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By some miracle of nature, night becomes DAY.

And somehow, the theater's still standing. yaaaaay

Even when half-awake, Ogami finds himself compelled to remind himself of the nature of his surroundings so that he won't get morning confused with nighttime again.


That's right... they said that today was a day off from performing. It seems that I'm released from my ticket-taking duties, too.
Now... what should I do?


Oh, right! I'll try talking to General Yoneda.
Does the.... Imperial Assault Force really not exist?

Does Yoneda NOT drink sake? Is Maria NOT hot? Is Iris NOT frighteningly eager to get into Ogami's pants? Is Sakura's universe NOT centered around Ogami?

No matter what... I can't believe that. No, I don't WANT to believe that.
I'll get a clear answer directly from General Yoneda's own mouth!

Hahahahahahahahaha, good luck with that.

Oh, hey, let's talk to Maria. I know you guys've liked her a lot lately.


Ah, morning. I overslept a bit, I think.

... I can feel the disapproval radiating out of the core of her being and her '...'s from all the way back HERE.


Ensign. Are you not unsatisfied with your work here?

Oh, good, she was just reading Ogami's mind-

GodDAMN it, woman, knock that off!!

Going for the wimp answer here.


I'm not unsatisfied, but... I came here to become the captain of the Imperial Assault Force.
Despite that, what I've ended up doing is clipping tickets... I have no idea what's going on here.


Ensign.... I understand how you feel. However...
I know- of a world where pleasure does not exist... a world where you must fight in order to survive...
I do not want the Imperial Capital to become a city where all the smiles have disappeared.
And so, we welcome guests into this theater... and I believe that to be an extraordinary blessing.



Well, shit, no WONDER she takes the stage so seriously.


Oh, no, don't worry about ME, I'm just some lowly ticket-taker who has no place anywhere near the stage.


Sniff... jerk.


So everyone's going to be in rehearsal, huh..... well, maybe I'll go there afterwards.
First things first.. I've got to go to General Yoneda's office.

Dum dee dum dee doo.



Have I mentioned that Yoneda is like my second favorite male character in the entire series?


(This man... is he honestly drinking sake out here as well?)

Shore looks like it.

General Yoneda. I have questions that I wish to ask of you...


I'm the manager, m-a-n-a-g-e-r. Knock it off with "General" when we're in the theater.
So.... what is it you wanted to ask about? Huh? Go on, tell me.


Yes. First of all....


.... w-what's the matter? Genera- I mean, Manager!


Don't tell me.... is it about the Imperial Assault Force? You've completely sobered up, right?


So, in addition to being drunk 85% of the time, he's also either incontinent or just cruel as hell. ... I'm banking on both at once.


..... Manager Yoneda. Honestly... please knock it off with the jokes!


Ogami, I'll listen to what you have to say after I get back.
'Til then, go and watch the Flower Division rehearse or something.


The second option looks about as entertaining as watching paint dry. To the stage!


.... I suppose that spacing out and waiting at a place like this would be sort of stupid.

Finally, he realizes the stupidity inherent in some of the choices his brain seriously takes into account.

Let's go watch the Flower Division's stage rehearsal.


Oh no.


Hi, Iris.

What Cthulu-level horror FUN you could have with this phrase when taken out of context.


It's great that Jean-Paul came back, isn't it, Iris.

Not of his own free will, of course.


... you know, Oniichan...



What's up, Iris?

Sumire: Fail.
Maria: Fail.
Sakura: Success.
Iris: Do Not Want.

My track record doesn't look too good, guys.


Really? ..... thanks.



Hiss! Argh! Saccharine moment! My blackened and withered heart is melting!!


Ah... that's right. Is the stage rehearsal going on right now?

Oh, thank GOD, he changed the subject.


Yup, that's right. I might learn something by watching them.


... oh, shit, he was being totally serious, wasn't he.


People unrelated to the production are not allowed on stage.


But Maria, Iris is also in the play-




Leave it be, Iris, she's been like this since last night.


Watching other people act is also a part of rehearsing. Come now, come over here.

From over where?

... this... this is like two steps away from where he was just STANDING.


Sakura-san! Your footwork is incorrect!


Oh... they're doing it.
So behind those graceful-looking productions are these kinds of everyday rehearsals, huh...





It's here. A temporary video link that's... slightly borked at the beginning of the video, but it gets better. It's also not deinterlaced, but at least you can read the subtitles here! You can also tell which movies were just lifted straight from the Sega Saturn version.

This one's also sort of unskippable. Why would you WANT to skip this, though?

The game literally gives you one second to make this decision.


Both of you! Stop fighting!!




O-Ogami-san!! Watch out!!





Kyaaa, Ogami-san!! I'm so sorry!


E-Ensign.... why were you there....


I don't know a lot about the stage, and I have no intention of interfering with your rehearsal.
But... teamwork is important for an Operetta Troupe, right? So stop... fighting.

Gosh Ogami, you look sorta cool.

Sumire was impressed.

Iris was impressed.

Maria... I THINK she was impressed, in her usual arcane and impossible-to-read manner.


..... just as long as you understand. Now then, I'll be going...


.... to the bathroom to count how many teeth I have left and curl up in a stall, sobbing like a little girl.

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