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She'd better appreciate this, we had to waste a precious ten minutes on a fairly inane fetch-quest sequence to get her Jean-Paul. :|


This is... Iris's room, huh.

Yeah, I guess you DO tend to forget where these rooms are after visiting them for the fiftieth or so time.

... oh god, are they ALL crammed full of dead mens' souls so that they can float like Jean-Paul?


Iris... it's Sakura. Could you open the door, please?


Here, Iris. It's Jean-Paul. It looks like you forgot him in the dressing room.

I have another theory, but I think you guys are already aware of it.


You shouldn't leave your best friend behind.


Now, it's already late, so... good night, Iris.


Okay! Good night!

Fare thee well, Jean-Paul. Your sacrifice will always be remembered.


Yeah, now we can get some fucking sleep without having to worry about waking up with a loli attached to your jugular vein... or worse.


Now, shall we keep making the nightly rounds?



Ah.... it's already this late...


Should we end the nightly patrol here?

There's really not a lot left to PATROL 'cause you guys still won't let me into the basement, so.

How gentlemanly!

Of course...

... it all works out in the end.

Yeah, I REALLY exerted myself walkin' you here.


No, really, this is nothing. Okay, good night.


I won't even have to hang upside-down outside your window to take pictures of you changing your clothes!



...... eh?

I've reevaluated Ogami's mental density- it's not a failing, it's his brain's instinctual defense against the non-sensical nature of his interpersonal relationships. What he doesn't pick up on couldn't possibly hurt him! Right?


N, no, it's nothing. Now then..... good night.

The walk from Sakura's room to Ogami's room was edited out for gratuitous violence, suggestive themes, and hardcore badassity. I'm sure you all understand perfectly.

Yeah, it's a whole nine-o-clock at night. YOU'RE REALLY LIVIN' ON THE EDGE, YOU WILD MAN YOU.


I'm pretty tired... might as well go ahead and sleep.

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