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-- room.



Don't tell me... after dinner, you've been here the whole time...?


At this rate, I don't think I'll get tired.... and then I won't really want to sleep, y'know.

... clearly, Kanna doesn't ever get MAD. She just gets VIOLENT-- and once she gets started, she'll never stop.



These are roughly the same choices that the game gave you for Sumire's case-- the first choice is good, the last choice is bad-- which doesn't account for the fact that I threw pattern recognition out the window and went for the neutral choice.

On the other hand, I'm more than willing to get between Sumire and a plate of food than I am to get between Kanna and training equipment that she could break with her pinkie finger.


Have you finished preparing for tomorrow? We've been told that the Hive of Darkness will be there, so... we'll be in trouble if we're not careful.


For that crucial moment, letting your body rest might be the best way to prepare.


I see... that's certainly true.


Oh good, you're going to go get some rest--



-- or, or you could go and work yourself up into an even greater thirst for activity and violence, that works too.


-- office.

In most situations, this would probably be stating the obvious. We are, however, talking about Manager Yoneda here, so it's just as likely that the old man's trying to take the Rolling Thunder out and use it to pick up girls.

Here, however...

It's time for Escape Plan, Part Two!

And Ogami doesn't even TRY to mask his eagerness to escape the theater that has become his own personal women-filled hell.


Great job, Manager! Now, let's escape before someone finds us!!


Sure, sure! It's as easy as one, two...


... thr... thrrrrrrggghghhh...




Three, Manager. Three comes after--





Manager! If the key won't open it, then...


Manager, let's try to use pins to unlock the door!

Without even missing a beat, Ogami-- the man in charge of Japan's anti-demon squad and the figurehead for justice and mankind and the Imperial Capital's hope and so on-- immediately suggests that they pick a lock and break out.

Of course, the person who's in CHARGE of the man in charge of etc., Yoneda...

... doesn't hesitate to support this plan of action.

The Imperial Capital is finished.


Alright, I'll give it a try!




Just a little more, I think...

Awwwwwright. With this, Ogami can finally learn what it means to be a man! More importantly, he can ditch the geezer afterwards and hop the next boat to the mainland or to California or even down to Australia or something like that, anything to ge--


Uwah! A... Ayame-san!!


... if you're talking about that lock, I've already had it replaced.
Because going out at the middle of the night is dangerous, right...?



... Ogami, m'boy, this goes beyond "caught" and "not caught." This's what we call "fucking owned."




But you just said--


What? Just because she fuckin' owned us all two times we tried t' bust this joint doesn't mean that we're going to do something as pansy-assed and weak-sauce--


-- and intelligent--


-- as give up, eh? We'll get it next time!!


Y... yessir.


-- oom.


Well, guess I'd better get goi--



Was it really necessary to burn that much spiritual energy just to make a damn cool entrance?


Practice makes perfect, Oniichan~!



Aah, that's right. What'll we be practicing today?


Alright, I got it. Now then... let's sit in front of the piano.


Yaaaaay, practicing the piano with Oniichan~! Let's hurry up and start!!


Okay, I got it.


Okay, here we go~!

Ichiro Ogami: As Hardcore About Playing The Piano As He Is About Mecha-Piloting.


Alright, it's perfect! Iris, your tone was also perfectly exact!!


Oniichan, you're so cool... you were almost like a real pianist!


Wait, "almost like a real pianist"?


... real pianists don't play instruments that have Playstation buttons where the keys and sharps should be, Oniichan.




Hahaha, you're making me blush... Iris, you were playing very well, too.


Eheheh... Oniichan and Iris are an invincible pair, aren't we!



Because... I didn't want to play badly, even if it's in front of Oniichan!




Aah, let's do this again sometime.


Good night, Iris.


That was...

That was entire experience was actually normal, for a given value of normal. Ever since Iris's birthday... well.

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