncomprehending head detonates in a shower of gore.


What should I do... maybe I'd better call out to her...

Well, we just kind of up and left last time, and that didn't work out too well. Let's watch this time.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Maria's already run out of places to shoot Ogami, so we got nothing to lose.


(What's she looking for? Guess I'll watch for a bit...)


If I remember correctly... I think that it was around here...


Ah... here it is! That one from "Because of Love," the...


... ch'! I sense a thirst for blood behind me...!!


Wh-- how can you confuse curiosity with a desire to kill!?


How else do you explain someone staring at another person for extended amounts of time?


I COULD just have been checking out your extraordinarily fine posterior.


... that's a valid excuse, men ARE fixated on how best to make asses of themselves, through thorough observation.


Well, I, okay fine I can't argue with that.



Uwawawah! I, I'm sorry!!

Now THERE'S a pose you don't see often. She probably saves it for the sole purpose of chastising Ogami.

I mean, can you imagine how many hours she spends in the mirror practicing this pose, every single day? Maria has to get the angle just right, otherwise she'll block her own eye with her arm or flash her nostrils at him or get a mouthful of hair.

There is no such thing as a natural badass; there is only practice.

I can't really see why... unless she was planning to strip down and change, in which case Ogami stumbling upon her would result in a very dead Ogami.


Well, it won't do any good if I stay here, so I guess I should get going, too...

Whoop, unescapable event.


She's hiding herself... if she's worried, she should just go down to the hangars...

Given that she was just calling him out on spying on people... well.

Ogami, on the other hand, has learned his lesson from that last scene.


Maria... are you worried about Kohran?


What do you mean, "also here for Kohran"? I--


... why do you have a sniper rifle set up here?


Insurance against Kohran going completely insane and attempting to kill us all.


But she usually comes close to killing us anyw--





Yeah, that's right. It's because she... somehow seems kind of down.

Translation: I can dump all of this responsibility on the Captain, so this is the perfect excuse for me to go and do something else.


Captain... please take care of Kohran.


Got it...


OH DAMN THAT'S RIGHT, we've got to worry about Kohran!

Things To Do:
- Peep in on Maria.
- Call Maria out on her shit.
- Find out what's bugging Kohran.

I should nip the problem in its bud before it gets out of hand and causes her to flip out and start murdering people... on purpose. No more procrastinating, I've gotta--

-- attend to the possibility that somewhere, somehow, there are breasts that are in danger.


S... Sakura-kun!? What in the world happened...?

Alright, now for the usual choices:

... those aren't the usual choices.


I-it's no good... my body's moving on its own towards Sakura-kun...

Wait! Stop! This thread isn't rated nearly HIGH enough for what's going to happen next!! I object to--


Alright, fine, objection withdrawn.


Sakura-kun! What's wrong? Collapsing at a place like this...


Yiieeah... I took a long, hot bath, but I stayed in for too long...


Stayed in too long...? Are you alright?


Haafghufh... I feel a bit dizzy...


... is that a yes or a no? C'mon woman, throw me a clue here.


H-heatstroke... higher brain functions... shutting... down...


... ya lost me.

(... and that was the night Sakura Shinguji passed away.)


Could you pat around my forehead or somethiiing... pleaseee...


Sakura-kun... you don't look so good. If I can help you out even a bit...

No matter which way you cut it, Ogami is a manly, hot-blooded, and above all chauvinistic chivalrous man. He'll get Sakura fixed up right quick!

... once he's done being a gigantic dick and ogling her for all he's worth. HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES, MISS STALKER!? Never mind the fact that he's perpetuating countless millenia of objectifying women by making them the central focus of the sinisterly sexualizing male gaze.


(Sakura-kun's... breasts are bare...)

Nevermind the fact that she's showing maybe a fifth of the skin that Sumire Kanna most modern women show on a regular basis.


Wh... where exactly are you lookinnngg... whew... Ogami-san.. please hurry up and cool me downnn...

He could cool her down really quickly just by tearing off that awfully hot-looking (though tastefully patterned) bathrobe, but that'd just lead to an incredible amount of violence and/or non-consensual (on Ogami's part) hanky-panky.


Er, right... if you say so, Sakura-kun...

Don't get distracted!

Next target!


(Sakura-kun... maybe it's because of her bathrobe, but I can see the curve of the area around her hips...)


Haah... O-Ogami-san... that look in your eyes is getting kind of dirtyyy...


M... my bad.

Finally, Ogami knows some shame.

... which hasn't stopped countless generations of men before him, so why should it stop him now?


(Her thighs are bare, too... they're really showing, huh...)


O-Ogami-san... what are you looking at nowww...


Ah... er, nothing at all! It's nothing... for you to worry about at all, Sakura-kun.

Eh, let's get to work.

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