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(I'm really sleepy, but... maybe it's because I'm not used to this bed, but I'm having trouble falling asleep....)
(It's already almost eight o' clock, huh....)

*knocking sounds*

(Hm....? Who could it possibly be at this hour?)


Ogami-san... it's Sakura....


Sakura-kun? Hold on a second, I'll open the door.
(It's already this late- what could possibly be the matter....?)

Hell if I know what's the matter NOW, but I have a good grasp on what COULD go horribly wrong with this scenario.

Ogami stepped outside of his room, momentarily preoccupied with his thoughts; thus, he never saw the baseball bat coming until it hit the back of his head, plunging him into unconsciousness.

"Now I'll have him aaaaaall to myself... kukukuku......!" Giggling like a loon, Sakura let the baseball bat drop from her hands and began dragging the ticket-taker's limp body back to her room.





Yes, it was a great success.


More importantly... what's wrong? Do you need me for something?

Well, it DOES take two people to make a baby.


Um, Ogami-san...
Actually, I have to get you started on making the nightly rounds in the theater...
... is what Yoneda instructed me to tell you...


Nightly... rounds?


Yes.... I apologize for telling you this so suddenly, but.... we're leaving it in your hands.

(What the fuck does 'nightly rounds' mean), he wondered? Immediately, Ogami's mind leapt to the worst case scenarios, and it was all he could do to keep the horrified expression off his face. Was this part of some secret governmental breeding program? Would the OTHER girls actually informed about this BEFORE he attempts to put the moves on them? Would... would he have to touch Iris?!




Alright, let's do this thing!
I was actually having trouble sleeping. This should make for some good exercise.

... I don't know how this man can say this sort of thing with a straight face.


Eh?! Sakura-kun, you're coming along as well?


Yes! I mean, you aren't very familiar with the theater yet, right?
That's why I'm coming along to show you around!

(Once again, I refer you to the aforementioned baseball bat scenario.)


Thanks. I'm counting on you, then.


This free movement phase starts off on the second floor this time, in front of Ogami's room.

Aside from the strangely empty rooms, there's really not a whole lot to see; a number of scenes seem to require intruding on peoples' private spaces.

Thus, I decide to invade Sakura's.

This is mostly because there's a heart icon above her room, which always means that something.... interesting will happen.




... but, but, it's MY job to give up-to-date reports on which room we're currently standing in front of.


Oh, that's right! I have something I want to ask of you...


What's up?


Lately, I've been reading our script for "Cinderella," but I'm having trouble with a few parts...
.... could you practice a few lines with me, just for a little bit?


That's no problem, but... I hope that I can be helpful.


Thank you! Now, let's go inside and get started at once.


Without someone playing as the stepmother, I have trouble getting into the spirit of the scene.
Ogami-san, could you please play the evil stepmother?



.... never having read Cinderella before- or any similar Western fairy tale, for that matter- Ogami was quite baffled. Where were the colorful pictures with the pronunciations for each word? Where was all the violent, scissor-wielding cuttin' action? What happened to the porno scenes? Why was this 'Cinderella' character passively letting herself get slapped around by some old hag when there were so many potentially deadly household implements within easy reach?





If you've got time to cry.... er...

I max out this gauge, thus instructing Ogami to put everything he's got into belting out this one line.

The results are fairly awesome.


Y-yes, mother...

The falsetto laughter that resounded from Ogami's mouth has heralded the birth of a new actor.



Ogami-san.... you're getting really into this...


Hahaha... I guess I put a bit too much effort into it.


Tell her off, Ogami! Don't let this philistine crimp your budding acting skills!


.... well, we're done with that bit of practice, so let's get back to making the nightly rounds.

Done like dinner, as a mater of fact.


Yep, you're right.

... with the way things have been going, he's probably going to show up to the next practice session decked out in drag and a wig.









Anyway, shall we get going?

(to be continued).

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