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After another "ENSIGN, PREPARE THE SPOTLIGHTS!" from Sumire, she's finally ready to move.

Amazingly enough-- STOP THE PRESSES-- she's not the last member of the Flower Division to move.



In fact, Sumire even manages to reach the battlefield in time to HIT something. Fuck, she's fast enough to make everyone around her go "whoa there, slooooooow dooooooooooooooown."


We have made a promise... we shall also protect this mansion for that child's sake!
Now, come at me if you dare! I, Sumire Kanzaki, shall be your opponent!!

There's really nothing that can be said here, other than--


Yeah, Iris, we know. I spent a full week repairin' th' damage y'all did to the Koubu last month, when you went crazy an'--


I know! Stop crying over spilt milk!


Yeah... y'see, I think I'm perfectly allowed t' cry over spilt blood.


Hahaha oh wow, Iris is slower than Sumire. Nothing of note happens during her turn.


Or so she says. There's really not much for him to do, other than to move him into position.

Kanna, on the other hand...

How far you can move in this game isn't limited by the TOTAL DISTANCE you move, but by how far you move in relation to your starting point.

This allows me to move Kanna all the way up the stairs and around...

... to where the snipers were taking potshots at her earlier in the stage.


There are no survivors.

I start Sakura's group going along the south end of the map to sweep up the Wakiji.

Once again, Sakura's final attack is stupidly useful here.


(Enemy Phase Omitted Due To Negligible Damage Taken.)


Youtube Version, Part 2! Because Youtube doesn't let you upload clips longer than ten minutes in length.


Sniper McSnipey takes out the Wakiji that snuck up on Sakura.


... ah, that's right. If she hadn't been there, we wouldn't have been able to find the key.


Once this battle is over... let us return to this mansion to play with her.




Coming to play with her is fine, but... wouldn't it be nice to let her come to the theater, too?


That is right! We can also... we can also put on a special performance for that child, can't we!!
Good job, Ensign, thinking of such a tasteful solution.


Now... in this case, let us deal with these enemies quickly...


And restore the peace and tranquility of this place.



(Three weeks later, they were forced to call an exorcist to the Grand Imperial Theater after the girl's entire family took root there.)

Iris does nothing again. This is not necessarily a bad thing.

This the last Wakiji on the south side of the stage! We're almost done here.

I'm really not sure why Ogami's attack screenshots are suddenly so high-quality, but it seems that--

Sumire really likes it.


What? I just... y'know, do what I usually do when I've got two swords in my hands and am facing down a Wakiji.


But you were so incredibly charming about it! I have never seen such a dapper-looking gentleman in my life!


Sumire-kun, I am piloting a walking death machine and am cutting demonic robots to bloody scraps. There is nothing charming about me at this moment.


Oh, Ensign, always playing hard to get.


... look, are you SURE that you're not about to flounce over and drag me to some spiritual hot springs scene?


In any case, more violence!



Oh~ hoh hoh hoh! Ensign, were you watching?

And as usual, the honor of clearing the stage...

... goes to Ogami.


Awesome! Cleavage fight! Sumire-kun, get up there!!

[Sumire and Miroku]

Wha- NO!!



Come forth! My devoted servants, the Crimson Hornet Squad!


Oh, dramatic summoning scenes.


... though it might actually be warranted here.

And because Miroku is a WHORE, she disappears. This leaves us with seven strong mini-bosses in the place of one gigantic boss.

This is not an improvement.


Show her what you're made of and defeat the entire Crimson Hornet Squad! Ogami-kun!!


Alright, this is our time to shine! Everyone... destroy the Crimson Hornet Squad!



NEXT TIME: The most brutal boss fight to date.

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