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Boss Battle Time!

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Well, it's a pure seven-on-seven match at this point in time, and the midbosses have us surrounded.

Frankly, it could be a better situation.

In any case, Protect first!

Next, let's see just how much damage a final attack'll do to one of these guys. Th--


Goddamit, could someone shut those damn things up!? I can barely hear myself think!


... Captain? What are you talking about?


What? Don't you hear those bells? It sounds like someone's trying to hold a damn wedding here!


Ogami-san, I don't hear a thing. Are you sure you're not imagining it?


... what. You don't? Oh God.


Ensign! Save me!!


Sumire-kun!? What's wrong!? W-wait, let go of my Koubu's arm! What're you--



... Kohran. Spirit energy readings. Now.


Through th' roof. Also, I think they're playin' th' mambo.


The... what? Good lord, what've we unleashed upon the--






Let the Ogami x Sumire Final Combination Attack begin.




Motherfucking VROOM.






"Come! Sumire-kun!"


"Yes... Ensign!"


"The Virgin Road... to eternity."


... any word on their condition, Kohran?


Not really. They've jes' been sittin' there, unresponsive, and droolin' for the past thirty seconds.


Shouldn't we be, uh, doing something? Those giant red bee guys are gonna attack any second now, and--


W-wait! My Koubu's sensors are pickin' up a really big reaction from th--

[Ogami and Sumire]




[Ogami and Sumire]

We're married!


What the f-- OH MY GOD--









... hah!? What the hell have I been doing for these past five minutes? What--


Well, y'see, Ogami-han...







I think y'all jes' won th' game. Also, ya owe me five hundred yen for usin' my steam-powered motorcycle without permission.


What? Already!? But, what, wait, that was just something that had to do with the spiritual plane, I didn't ACTUALLY use your motorbike!


... Ensign... are bizarro spirit-powered weddings legally binding under law? If it is, you might very well have to be arrested for coercing an underage girl to--


I was the one who SAVED you from getting married!!


Well, we WERE getting pulled over by the police right before we came back to the real world.


That's not-- can we just get back to kicking Miroku's ass now?


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