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This is the Free Movement phase. These make up a good chunk of the dating sim/talky parts of the game. You're given free rein to poke around the theater's rooms and trigger scenes/events, which are just about always five minutes each (see the clock in the upper left hand corner of the screen?). Free movement usually lasts an hour.

Twelve scenes/events might sound like more than enough time, but

The theater has a fuckload of rooms. Usually, only those with markers are worth going to. Certain characters tend to hang out at certain places.

For instance, Tsubaki, the girl we just talked to, tends to hang around the gift shop a lot. I check it out.


Heh... so this is the gift shop. You're selling a lot of different things, huh.


Yep, I've got confidence in our selection of goods!

LIES. All she ever sells me are bromides.


... so, what will it be?

... probably because that's all Ogami ever seems to want to buy.


Let's see... okay, I'll take a bromide.


You'll buy one? Hehehe... thank you~!


Now, please choose one. There's a bromide for each member of the Flower Division.

Oh, just for reference...

Wikipedia posted:

Bromide, in photography, refers to a type of photographic printing paper coated in an emulsion of silver bromide, or a photograph made thereof. Images are imprinted on the bromide paper via the gelatin-silver process.

In Japan, "bromide" (ブロマイド), or "promide" (プロマイド) refers to a category of commercial photo portraits of celebrities擁ncluding geisha, singers, actors and actresses of both stage and film, and sports stars羊egardless of whether bromide paper was used for the photo. While bromide photos have been a part of the Japanese popular consciousness for decades, the term seems to be falling out of use.

As a staple of the series, the gift shops in the Sakura Wars games usually provides an in-game bromide for each heroine.

And now you know what the hell that Nagaette Bromide thing was.

In any case, I decide to take a look at some of the bromides.


That's Maria's bromide.


That cool demeanor and pretty blond hair... I really admire her.


(Th, there's a bromide of her? This is a secret brigade- is that even alright?)

You have to admit, it's 1) a fuckawesome way to make money, and 2) to ensure that no one will ever seriously believe that a pop star idol an actress on a bromide would be a badass mecha-piloting member of a secret brigade.

This is something that Ogami doesn't ever seem to pick up on.


(.... well, might as well take one.)

And then he left immediately afterward without actually picking up anything.

Ogami then gets ambushed in the hallway. Unavoidable scenes are the game's version of random encounters- thankfully, the former is not nearly as prevalent. WHEN SUDDENLY--

He does not take well to being ambushed.

... said the voice of a young woman.

Sumire's voice: Sultry, unlikely to stop at covering Ogami's eyes with her hands.
Sakura's voice: That of a young woman.
Maria's voice: Very husky. Unlikely to stoop to doing something as childish as this.

... unless you get her totally smashed.

I don't know the context of this picture. I'm pretty sure I never want to find out.


Hehe... you got me.

Surprised? It sounded like Ogami was going to need a new pair of pants, I think that goes beyond mere surprise.


You have an unexpectedly mischevious side to you, don't you.


Hehe... I'm sorry.


-- wait, what? What the christ has OGAMI done to earn your respect and/or illogical romantic attraction? I mean, thus far, he's proved that he can:

1) Look baffled.
2) Change clothes without incident.
3) Identify someone's voice.

I don't think he gets it, either.


W, well then... I'll be going....


Ah.... Sakura-kun! Please wait! I have something I want to ask you!


What is it?

Screw this romantic stuff. You guys still owe me a mecha.


This is just a normal theater. Where exactly is the secret brigade, the Imperial Assault Force?!


W-well, that's....



... she left.

I reckon she did, Cap'n Obvious.


It's almost as if... she was running away...


Let's go somewhere else.

We do so.

Only to get more or less Shanghai'd by none other than our theater's own little Iris.


I make an attempt to strike up something vaguely resembling conversation.


... she's planning something.

Well, I won't stand for it. I'd better take preemptive measures.

... while avoiding the last option like the plague. Goddamn it, Ogami.


Right, I'm fine with that. I'd gladly bask in the sun with you, Iris.


