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Ogami's finely tuned senses kicked in once more.


Ack, Yuri-san, don't splash me. ... there, this is my revenge~!


Kya, Tsubaki, now you've done it--!


Really... I told the both of you, no horseplay...


A, all three of them are... what should I do...

Three times the fun! Three times the potential pain!

Three times the compulsive moving-towards-the-bath, which is more than Ogami-- a mere mortal human being-- can possibly resist.


Ggnnn... my body's moving on its own towards the baths...


But, however... if I just carelessly open the door, they'll notice me...


... hah!? There's a keyhole at a place like this...?


Hm... I guess I'll get a handle on the situation from here...

He's... he's always so methodical about all of this. Well, at least he found the keyhole that'll let him--

-- that'll let him see about as much bared skin as you'd see at your average funeral.





... how titillating.

Oh god why is Ogami able to identify which girl is which simply by looking at a patch of skin about three inches wide


(... it... it MIGHT be cleavage? No, wait, I can see the wall in the gap-- it's got to be an armpit? Or it might be a leg...)



(Right then, now that we've determined who's who, let's get down to actually--)










Th... they caught on...




(S, scary...)


Alright, BEFORE I get down on my hands and knees to beg you to stop smiling at me like that when the rage is positively boiling out of the pores in your skin, I've got to ask you... Kasumi-kun, HOW?


Oh, it was a one in three chance: you, Manager Yoneda, or Maria-san.


Maria? Why Maria?


She's taken to standing guard at the baths every now and then. You managed to catch her on one of her off-days. An-- ... why are you kneeling and clasping your hands together like you're thankful?


N... nothing, I've just become religious. Very, very religious.



This is not exactly how I anticipated that they'd be breaking the silence.


Wh... what are you saying, Yuri-san!?


No, at times like these, it's better to get this cleared up... so, which of us is it, Ogami-san!!


Th... that is...

Alright, so they've decided to give Ogami one last respite before beating him black and blue, huh? In that case... come to think of it, I don't think Ogami really SAW anyone.

So it'd probably be safer to shoot for the one person that he actually caught a glimpse of.


Ts... Tsubaki-chan, I think.


Isn't it really embarrassing if you say such things...

(That, and the fact that Tsubaki's more likely to shoot for a less stringent sentence.)


Tohohohoho... I'm sorry, you three... now then, I'll be going...


Hold it! Do you honestly think that we're going to let you go, scot-free?? We--



And he didn't stop running until he was safe in his room, behind a locked door.


Sumire-kun and Kanna... I wonder if it'll be alright...

While the night may last an infinite amount of time for a certain sixteen-bit farmer who works under a harvest moon and wishes to clear his fields before the next day...

... once he goes to sleep, the sun comes back up.



No, it's alright. As expected of you, Ensign, you are punctual.


... which wouldn't be so vexing if you did not keep setting your watch to be ten minutes slow.


Hah hah hah, what're you talking about, Sumire-kun? The world's just ten minutes fast.



My my, you're quite energetic. Might you not be mistaking this for a simple outing or some such?


Hey hey, both of you, please don't get carried away.


Now, we're leaving for the abandoned mansion in Fukagawa. Today's mission is reconnaissance and investigation.
Lay off the loud fights.

Ogami didn't realize that his phrasing didn't explicitly outlaw QUIET fights until after he'd said it. Nevertheless...


... it didn't look like that was going to matter too much.

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