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Sakura-kun... hold on. Here... it'll be alright.


Haah... Ogami-san, your hand... it's cold, and it feels so good...
Could you hold my hand for... just a little longerrr...?


Aah, I got it.


How's that? Do you feel a little better?


It feels comfortable... and it feels goood...
Thank you very much... Ogami-san...


I see... that's good.

Problem... solved?


Sakura-kun... are you alright? Here... just hang on.



Haah... Ogami-san, your hand... it's cold, and it feels so good...
Could you keep... your hand on my forehead like that...?


Sakura-kun... is this alright?


Hahu... it feels so gooood... my body was burning up...
Thanks to you, Ogami-san... I feel refreshed...
Whew... Ogami-san, I feel more comfortable now...


I see... that's good. I was worried there for a moment.

You'd THINK that the solution to heatstroke would be a bit less anti-climactic and involve just a BIT more, say, drinking fluids to let her perspire so that her body can cool itself down so that she doesn't die from her body and eventually brain overheating like the dickens... but hey, whatever floats your boat!


Thank you so much... that you'd feel worried for my sake...
Once in a while... I guess it might be worth it to... stay in the bath for too long...


Please don't tell me she planned this all out.


Sakura-kun... it's bad for your body, so you shouldn't take baths that are too long again.


Understood. Now then... I'm alright now, so...


Um... I kind of want to put clothes on, so... Ogami-san, could you...


Ah, that's right. Now then, take care.


Yes... thank you again...

I'm just surprised that they're all taking this calmly, instead of going with the usual vicious cycle of blushing, screaming, flailing, and near-fatal cases of violence.


I'm too scared of her to see her as being sexy.


... nevermind the fact that I can appreciate her fine potato salad-toned skin and her luscious licorice-shaded hair just as well as any other hot-blooded male.


Okay, here's what it all comes down to:

Things To Do:
- Peep in on Maria.
- Call Maria out on her shit.
- Save/Sexually Harass Sakura.
- Find out what's bugging Kohran.


-- Music Room.


1) Save the above two pictures.
2) Open one of them in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.
3) Press Left/Right to cycle quickly between the two pictures, and marvel as it seems like Iris is kicking off and bodily launching herself from the piano chair in one split second.


A concert, huh... do you mean that you're going to play for me, Iris?


You are too, Oniichan. We're holding an orchestral concert~!


Orchestral... but we can't do that with just two people...

...? Okay, I guess Maria can probably play something, and maybe Sumire can, but--


Everyone~, come on out~!

Or, or this works too.


I see... so this is what you meant by your friends, huh...


Okay, Oniichan is on the contrabass, and Jean-Paul gets the cymbals. Now then, here we go~!


I don't expect that I'll lose to Jean-Paul. Right... I'll do my best!


(Bring it, pansy-boy.)


(Wha-- you're still sentient?)


(Of COURSE I am, you fucking fudging idiot. Your actions have saved all of us from a barely-sentient, constantly tormenting hell heck of having our souls stitched to stuffed animals like a patchwork quilt made of damn darnation.)


(O-okay, but why--)


(Now we're FULLY sentient. Also, I think what's left of our souls is being pumped full of sugary goodness and reality distortions of a six-dimensional variety.)




(Shut your pie hole and play. I'm going to kick your candy posterior in a musical showdown for taking away my ability to swear like a drunken sailor.)



One and two and--!

It's kind of a bitch when they keep the buttons you need to press hidden from you, but.


(I've practiced this part before, so it was easy to handle-- perfectly!)

The fiendish wiles of the Playstation2 controller is no match for Ogami's hot-blooded playing.


(The piano is the main for this next part. What should I do...)


(I'll keep the contrabass more moderate, and let the piano come to the fore.)



(That's it... such a magnificent harmony...)


Yeah, it all came together very well. Each instrument's charm was really nicely displayed.


(Except for the fact that there were no cymbal parts in that song whatsoever. Why did she even bring me here!?)


(... moral support?)


(Yeah, probably, or the fact that my demonic presence corrodes and melts instruments made of wood with my very presence.)


(Then the cymbals--)







Surely, Iris and Oniichan are tied together, heart to heart...




(I can't watch this shit poo poo, it's like reading pages out of a self-help book.)


(... look, can you just give me back that part of my soul that you borrowed so that I won't have to hear you gripe all the time?)


(What? ... oh, right, that. Turns out that I'm one of YOU, so we're now psychically connected on some bizarre level. Funny how these things work out, eh?)


(Huh, that sucks, so--)






After spouting out another stock "gotta do those nightly rounds" quote, Ogami staggers off, trying not to think about what he'd just had the horrible misfortune to learn.

NEXT TIME: POnOs-whipped, Farewell Sumire, The Punch To End All Punches, and Wardrobe Startup Failure.

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