Really, really?! C'mon c'mon, it feels great around here~!!


You're right... somehow... I'm starting to feel sleepy...


Iris, too... I'm drifting off...

... just as planned. Feign sleepiness, wait until the French girl is asleep, then throttle her so that she may cease to cause undue stress to our beloved Ensign.



Sa, Sakura-kun?!


Eh~! Why~?! I want to have an afternoon nap with Oniichan here~!


No, you can't. Now, let's go. There's something you have to do in the dressing room.

Yeah, I think she still remembers that first meeting with Iris. Moving on....


(It... looks like this is the dressing room. I see... so this is how it is.)




What's up? Did you come to play?

What the bloody hell WOULD you play in a dressing room? "Kick Over Sumire's Makeup Kit And Flee From Her Spiteful Wrath"?


Yup. Actually, I wanted to ask you something really quickly, Iris.



Because I don't think I'd be able to get an intelligent answer out of Iris regarding the first question.


I was thinking of asking you to tell me about yourself, Iris.

Naturally, that choice is simply the lesser of two evils.


You know, Iris used to live in France.
Then I was scouted and came to Japan, and now I live here.


So that's how it was...

Uninformative and annoyingly vague? Yes.


Thanks, Iris. I know a little bit more about you now.


Yup. Next time, you should tell me about yourself too, Oniichan!

Aha. No. :|

Click LIPS time.

Yes, I still remember how long you ranted about how much her big pink ribbon suits her. WE KNOW.

I think I'll look at Jean-Paul instead.


Uh, uhm...

Believe me when I say that this question is made more difficult when all of the answer choices are in katakana.


I still remember it well. He's Jean-Paul.

Is it just me, or is everyone's expectations of Ogami ridiculously low? Hell, he could be as active as a sack of potatoes and everyone would STILL fall all over themselves to praise the sunnovagun.


Of course. He's your best friend, after all.


Thank you, Oniichan.... I'm really happy.


Do you know where everyone else's gone to?


Sumire's on the second floor. Just now, Sakura went to get her.
Maria said that she was going to the stage.
Uncle Yoneda is... in his room, isn't he?


I see. Thanks.





Iris is going for a walk! Bye-bye, Oniichan!!


Ah... she left... it can't be helped, I should get going myself.

That's the end of THAT scene.

The theater actually consists of three floors: the ground level, the second floor (where all the sleepin' rooms are), and the basement.

I get cockblocked at the basement...

... so I go to the second floor, instead.

I think Iris said that Sumire was up here...? Well, I've got a delivery for her.

... what does it take to get your name remembered around here? More than knowing how to put on your clothes, apparently.

Thank you, Sumire, you're a beacon of sanity (?) in a crazy theater.


.... it's Ogami.


Oh, my apologies. Let's see. To make it easier, I believe I shall just call you 'Ensign' from now on.

... wonderful. Also, more Click LIPS.

.... I'm going to avoid the obvious pitfall here.

That's more like it.


I always drink tea like this before the main performance... I cannot stand this feeling of nervousness.
By the way, Ensign... do you need something of me?


While I was taking tickets, someone who called himself a 'passionate fan' gave me this letter.
He wanted me to give it to you, I think. Here you go.


Thank you, Ensign.
At first, I was wondering what kind of person would be transferred here, but...
It turns out that you are a fairly thoughtful person, Ensign. That puts me at ease.

... but you probably still won't be able to remember his name.


I, I see...
Wait, that's sort of strange...


Why would you, a member of a secret brigade, be receiving fan letters?




Sumire-sa~n! ... ah, Ogami-san, you're here as well.




Good work. I shall head there after getting something from my room.


Oh, that's right.... Ensign... might I be able to ask you a brief question?


Eh... me?

Oh shit.


..... !

No, but I don't think I have a choice here. :/ Let's see....



... oh! Ensign, how indecisive of you!


You can't do that, Sumire-san. You're just putting him on the spot, aren't you?


I myself do not think there is any reason for hesitation, but...

No bias at all, nope.


Well, I shall forgive you this time. .... now then, please excuse me.


