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That's true...


It feels like the space between doors is too big... even though the rooms felt just a bit narrow when we went in...


Hmhmhm... that is exactly it. There is a trick to how these rooms are placed!!


I see... if that's true, then it could explain the mystery of that spiritual power.


That just explains the LOCATION of the spiritual power, Ensign. The REAL kicker will be just what kind of frightening monstrosity it will turn out to be!





Right! First...


Like two clocks.



Now then... there must be a hint as to where we can enter the hidden room.


Yeah... in any case, let's search the inside of the room.

And thus begins the search, which adheres to all the traditions of the classic point-and-click adventure games.


... there's nothing here. There's nothing but dust under the table, so...


Ensign... be careful. It looks like it is about to collapse at any time.


Yeah... there's nothing strange about this place, huh.


A painting, huh... I can't quite understand it. Is this valuable?


Can you not understand any of its value other than its monetary value?
If a painting... can move the hearts of those who view it, then it is a masterpiece.
It is the same thing with pictures that a child draws... in that they move the hearts of her parents


I see... that's probably true.


So how much could we sell it for?




... too far?


No, at least you did not make any jabs about the child or her parents.


If you want, I--


NO, Ensign.




Looking at the clock on the left...

... gives us a quick close-up.


... hm? The hands are stopped at eight o' clock, huh.


Because there is already... no one who will wind its springs back up...


Huh!? This clock's hands... they've been fixed to stay at eight o' clock.


Haah? Then the clock does not actually have a point, would it not?


No... that's true, but I wonder WHY this is the case.


The same thing applies to the clock on the right.


A wall clock, huh... it seems like it's been a long time, since it's not moving anymore...


Because there is already... no one who will wind its springs back up...

Oh, delicious copypasta.




This clock's hands seem to be moving.


... however, why are there two clocks, I wonder?
They are placed like facing mirrors, as well...


Facing mirrors! That's it, Sumire-kun!!
These clocks must have some kind of trick mechanism to them!


I see! It may very well be related to the door to the hidden room!!
This clock's hands are still moving, so the trick must be somewhere in this clock's hands!


Right... then I'll try moving the clock's hands.

Mirrors, eh?


I'll try moving them to four o' clock.


I see! Mirrors facing each other!!


That's right. If you reflect eight o' clock in a mirror, it becomes four o' clock.


Great job, Ensign! That was truly a genius-level flash of inspriation!!


Actually, I just figured that having your clocks set four hours apart would have made a great excuse for coming in to work late. "Oh! Sorry boss, turns out I was looking at the wrong clock again," et cetera.


... have you EVER managed to hold a job, Ensign?


Not for longer than four hours, no.



Then... I'll try moving them to four o' clock.


Thank you, home decorators with too much free time on your hands!

Five hours later, it turned out that the key was actually for the second floor bathroom. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth commenced.


This room had the key... in that case, the door must be in the room with the mirror!!


That's right. Okay... let's go.

NEXT TIME: Puzzle Complete! And possible exposition.

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