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Sorry for the delay; I got back into town yesterday and, for the most part, I've been sleeping since then. At least I'd gotten most of the next update and the most of the one after THAT finished, so I'll have something up tonight.

Also, I've tallied up the votes yet again, and here's where things stand. Also, this is now the preliminary round of voting- in a couple of chapters, the three characters with the LEAST amount of votes will be cut out, and everyone will end up voting on which of the top three will be the keeper.

So, uh, now that it doesn't really matter who's in first or second or third place, I'm hoping this will encourage some of you to change your votes so that you're trying to boost your favorite character into the Top Three instead of figuring that it's a forgone conclusion and voting for the bandwagon and/or voting "Anyone But X."

If that doesn't take, I might just end up resetting votes after all.

The Top Three


35 Votes


26 Votes


24 Votes

The Bottom Three


17 Votes


3 Votes


0 Votes

Now then...

TapamN posted:

More Videos Than God

Holy shit, that's a lot of videos Thanks for uploading more videos! I safely say that I've finally seen the original version of Sakura Wars.

I'm still frightened that Sakura functioned as a mobile siege weapon. And with her unlimited final attack, it's not too difficult to tell which character was supposed to be Ogami's intended One True Pairing.

demota posted:

Putting in an advance vote for Glycine.

Vote noted, ye of good taste.

Bobfly posted:

Shouldn't he have been named 'Segasa Tanshirou then?

The name 'Segata Sanshiro' is also a pun off of Sugata Sanshiro, the title Judo-obsessed character of Kurosawa's first directed film. It's no coincidence that Segata Sanshiro ALSO uses Judo.

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