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By the time the government completed their cover-up of the incident by wiping the memories of those few fortunate souls who survived both detonations managed to pull Ogami and Iris out of the rubble, it was already nightfall.



Aw, man... it sounds like Ogami-han's really gettin' thrashed in there...


A park fountain got destroyed in broad daylight, and an entire movie theater was leveled... it ain't that surprising.


Just a moment! Would you two be quiet!? I cannot hear a thing like this!



If you had made even one wrong move, it could have become a huge disaster. Think long and hard about that.


Hmph, Iris didn't do anything wrong.


Iris... don't you understand what you have done?


No way. ... Iris didn't do anything wrong!


You decimated two buildings in broad daylight and injured an untold number of--


Iris only injured, killed, or mind-flayed 10,410 people!


M-Maria!! Hold on! PUT AWAY YOUR GUN!




Take my word for it! If you strike her down, she'll only become stronger than you could ever imagine! Now then, deep breaths, deeeeep breaths, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale--


(Five minutes later...)


... it could be very dangerous if you use your powers carelessly.


Now, now, big sister Maria, you shouldn't be this strict... yelling is bad for your skin, y'know.


That won't do! I believe that it is necessary to deal with Iris accordingly!!




Dammit, Manager Yoneda, I -just- got her calmed down, too.


Ten thousand people, Captain.





... I'll let you snoop around the baths tonight while I'm washing up.



Iris, you should apologize too! You need to come out and apologize when you've done something wrong!


Iris hasn't done anything wrong!


You went on a destructive mass-murdering spree! What WOULD it take for you to do something wrong? The destruction of a small country!?


I, uh...





... why the hell didn't she answer my question!?


And now for something completely different.


W, wait! Watch out--






More importantly, why the hell do YOU guys get to tap into cartoon physics when you get injured, when I have to go through fifteen boxes of bandages every half hour?!



If... if yer lookin' for Iris...


She ran towards...


... her own room...


... what in the world should I do?


(That's right... they might return to normal if I just add water...)


(Just add water...)


(... just add... water...)


(... wet clothes...)







O, Ogami-han... jes' forget about us...


Go chase after... Iris...


She should... definitely be... holed up in her own room...


Fine, fine...



... I got it.


Sakura-kun... have you found Iris?


It looked like she was... running really quickly into her own room...


I see... thanks.

And then Sakura was useless for the rest of this story arc.



Iris, it's Ogami... could you open up for me?




No! Iris hasn't done anything wrong!


Well, this is a problem... she won't listen to what I have to say.



Jes' rushin' straight at somethin' ain't a good way t' solve a problem! Leave it to me!


I'm sure Iris'll listen to what I have to say, since I'm bigger than anyone else here.


Just who in their right mind would want to become like YOU, whose head is just one big muscle?


What Iris truly longs for is to have the charm of a mature woman.



How's about we have Ogami-han decide who's th' most qualified to do this?


Alright, Sumire-kun. I'm counting on you.


Iris-cha~n! I know very well the feeling of wanting to grow up quickly.
I shall teach you of a grown-up's make-up that will make you beautiful; so please, open up this door.







If I put on this make-up, will I become pretty? Will I be able to grow up more quickly?


What is WITH that gloomy expression... if you are going to be like that, it will be a lost cause no matter how much make-up you put on.


When you are putting on make-up, having a smiling face is more important than anything else. Do you understand, Iris?


Of course! Now then, smile...


(Hohohoho... I see that it's worked well. Persuading Iris is a piece of cake when I, Sumire, am put to the task.)


...? What is the matter, Iris?


Liar... Sumire, you liar... liar! Liar!!


Ah... Iris...
It was just a joke, a joke... w, wait, hold on...



Wh, what happened?!




It was hopeless... it appears that Iris... is able to--


Alright!! Kohran! You're the next one up!




W, wait, let me finish--



Iris. It's me, Kohran. You want to grow up real quick, right?
If that's th' case, then if you jes' drink this secret Chinese medicine that's been passed down for over four thousand years, then you'll become an adult in no time--


... it ain't goin' so well.


... l-look, I'm trying to tell you--


Dammit! We won't be defeated here... Kanna! You're our last hope!





Iris! First, you've got to eat Ms. Kanna's Special-Deluxe Lunch! It's a bit spicy, but if you eat enough, then you'll grow--


D... dammit... as expected of Iris, she's tough...!


She's probably holdin' back her full power, too. I mean, we're still ALIVE...


Look, I've been TRYING to tell you...



It appears that Iris... is able to read peoples' hearts.


Wh, what'd you say? Are you serious!?


If that's true, then she's got th' upper hand...


Ensign... if you attempt to speak to her with half-hearted feelings, Iris will only injure you.
Right now, I believe that it would be better to leave her be.


... can't be helped. I guess we gotta back out of this.


What... what should I do?


I mean, after all of THAT, Iris is probably as pissed as hell, so if I open that door....



Oniichan... the black wind howls...



... yeah, something like that.



I won't be able to persuade Iris as I am right now...
... guess I'll go back to my room and think on what I should do.


... Ogami-kun.


Ogami-kun... it seems that you're in something of a bind.


Yes... how should I get Iris to hear me out?


Sumire and the others see Iris as being a child...
But on the other hand, Maria is trying to treat her as an adult...
What do you think, Ogami-kun?


I... don't think that any of their opinions are correct.


... if you already understand that much, then there is nothing more for me to say.
It's your move next, Ogami-kun. Do your best.


So, you think she's a spawn of the devil, too?




Ogami-kun, am I going to have to choke a bitch?


Wha- why would you do that to Sumire!?


You know PERFECTLY well what I mean.



It's already this hour, huh... it can't be helped. For now, I guess I'll go on my nightly rounds...

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