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[Another Ogami]

It's a moving pictures house. I guess it's kind of like a rival to our own theater.


What are those?

[Another Ogami]

Hmmm... it's a place where pictures move, and tell stories similar to acting... I think?
Right now, it seems that they're putting on something called... "The Find of the Century, The Rare Beast Appears!"

[Another Ogami]

Yes, yes. Let's go inside, then.


Hey, what kind of story will this be?

[Another Ogami]

I'm not too sure myself. But it's sure to be an interesting story.

[Another Ogami]

And I'm sure that absolutely nothing will go wrong, even though I'm taking a child to see what is essentially an unrated film whose story I'm totally unfamiliar with.


I know! Isn't it great?



Hey, Oniichan. Who's that?

[Another Ogami]

That person's the narrator. He's the person who explains the story for us.
Movies don't have sound, so the narrator tells the story in time with the screen.





In fact, this was where one lone scientist had immersed himself within a certain experiment.

[Another Ogami]

(They're good at working up an atmosphere, huh...)



[Another Ogami]

(Iris has grabbed hold of my hand... is she scared?)

[Another Ogami]

Iris... are you okay? Do you want to leave?


I... I'm fine.

[Another Ogami]

That's alright, then, but... you don't need to push yourself.


No... no.....

[Another Ogami]

Iris!? Are you alright?


No... I'm scared...

[Another Ogami]

Iris! Calm down!

[Another Ogami]




Wh, what'S going on? Is it an earthquake!?

[Another Ogami]

Iris!! Please! Calm down!



[Another Ogami]

Oh no... at this rate, the building's going to...

[Another Ogami]

Iris! Watch out!! We've got to get a--



Injuries: 318
Critically Wounded: 53
Deaths: 240
Mind-Flayed: 421

Ichiro Ogami (From Three Dimensions Over To The Left)

(1st) 1903-192X
(As Ogami-Robo) July 5th, 9:20 am, 1923- July 5th, 9:40 am, 1923


Aaaaaaand that's 'bout all there is in Ogami-Robo's memory banks.




... it was nice knowin' ya, Ogami-han.


It's... it's not over yet! I just have to rush back into town and stop Iris from going on her insane spirit energy-fueled spree of destruction and murder.


Which is probably jes' what she wants ya t' do, what with teleportin' back to the theater an' leavin' behind Ogami-Robo's head and--


Wait, WHAT? Iris can do WHAT?


Teleport! Well, among other things.


Why didn't anyone tell me this stuff before!?


... I think Ayame-han might've been tryin' t' leave you a memo on that.


What? I don't remember getting any--


Oh... oh, yeah. THAT paperwork.


Weeeeell, 'n any case, you'd better get down t' town. I'm gonna go work on that Ogami-Robo Unit-02, so that we can have a backup ready. Ciao!


... will you stop talking as if my death is assured!?


Rassin-frassin' Kohran and Iris and Sakura and--

-- all that talk about robots and parallel universes and--


Wait for me, Iris. I'm coming!



As expected of the city of pleasure. They've got They had a moving pictures theater and an amusement park, and there are a lot of people here today, too...
... I'm pretty sure she wrote "the park's water fountain" in her diary. If that's the case, maybe over there....





Iris... so you were down here.


... don't say such dumb things. I was really worried that you might've become lost.


... lost, and/or disoriented and/or psychotically carving your way through the unsuspecting crowds of civilians.[/i]


Iris isn't dumb! I'm not a child! I hate you, Oniichan!


Sticking me with a robotic double on my birthday...


Er, look, about that, I'm sorry about--


I could've had an Oniichan all of my own, but you had to stick me with one who was an asshole!!


Wha-- YOU were the one who tore that poor soul out of his body--





I... Iris... calm down!




I hate you... I hate you... I HATE YOU!!


Uwaaah! The, the fountain!!
Iris, stop it! Sto o o o o o p!!

Injuries: 186
Critically Wounded: 13
Deaths: 41
Mind-Flayed: 9,138

Near Death Experience
Ichiro Ogami



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