Okay, Ogami-san. I must be going as well.


Ah, right.



I hate to break it to you, but I hesitated because I don't really like EITHER of you. :/


Now, please excuse me.




Well, let's go elsewhere.

I hop around a bit more. I go to the terrace...

... and nothing of value was gained, except for some talk about how awesome the view of Ginza is.

Iris once again shanghais Ogami at the kitchen and crams some stolen chocolate into his mouth. Again, nothing of value was gained.

To the music room! They have a piano.



... except for you. That piano is coming out of your paycheck.



They also have a costume room.


So this is... the costumes room for the stage, huh.

I don't know where I'd be if Ogami didn't point this kind of stuff out everytime I go somewhere.


Hold on, you over there. I am afraid I must turn you down if you wish for a signature.


Uh, um... it's me, Ogami...

I so called it.

Come to think of it, I have no clue how long it takes Sumire to get to the point where she can actually remember Ogami's name. My money's on the possibility that she'll start being able to put a name to his face- only if you complete the game with her as Ogami's love interest.

Thus rebuffed, I...


... a masochistic sense of curiosity compels me to determine exactly WHY there is a heart icon over Iris's room.

I left out Ogami's usual "So this is X room, eh?".



Ogami has the decency to look shocked this time around, perhaps understanding that he's very close to getting thrown into the slammer.


A joke, huh.... hahahaha....


.... there are many words that can be used to describe Iris. For me, 'cute' is not one of them.

Immediately after THAT event, another one pops up at Sakura's room.


Ah... no, I was just wandering around a bit.


Wha?! A, a date?


Hahaha... s, somehow, I feel like I've just had this conversation....


It's frightening whether it WAS a coincidence or not.

Finally, however, we swing by- eh, I'll let Ogami explain.

A couple of knocks later--


Ye~s! ... who is it?


Um... it's Ogami. Are you free for a moment?


I am in the middle of changing clothes. Would you be so kind as to wait?

Cue stupid anime hijinx the greatest expression ever.



No apologies necessary, I'm fairly certain Ogami entertained himself during the wait.


As expected of the ensign. You did wait for me, after all.


Well, hahaha...

Just hope that she doesn't turn around and see the stains all over her door.


By the way... what was it you needed?


Sumire-kun. Could you tell me anything about the Imperial Assault Force?


The Imperial Assault Force...


As far as I can see, this is really just a simple theater.
You wouldn't possibly think that this would be the headquarters of a secret brigade...

If I were Yoneda, I'd probably just slam a dictionary upside Ogami's head and force him to look up the meaning of 'secret'.


Sumire-kun, could you tell me what in the world is going on here?!


That is...

"I still have things I must be doing"? While expected of a person who cannot remember one name, well, that's not even a GOOD excuse. Hell, back in the day, there was 'gotta wash my hair' and all, right?


(To have gone off in such a hurry... I wonder what's the matter?)

Bingety-bingety-bong, free movement's over~.


Ch'... it's already this late...
If this is the way it is, it can't be helped. I'll go see General Yoneda and ask him directly.


I'm not sure if they actually played the usual "someone is approaching" walking sounds. I'm close to positive that she just APPEARED.


Nice to meet you. You are Ogami-san, correct? I am Kasumi Fujii, from the secretarial office.
I apologize for the inconvenience, but we require you to sign our notification of your arrival at your new post, so would you come to our office?

Shanghaied one last time by paperwork. :smith: So much for THAT.

Ogami has now met all three of the theater girls: Tsubaki, Yuri, and Kasumi.

... I'll bring them up again when they start mattering. :|

I swear to god that that's the fifteenth time he's said that all chapter.


... in the middle of a phone call, huh.


Aah, he got here... just now. Well, I'll have to watch the situation...
However, Hanakoji-san..... this secret brigade is... difficult.
Forcing women to stand on the battlefield while all we can do is watch over them. As an Imperial soldier... it's an embarrassment.
However, right now, those girls are the only ones who can operate the "Koubu".
That's why I'm going out of my way to guard, protect, and give those girls freedom.
It would be good if I could use that young one...
Whoops, it seems as if he's finally come to complain. Then, talk to you later...


