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Post-Battle Hijinx.

Google Version! - Google hates the human race with the burning passion of a thousand suns, so I'll have to reupload it sometime.
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Given that they'd destroyed your trump card in under a minute, I'd say that this counts as overkill.



Shut up, I'm an old-school giant robot fanatic.


And while their attention is fixed on Sakura's Koubu getting blasted by the overwhelming power of pink...


Something hitches a ride.

Look to the left...

Look to the right...

... completely miss your chance to cut Miroku down where she stands...


Hm? That didn't work at all!


Hmph... don't think that it's over!


And Miroku disappears in a shower of transparent green one-eyed fish, which are left to flop around on the ground and suffocate to death.


I mean, ASIDE from the fact that we all stood around and picked our noses instead of, say, killing one of the remaining leaders of the Hive of Darkness and saving us a shitload of trouble in the future. Anyone got any excuses?


I was getting zapped by Getter rays.


But it is much too early for me to get married, there is so much left for me to do--


If I'd taken a shot, I woulda blown all of us t' the mooon.


... not that that woulda stopped me. I was outta shells.


I have something in my eye!


I wasn't sure whether I should be shooting Miroku or Sakura, in case she was suddenly possessed.


I was facing the wrong way!


R... right, right, I get it.



In that case...


Here we go!




It was certainly the most brutal battle that the Hive of Darkness had ever had to deal with, so...


But... Kanna and Sumire-kun. You fought really well.

The enemies are all defeated, we're closing in on Good End, and two of the Flower Division's fiercest rivals have managed to work together for once.

Does everyone know what time it is now?

That's right! IT'S BONDING TIME!


... I mean, I wouldn't have been able to find that key on my own. Er... I've changed my opinion of you.


And I believe that it is thanks to you, Kanna-san, that we were able to escape... so... you were very helpful.


Yup, Sumire-kun's wisdom and Kanna's strength... the both of you together are invincible, huh.


Dammit, you ALWAYS start pushing things too far when someone praises you!! What YOU have is just shameless craftiness!


B, both of you, knock it off! Even though you just started getting along... urk... my stomach's starting to hurt...

FUN FACT: Between this and the manga, it's extraordinarily likely that Ogami is well on his way to developing a stomach ulcer due to stress.

... which really wouldn't be very surprising at all, given Ogami's everyday life with the Flower Division.

(No surprise here, Sakura's just itching for the chance to get her hands on Ogami.)


I shall be the one to treat the Ensign! Sakura-san, you stay back!!


What're you saying!? If anyone's gonna be doing it, it's me! Argh, Sakura, you're in the way!!


Eh!? Er, um... kya--!


Th... thanks. But it seems like... you kind of sent Sakura-kun flying back there...


It should be alright if you leave her be! More importantly, I shall treat the Ensign ve~ry thoroughly.

WELL HEY if you really want to put your hands all over him to try and heal an internal stomach pain, then there're no complaints here.


If he were to be treated by someone as violent as Kanna-san, the number of wounds would simply increase.

:icebu-- okay, she's got a point there.


What did you say!?


Aa~aah, they've gone back to being the usual Sumire and Kanna.


I guess it can't be helped. But it IS said that the better two people get along, the more they fight...


So it could be that even though th' two of 'em act like this, they really get along pretty well, huh.


We've repelled the Hive of Darkness, so it's a "happily ever after!" isn't it?

... says Sakura, through a mouthful of GETTING PUNCHED BY KANNA AND SENT FLYING.


Urgh... my stomach... ... he~y, someone, help me out here~...

Meanwhile, Ogami writhes on the ground in mortal pain, totally ignored by his entire brigade.

Happily ever after!


Hmph, it will start very soon... those fools' little party...

Happily ever after except for the foreboding shot of evil at work, which would be a helluva lot more foreboding if this screenshot didn't make Satan look so .


Post-Chapter Cinematic Sequence.

Google Version!




A master is out.

The critter had been waiting in the Koubu for its master's call, without food or water or even air conditioning.

But now the critter can go back to its master!

It did a good job because it loves master! And now master will love it forever and ever.

Master must be so proud of it!

... was its last thought before Miroku crushes it into a splattering of goo and blood.


Found you.... hmhm... hmhmhmhm...

Because she is a colossal dick.

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