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And in no time at all, the trio arrived at their destination!


... so this is Fukagawa's abandoned mansion. It's completely fallen to ruin, huh...

Never mind the fact that Ogami is still wearing his ticket-taking outfit on a reconnaissance mission.


As you say... it looks extremely suspicious, does it not?

Or the fact that Sumire's still wearing her highly impractical kimono.


According to the files that Lt. General Yoneda gave us, it seems that a noble family had it built during Japan's Westernization movement, but....
An accident occured that the entire family was destroyed. After that, the house was apparently left as it is without anyone to live in it...




Hm? What's wrong, Sumire-kun.


I feel a... strong spiritual power coming from this abandoned mansion.
It is a bit different from the spiritual power used to operate a Koubu, but...
Somehow... it is as if the mansion itself is emitting spiritual power... it feels wrong.


... but just watching it from the outside won't count as an investigation.


We've got to at least take a picture or two before calling it a day--







Alright, let's try going inside.


I wonder if this is the entry hall?
But for such a big mansion, without the people, it just feels wrong...



Hahaha, I'm not scared at all. If I get scared at something like this, I wouldn't be fit to be the Imperial Assault Force's captain.


Seriously, after all the stuff that I'VE been through at the theater...


After... after all the... all the stuff that... you guys've...


Oh man, you're not havin' another fit, are you, Capt-- Sumire, couldja hand me the inhaler and the smelling salts?





And then they kissed and ran off to live happily ever after


Do not say such impolite things! There is nothing that exists in this world that I am afraid of!
As for you, are you alright? If you wish to flee, now would be the perfect time.


Idiot, I'M not afraid of a thing! Don't worry your little head over something unnecessary.






Kanna! Are you alright!?


... aaah, you shocked me.


... however, Sumire-kun. As expected, you looked like you were worried for Kanna just now.



I simply felt so much pity for the floor that Kanna stepped right through...


I don't wanna see your face anymore! If I've already put up with you for this long, it'd be better to be with the ghosts!



Wait, but--



-- what about the mission--



Son of a BITCH.


Now then, guys, we've got one fairly important decision to make, at least where this chapter is concerned...

Should Ogami go with Sumire...

... or should he go with Kanna?

You guessed it: it's voting time! Whichever person Ogami chooses to go with will change how the chapter (up until a little before the fight) unfolds, and, naturally, it'll also give him a chance to score points with the pilot in question.

Too Long Didn't Read: Sumire or Kanna, voting'll end by Tuesday at midnight, EST.

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