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The Battle Itself.

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Uh... Sumire-kun, you're not, like, feeling the urge to drag me off to a hot springs or anything, right?


Excuse me?


Or suddenly drag me off by my Koubu's arm and combine with me in some kind of weird spiritual snoo-snoo?


Wha-- NO! What on earth would give you THAT kind of idea?


Oh... n-no reason. It's just that I've got a really bad feeling about this battle.


As usual, Ogami leads us off.

Hitting the R2 button allows you to get a bird's-eye view of the battle. I make use of this fairly frequently whenever we're fighting, just so that I can get a better idea of the stage's layout and where all the enemies are placed (and so I don't blunder into range of fifty cannons).

These guys are at the crossroads between the two groups' position. The Fire Arrow makes a return, and there's a cannon aimed right at Sumire.

There are very conveniently placed 'stairs' going right up to the east, with another cannon that's mostly off-screen...

To the south (and due east of Sakura's group's position), there are more Wakiji and another cannon.

Finally, due east of Ogami's position, and standing right in front of the mansion, are snipers.


... look, Ayame-san, all I'm asking is this: why do we even need to waste the time and money to field seven Koubu against ten Wakiji and a few cannons when Kanna can destroy twenty Wakiji with her bare hands?


Because we haven't the resources or the technological know-how to clone an army of Kannas. Also, fielding seven Koubu is a hell of a lot cheaper than dealing with the aftermath of letting Kanna loose on the battlefield. Understood?





Let's not waste any time!

After destroying that first Wakiji, it's time to get into the more onerous aspects of Ogami's job: Protect (on Sumire), and--

-- the Wind strategy so that we can finish this stage more quickly.

Oh, right, there's also a Status screen which I totally didn't JUST DISCOVER after five chapters, shut up, guys stop laughing at me. It has some pretty nifty information, such as the names of final and special attacks, along with the raw stats (plus the trust bonuses) that make each character the way they are.

Numbers mean nothing to me, however, so let's move on.

Kanna's turn!


In a freakish turn of events, Kanna doesn't totally rape the enemy Wakiji in an orgy of punches and kicks. To be fair, she only got two attacks off.


I'm not sure HOW, but Kohran's trust level is once again high enough to boost her speed above Sakura's.

Our first priority is ALWAYS the destruction of the cannons. They only attack once, but they do at least as much damage as a Wakiji's full 5-hit attack round.

(Five hits polish off the Wakiji; the cannon requires one more hit to make it a splode.)


Could you stop breaking into my room at night and forcing me to be a guinea pig for whatever freakish invention that you need tested?


Anythin' but that. 'Sides, it ain't THAT bad. F'r instance, th' Centrifugal Gonad Decompresser--


Please don't remind me of that, it's hard enough for me to fall asleep at nights as it is.


Sakura is still sore about that whole 'a rose has thorns' thing, hence the furrowed brow...

... and the fact that she's not nearly powerful enough to destroy the Wakiji in one round.

Annoyingly enough, Maria, Iris, and Sumire are all slower than the Wakiji.

Yes. Sumire, whose highest level of trust grants her bonuses to her stats, is STILL SLOWER than every other unit on the map.


Kanna has the second highest, rendering her tougher than a fossilized piece of beef jerky.

She takes shit damage from everything.


Even KOHRAN is taking shit damage. I'm kind of tempted to change the game's difficulty level from 'normal' to 'hard' now.

Mother Russia's turn!

Thankfully, Maria is one of those characters that I don't have to worry about cockblocking. Sure, Kohran and Sakura are blocking her way, but that doesn't matter when her range is longer than half the screen!

Oh, and she triggers a combination attack with Kohran.


Ready, aim--




There's really nothing like the scent of overkill in any RPG.

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