.... it looks like the call's finished.
Please excuse me! Ogami, coming in!


Really? Hey, thanks, it wasn't easy- the pants almost got me, but I actually remembered in time tha-





So how's it going? Gotten used to ticket-taking work yet?

I prefer the crazy hot-blooded Ogami. This is because it doesn't matter if he's hot-blooded or coolly analytical; he can be equally dumb either way.


Please explain what this is all about! I'd not heard that I would be doing ticket-taking work at some theater!


Furthermore, all the members are women. And Iris is still a small child!

Most sane heterosexual males wouldn't complain about the former, and I was certain that Ogami was happy with the latter.


I was to become the captain of the secret brigade, the Imperial Assault Force. That I would be doing THIS is not what I was told!!
At this Imperial Assault Force, and as its captain.... what am I supposed to be doing?!
No, even before that... is this even the Imperial Assault Force?! It just seems to be a normal theater!!


Take a go~od look at the nameplate above my head there!


Basically, two completely different sets of words sound exactly the same:
Assault Force = Kagekidan = Operetta Troupe.



Imperial... Operetta Troupe...?


Wha?! Operetta Troupe? Isn't it supposed to be 'Assault Force'?


But... I was supposed to be transferred to the secret brigade, the Imperial Assault Force...

Ogami's brain can't handle the strain of discovering that the name of his awesome brigade was based on a bad pun.


'Cause I bet you didn't know that most government organizations bring in income through these kinds of 'brigades', eh?

And to make it worse, Yoneda heaps insult upon injury.


G-Gaaaaaah! Th... that's... impossible!!


Hahaha! Go cool yer head for a bit.

God, I hope that they at least took the scissors away from him.


This 'secret brigade' was... just a typical theater...
This has got to be some sort of bad dream...


Earlier In The Chapter posted:


This oniichan also has spirit energy... is he going to fight using a 'Koubu', too?


... that's right.



Just One Fucking Minute Ago posted:


However, Hanakoji-san..... this secret brigade is... difficult.
Forcing women to stand on the battlefield while all we can do is watch over them. As an Imperial soldier... it's an embarrassment.
However, right now, those girls are the only ones who can operate the "Koubu".
That's why I'm going out of my way to guard, protect, and give those girls freedom.


:confused: :confused: :confused:


I can't even put forth the effort to ridicule Ogami any more.

:downsbravo: :milk: :argh:




As a final act of mercy, I'm not letting Ogami go all :emo: on us. He still has those scissors, after all.


That would be great. My head's spinning from the confusion...


At a time like this, it would be best if you rested in your room. Come on, let's go.



Thanks for bringing me here. I'm sorry to make you worry...




Ah... it, it's nothing. W, well, I... have to go to the performance, so...



If you have some time, would you like to come inside? I'd like to talk with you for a bit...


.... I'm sorry. The play's almost about to start, so...
I'd like to talk with you, Ogami-san, but... I'm sorry.


I see.... it's unfortunate, but if you've got the performance, it can't be helped...


Okay, good luck with the performance. Thanks for bringing me here.


Yes! In that case, excuse me.


... I really wish people would knock it off with the sudden appearance thing.


... huh? Sakura-kun. What's up?


Er, um...


... whoa, Sakura really HAS gone all :swoon: on Ogami.



Oh cra- character development alert!





I didn't care what would happen afterwards. I could finally protect the peace.... just that was enough to make me overjoyed.
But... what I was transferred into was the 'Imperial Operetta Troupe'... an all-female operetta troupe!


To protect the peace, the duty which was to be my job....


... what has happened to it?


It's right under your nose--

... ah, to hell with it, he'll figure it out by himself. But for now, we finally have the game's first save point, which is more or less halfway through the entire first episode.

The next update will be... eventful.

NEXT TIME: 'Exercises In Trust-Gaining' and 'The Good Guys Always Make The Best Goddamn Fucking Entrances EVER. This Goes Double For Mecha Pilots'.

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