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Yup, it's the Grand Imperial Theater on a quiet evening.


The peace and quiet is interrupted by a titanic, earth-shaking explosion. Residents in the Ginza area don't even bother looking up anymore; they just roll their eyes and get on with their lives, because it's a night like any other, explosions and all.


Please make sure to not forget your belongings, and have a safe trip home.

With that, guests start pouring out of the woodwork, swarming casually towards the exits like some kind of horribly unmotivated alien insect invasion. GUESTS EVERYWHERE.

With this many guests and so few staffers to keep an eye on all of them, you'd THINK that one or two enterprising young scallywags would've stumbled across and/or sneaked into the underground hangars by now.

Technically, they probably have; they were just never be seen again.



I'd've thought that th' completely empty backstage area would've tipped ya off.


Yeah, well, you KNOW that I need spoken exposition in order to pick up on these things.



Eh... well, it looks like I went the wrong way, huh...
By the way... Kohran, you're not going to the meeting?


Hahaha... well, that's because that action scene's really popular with the guests.
So Sumire-kun and the others really go all out.

Which would explain that earth-shaking explosion that we heard at the beginning of the chapter.

... from which we can also infer that this happens at every showing.

... and building off of that, it's safe to say that Kohran must have her work cut out for her.


Well... that's how it is, I guess. Alright, I'll also be waiting in the dressing room, so hurry up and swing on by too, alright?


Cryptic statement aside... it's Chapter 6.


... at least, those in the audience who WEREN'T running for cover did.


I dunno, you'd think that they'd be more eager to participate when we called for volunteers.


For the last time, Kanna, audience participation doesn't mean forcing audience members to participate in the fight scenes.


Yeah, yeah... man, people around here really get touchy about things like casualties and mortality rates, huh?


... the problem is that it's not customary to use those terms to refer to theatrical plays.



Just by matching me up with Kanna-san's brash and vulgar movements, I am able to shine so much brighter.


What're you sayin'! That was because YOU got carried away by the audience's cheers and posed like crazy!
Everything you were doing wasn't in the script! You gotta think about US, too!!

Man, if only the arguments of real-world theatrical troupes were ALL this benign and relatively harmless. Instead, WE get situations where everyone in the drama club is completely insane.


We will gladly brave flames and cross oceans if it would bring them enjoyment! You think so as well, don't you, Ensign?


Er, um...

Somehow, it's not a very hard choice to make.


I understand what you're trying to say, but I'd like it if you'd stick to the script.


The Captain also has a point. If one takes too much freedom with her acting, then the overall performance drops in value.


Actually, I was just thinking that the less ad-libbing you guys do, the fewer bodies "participants from the audience" we'll need to bury under the theater.



Are you... speaking of the performance's degree of perfection?


If one of us becomes impertinent, the rest of us will be unable to put on a good performance.
When you wish to make changes to the script, consult with the rest of us beforehand. ... is that fine with everyone?


And no, Sumire, you are not allowed to suggest that your character triumphs over the rest of the cast and makes them all her slave. You remember what happened with "Cinderella."


But even the evil stepmother deserves at least ONE happy ending.



Yes, I understand. Let's all do our best for the last show tomorrow.


I would like a grand closing show that is suitable for my wonderful performance!
So, I propose that the Imperial Opretta Troupe Flower Division holds an emergency meeting!


Alright, that is acceptable. Now then... the review meeting will be shifted into an emergency meeting for the closing performance.

... yeah, the Imperial Operetta Troupe Flower Division isn't a democracy. It's a Sumireocracy.


Besides, the audience does indeed enjoy the action scenes of Kanna-san and I.

Of course, if the set's anything to go by, they can certainly destroy a performance off of action scenes alone.


Yes... I can see where both opinions are coming from, but...

As they're at an impasse, Maria whips out her most punishing technique: dumping responsibility onto someone else.


Captain, what do you think? Your standpoint is closer to that of the audience than ours is.


... mostly because you do jack shit to help us out.


YOU keep telling me that I have no place on the stage. Besides, don't I already do things like fetch drinks for you guys?


The Ensign is correct. His slave labor is much too valuable for us to let him get involved in the production.


She has a point. I withdraw my objection.


... I... I can't tell whether I've won or lost.



Ah, yeah... I think I'd like to hear a bit more on everyone's opinions.

Doomed if he agrees, doomed if he disagrees. All he CAN do is to play for time.

Thus, the game hands all control of the conversation to the player.

... while there is all too much of an opportunity to turn this situation into complete and utter chaos, I think I'll stick to rationality, at least for now. Let's hear what everyone has to say, starting with Maria.


Maria, do you have any thoughts on how the closing show should go?


I would like to see a play where the actresses' acting skills are more central, rather than a performance that relies on action scenes.

We ARE talking about a play that features a rock monkey teaming up with a Buddhist priest, a kappa, and a pig to beat the crap out of demons, so I dunno about that...


That's right... it's true that as it is, we're fine on action scenes.

Sakura's next.


Sakura-kun... what kind of performance would you like to put on?


Action scenes are fine too, but... I want to put on an emotionally engaging play that relies more on themes like love.


That's true, "Journey to the West" might be lacking in truly dramatic scenes, huh...

... because it is a play that, uh, features a rock monkey teaming up with a Buddhist priest, a kappa, and a pig to beat the crap out of demons.

I'm kind of afraid to ask for Sumire's opinion.


Sumire-kun... you want to do a performance that emphasizes its action scenes, right?


You are well aware of how much the audience cheers when the action scenes roll around, Ensign.


That's true... Sumire-kun and Kanna's action scenes are certainly popular, huh...

Violence sells. Can't argue with that.

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