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Next stop: the second floor salon, that place where Sumire just sort of sits around, drinks tea, and makes Ogami's life a living hell.


It's everyone's place to relax, huh. No one's left any trash anywhere..... it's pretty.

.... and speak of the devil.


Um, Sumire-san... drinking your green tea is all right, but... please remember to clean up your mugs afterward.
You left it your mug lying around again earlier this afternoon.

I can't really reconcile the clean-cut, lady-like Sumire with the Sumire who's ready and willing (and lazy) to let dirty crap pile up in the salon.

My current policy is to add a new screenshot everytime someone changes a pose.


... a pissed-off, ranting Sumire is usually animated enough to make this fairly tedious.

But hey, at least she's bustled off to go... do whatever it is she does when she isn't drinking tea, dropping forks, or verbally castrating people! Hell if I know what the Kanzaki heiress ACTUALLY does for fun, but I think these leisure activities might cover it for her.


Y, yeah.... guess so.

>OGAMI and his party ran away from the battle!
>0 exp gained.
>0 yen gained.
>10 manliness lost.

A library? Gawd, what DOESN'T this theater have?


Giant robots?

Hush, you.


Sakura and the Ensign... what are you doing up so late?


Doing the nightly rounds. Maria-san, what might YOU be doing up so late?

Well, she's wearing a heavy-as-fuck overcoat in the middle of April. I'm guessing that she becomes more active when the temperature drops at night, when little French lolis and socially stunted ticket-takers usually aren't out and about to bother the hell out of her.

.... and she would've gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for that meddling Sakura.


I'd just come to return the book that I had borrowed earlier.


Oh, what book did you borrow?


The "Kama Sutra".


... come again?


.... it was for Iris.




It was "Crime and Punishment"...

If you can't read what the christ the title was back there (which I couldn't my first time around), these choices look about twenty times worse in Japanese katakana. ESPECIALLY since there's that time limit. Doubly so, if you don't know your Russian authors.

Try deciphering what the heck Torusutoi, Dosutoefuskii, and Gourikii are supposed to be referring to in the space of about seven seconds.

One horrendously lucky guess (the middle option) later:


Yeah, that's 'cause I can see the spine of the book from here.


Hahaha... oh, you DICK.


Ogami-san, that's amazing! I'm really impressed!


Ensign, Sakura. Good luck with the nightly rounds. Good night.


Ogami-san. Shall we go back to making the rounds?

NEVER! If you want me out of this door, it's going to be over my cold, dead, broken body!


Well, THAT was simple. I sure hope blood doesn't stain~!

Inescapable event, go!



What's wrong, Iris?! At an hour like this...

Don't be fooled by her ridiculous pink jammies and innocent-looking nightcap!


Oniichan.... Sakura.....

Or by her piteous sobbing! It's all part of her master plan. With her fangs bared, the French loli is going to go straight for Sakura's jugular and Ogami's pants!


What's the matter, Iris? Please, tell us.


Well, you see... Jean-Paul is gone...
I think that he was.... probably left behind somewhere....
Sniff... Jean-Paul's probably all alone right now... sniff... the poor thing...

Oh, it's just the teddy bear.





Don't worry, Iris. Once it becomes brighter tomorrow, you'll find him quickly.
Now then, it's already late. Please go back to your room for today.


Sniff... okay... I will...

... weren't YOU the one telling her which room to stay in this afternoon?


.... Ogami-san. We should get moving. Shall we?

Pfft, yeah, like I'M going to waste time doing the Jean-Paul fetch quest. To Yoneda's office!

(to be continued! Something's being borked up in this thread- possibly due to image links- so I'm pacing the update posts a little bit more slowly.

So, no, the next few parts of this update have not disappeared and/or been deleted, I'm just waiting for the next page before I risk throwing down any more image links.)

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