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And suddenly, Iris.


Iris, what kind of play do you want to perform?


I mean, it's really funny to watch the stage's set get more and more broken.


I-it's true that it might be amusing, but that's kind of problematic in its own way...

O-kay, so maybe violence is selling for all the wrong reasons.

Let's ask Kanna's abdomen next.


Kanna, you're one of the main characters, aren't you? What do you want to do about the closing show?


Crazy action scenes are better suited to kids than tedious stories, aren't they?


I see... it's true that action scenes are really popular with the kids.

Pfft, kids aren't even old enough to count as people! Why should we--

Alright, alright, fine, it IS kind of touching that Kanna's thinking of the children, especially as it stands in stark contrast to Sumire's "VIOLINS SELLS" tag line.

Yeah, let's talk to Maria one more time.


Maria, you want to see the actors' performances more than the action scenes themselves, right?

... and nothing of value was gained.

Suddenly, a clock rang out! Time's up, folks.


Ah... it's already this late. We really got wrapped up in our conversation, huh.

Never mind the fact that we spoke for like two minutes tops.


Now, as we are indeed running out of time... might it be about time for the Ensign to tell us his thoughts on the matter?


Yup, let's see...


I really want to see some more drama, I think. I mean, as it is, we're already doing fine on action scenes, aren't we?

Especially since all we really have to do to prepare for 'em is to set Sumire and Kanna loose on each other and keep casualties to a minimum.


After that, I would really like to see a play that emphasizes the more moving scenes, like the dramatics of Son Goku and Buddhist Priest Sanzou coming to trust each other.


That's right. I would like to put on a performance that isn't just humor, but one that also remains in the audience's hearts.


I really wish you wouldn't use me as a way to passive-aggressively put down everyone else, Sumire-kun.


Oh, my, what might you be talking about, Ensign? I am certainly not insinuating that your opinion is the only one that matters, for instance, or that all these other womens' opinions can bite my florescent posterior.


O-okay, scratch that, I kind of prefer "passive-aggressive" over "blunt as hell."



S, Sumire-san... you really want to make the action scenes more flashy no matter what, don't you...


Naturally. This is my performance, after all! Oh~ hoh hoh hoh hoh!!

Oh Sumire, your ego knows no bounds.


... somewhere along the line, Kohran's status has clearly slipped down to stagehand without any of us realizing it.


Yeah, she was... doing repairs to the set just now, so she should be coming soon, I think?


What good timing! Kohran, I have a request to make of you!!

Protip: Never under any circumstances tell this to Sumire.


Tomorrow is the closing day of "Journey to the West." I would like to make this the greatest performance.
And as all of us had just been discussing that...
We have decided on making the final action scene much more intense!
Yes... could you please make a flashy set that would allow us to fly around within the theater!?

... I dunno, I could see that kind of setup being useful for other plays.

Granted, since Kanna and Sumire are (respectively) the play's protagonist and the antagonist, the problem would be making it last long enough to use it more than once.


Is that not alright? Only using it one time, I mean.



Come, Ensign, you ask her to do this, as well.


Ah, um...

I... I...

I can't do that, not when Kohran's giving me that kind of expression.


If you don't want to... that'd be alright, too.

Never mind the fact that they completely left out Kohran's vote.

Isn't it sad, Kohran?


If that's th' case... then it can't be helped. 's jes' that it's alright as long as I'm th' one buildin' it, ain't it.




's alright if.... all y'all jes' leave th' set to me. ... seeya.

This kind of reaction from this kind of person is all sorts of bad news. It's a sign of the drama that will unfold in the very near future, something that will cause everyone to remember (all too late) just how vital Kohran is to the Flower Division's continual functioning.

Kohran, the only technician with enough smarts to keep the Koubu in good condition, the tinkerer who comes up with the best anti-demon weaponry, the girl who looks absolutely stunning in a high-slit dress... is currently in a very tumultuous state of mind. This can only mean trouble.

Naturally, however...


Fwwwaaaaaah... Iris is going to bed...


Okay. Now then, we are done for the day. Let us close the meeting here.

... no one gets it.




Hm? ... what's up, Maria?


That girl... somehow, it feels like she is pushing herself...


Yeah, that's true... between the stage's set and the maintenance of the Koubu, she seems really busy.





And because there is very little else to say...

Let's do this thing.

NEXT TIME: Stalking, turning the tables on stalking, and stalker in distress.

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