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Ogami isn't even horrendously frightened of going up to see Iris in her room! Let's push our luck a little and see what happens. 'Sides, Iris SHOULD be preparing to go to bed, so she'll probably be more calm and mellow than usual.


... this may have been the most unnecessary screenshot in the history of this forum.





... alright, scratch "calm and mellow." Does she ever sleep?


Then... I'm comin' in~.


A story, huh? Let's see...




(This could go so badly in so many ways. C'mon, c'mon, I gotta choose SOMETHING-- and I gotta choose WISELY, otherwise... I... I...)



Alright, then I suppose I'll tell you a bit of a grown-up story, "The Story About Me, Long Ago"...


Hm... ah, right. It was April, when the cherry blossom petals were dancing about, when I first entered into the Naval Academy...


... and that was when Kayama, that bastard, decided that it would be more fun to drive it through the storage shed, rather than go around it, but it turned out to be the deciding factor for our test when they quizzed us on the decisive battle that...



... were swirling around like azure droplets of crystalline shards of mirror in front of them-- this is still in April, mind you-- and our garments were getting soaked straight through the rough fabric and chilled us straight to the very core of our luminescent beings, and that was...



... didn't have plural back then, and things WERE a lot better when I was younger, I can prove it by showing you my carefully-preserved collection of stamps. Their current condition is a good indication of how much better the air was back then than it is now, since all that newfangled pollution and air would cause any other stamp to immediately...




I, Iris!? She's already asleep, huh... s, somehow, this is kind of mortifying.


Come on, Iris... if you sleep in a place like this, you'll catch a cold.


Mm... mumble mumble...


It can't be helped, huh... guess I'll carry her to her bed.


Good night, Iris. Sweet dreams...

Ogami didn't know it, but just by walking up to the attic, he was about to tie up his first loose end during his time at the theater...


Huh...? Ayame-san. But you've already finished sorting those files, haven't you...?


You too? The whole "my body is moving on its own" thing, huh?


Oh, certainly. I was once in your position, Ogami-kun.


... wait, what?


Surrounded by pretty men who were all my co-workers. Oh, those were the days...



Hmhmhmhmhm... somehow, the both of us... seem to keep meeting here, I see.


Eh... is, is that how this looks, you think?


Yes... I wonder if we look like close siblings?

Cockblock Counter: 1.


Siblings... is it?


You know... there used to be someone who I liked.


Well, I am also a woman myself. I think that people can fall in love... and that we want to be loved, as well.





No matter how much I sort away the memories that are up here... I could not file away my feelings.
All I did... was bury my own feelings deep into my heart...



Ogami, being a romantic hot-blooded sap, could only find it in his heart to answer in one way:

I'll never be enough of an asshole to go for the last choice. Why would you do that?


Can't I become your strength? I may not be very reliable, but... Ayame-san, I also--!


... thank you. Even just those feelings... are enough to make me happy.

Cockblock Counter: 2.


That's not what I meant, what I wanted to say was--


... I'm sorry. It seems that I've been... depending too much on your kindness.
Ogami-kun, you're so kind... I've been relying on you more and more.

Cockblock Counter: 3.


... no, it's alright.


Could it possibly be... that the person who took this picture was the person who you liked, Ayame-san?


Yes... that's right. ... you made a good guess.


It's because you... looked so happy in this picture...



This is... something that you should keep, Ayame-san.


... that's true. That's certainly... true.


... here.


Now then, I... I've still got the nightly rounds to do, so please excuse me here.


Yes... hang in there, Ogami-kun.

I think my withered little heart just grew three sizes.

NEXT TIME: A rose by any other name is FUCK YOU, fanservice (?), and the nightly rounds end!

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