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Yeah... Kanna is MORE than capable of looking after herself. She could single-handedly beat down any threat that might be in this mansion, which would leave her with one hand free to punch a new breathing hole through Ogami's chest.

On the other hand, Sumire-- no naginata, no weapons, no nothing-- is more inclined to get her fool self killed. Thus, we should accompany her for Ogami's her own safety.


Aaaand Sumire makes it into an adjoining room before Ogami catches up with her.

The hell does she move so fast? SHE IS WEARING A KIMONO.


She's crude, thick-skinned, and has zero femininity! Zero!!


But that's what makes her so special!


You have a point... no matter what, that was a bit of a troublesome false alarm.

(Wisely, Ogami neither confirms nor denies Sumire's accusations.)


Between the whip-tongued princess and miss I-Can-Break-Things-With-My-Face, ONE of us has to be level-headed between bouts of screaming and being curled up under the sofa.



Anyways, let's investigate deeper into the mansion.
We might be able to link up with Kanna along the way.


If we linger in such a place, the smell will never come out of my clothes.


Yeah... I'm more worried about the fact that there doesn't seem to be any ventilation in here and that it's the middle of summer.


Oh, Ensign, I'm sure that we will die from all the potentially toxic mold growths in the building before the heat roasts us alive or dehydrates us like crazy.


... wait, you didn't bring any water?


You left it all with Kanna, Ensign.




No running off after Kanna, Ensign.





Now, now... at any rate, it won't be any use if we just stay here, so let's try going further in.

Of course, the best way to get Sumire galvanized for ANY sort of action is--


Right, right! If it's you, Sumire-kun, searching this mansion won't take too long.

-- to appeal to her vanity.

The second she moves off, there's a sound like the tinkling of glass.


... maybe it was my imagination. Sumire-ku~n! Wait up for me!!


Sumire-kun, what's wrong? You've suddenly slowed to a standstill...



... it's hard to see it in this screenshot, but I'm very strongly resisting the urge to hit the third choice.

This costs me my reply.




C, could it be... a... a ghost? I... I'm not too good with those kinds of things...

Chalk up another stupidly crippling Achilles' Heel to our valiant, heroic protagonist's list of stupidly crippling Achilles' Heels.


Wh... when you put it like that... I'm not really happy...


I mean... i-if ghosts exist, what does this say about the afterlife? Does this mean that our souls won't dissipate upon death? Wait-- oh, SHIT, what does this say about Iris's stuffed animals?




What about demons? Where do THEY fit into all of this? What... what have we been fighting for? Sumire-kun? Sumire-kun? O-oh god I'm scared, Sumire-kun, hold me...


E-Ensign, the middle of a mission is a horrible, horrible time to start having an existential crisis!



If I do not concentrate my senses, I will be unable to feel this spiritual energy...







But... it looks like there's nothing here...

Other than furniture, but that's besides the point.


That is true... there is a large mirror, but nothing else.
... that mirror on the left wall. I can sense the spiritual energy coming from there, but...


But... wouldn't that mean that it's coming from the room next door?


Or that the spiritual energy is emanating from the mirror ITSELF, which means that the thing might suck out your soul the second you look into any one of its fragmWHAT--


... Ensign, I don't care that you are currently scared witless. If you try to dive under my kimono again, I will be forced to end you.


Just checking for centipedes, ma'am.



Yes, that would be true. Now then, let us go! First, let us take action!!



S... somehow, there's that weird noise... Sumire-kun, please wait for me--!

Popping back out into the hallway before going to the next room--


E... even if you ask ME...


... the right? Just now, in that mirror room, you'd felt it from the left, right?



And if that's the case...

Then the cursed mansion has stuck us into an endless loop, forcing us to wander its halls while keeping us locked inside... forever.

... sadly, that's not a valid answer choice, so it's got to be something else.


There might be something between these rooms... you sensed it to our left in that last room, and to our right in this room?


Hmm... and if that is the case... then THIS is how it is.




You mean, you know the reason why Manager Yoneda was dumb enough to send two of the least stealthy, least compatible pilots out on a reconnaissance mission!?


... the OTHER mystery, Ensign.


The TRUE reason why you and Kanna fight so much, which must inevitably be rooted in a deep-seated sexual frustr--


PLEASE stop talking and just let me finish, Ensign.





Ensign, please follow me! I shall announce the results of my great inference!!

I'm starting to worry about Sumire's borderline psychotic abuse of exclamation marks.


H... hold on a second!

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