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"... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced..."

Pfft, that's nothing. Imagine if millions of voices suddenly started screaming in your mind for you to club one of your co-workers in the head and drag her back to your room.

Yeah, I bet THAT wasn't too hard to imagine, because most of the time, it's your libido screaming at you. No, I'm talking VOICES, the type that'll drive you madder than Iris taking control of your mind. Now, imagine if those voices started banding against each other, arranging themselves into groups like "the Shark-Kicking Worshippers" and "She Who Holds Vast Tracts of Land" and "Cult of SCIENCE "... and then started taking votes.

That'd be bad enough on its OWN, but I'm already living in a place where everyone's eager to plug as many objects into as many of my orifices as physically possible. Between getting punched to a pulp and living in fear of anything with two X chromosomes, there are days when I don't think I can take it anymore...


... which is when I go for some spiritual guidance.Ayame-san's the hottest thing ever to wear a military uniform, but she's completely inaccessible and none of my voices are voting for her. Thus, she's an anchor for my vote-wracked mind.



It's not really a problem. I was writing reports, but I was just about finished with them.


And? Did you need me for something?

It's always nice to hear what people think of your driving, AND it gives you a really nice burst of the Red/Blue/Yellow stuff next to your portrait.


That's because it was only the warehouses that got hit hard, I suppose.


And the enemy man... Setsuna, was it? This is a first- that you've defeated a leader of the Hive of Darkness without having him flee.

And so on and so forth. At least we got bonus points for taking down the punk kid, though I sincerely doubt that the Hive of Darkness is any worse off WITHOUT Setsuna.

I mean, what the hell did he contribute to the team, anyway? Well-done nails and a mime's face paint?


Right, right, about Maria... you've noticed, haven't you, Ogami-kun.


Eh? Noticed what?


That girl... she's started calling you "Captain" instead of "Ensign."


And don't you think that her overall demeanor has become gentler?


I don't know about that... I mean, she pulled a gun on me during a card game.


Oh my. That's a good thing, isn't it?




That you're still alive, I mean. If it had been the OLD Maria, you'd still be spitting out lead.


... that's certainly true.



Maria's starting to change. And there, Ogami-kun, you've been a large influence.




I only did what was natural as captain!
Because I think that guiding one's members is also a captain's responsibility.


Awww, lookit the cute widdle captain trying to be -cool-.


At least I'm not a team-killing trigger-happy blimp driver.


... did you say something, Ogami-kun?


Nothing at all, ma'am.



But you know, you really don't need to be that stiff.


The Flower Division is different from a normal brigade.


Thank you, Ayame-san. Between the psychotic stalkers and the vast amount of physical violence visited upon my body, I never would have been able to notice that on my own.


... let me finish.



I'd rather you not face them as a leader to his subordinates, but as person-to-person.




... but they always jump me from behind.


Look, you know very well what I mean.




Okay, fine, touche.


Well, after THAT, there's really not all that much left for me to DO here.


What there is to SEE, however, is a different story altogether. Of course.


Th... these clothes... could it be that Ayame-san's taking a bath!?


Oh, oh no... my body's moving towards the bath on its own...


Whew... this bath is wonderful...


A, Ayame-san...

Now, I DID have the choice to turn his gaze further downward.

I'd not seen this CG before, sooooooo I erred on the side of caution and didn't want my already-average rating with Ayame to hit rock bottom.


(Ayame-san... she's so pretty...)

... what IS he, five years old?


... Ogami-kun. It's not good to peek in on peoples' baths.


Eek!? Y, you noticed me!?


Well, you were speaking out loud, and you weren't making any effort to be hidden, so--


Yes, I was!


You weren't making ENOUGH effort, I mean.


How could you see me!? I was perfectly camouflaged!


... call it a woman's intuition.



Y, yes! I'm sorry!!





My oh my...


Ah... er...


That's... that's a shitload of bizarrely mixed signals right there.


No, um... I couldn't... take my eyes away from your face...


Er...? Ahahahahaha....


... but that won't stop me from turning your ass into grass, soldier.


Hahaha... ah ha... aah shit.



Now then... I'll be leaving now.
Don't think about peeping in a second time. Do you understand, Ogami-kun?

... normally, I'd poke fun at such a general statement, but as it is, I don't know anymore.

The best thing to do about a worried mind is to cram it full of food.



No... I was just passing through.


Really? Well, it ain't good for your body if you don't eat a proper breakfast.
Say, what DO you usually eat, Captain?


Rice and miso soup. As expected, that's what I gotta have in the mornings.


You too, Captain!? Man~, that's sensible.


I don't feel so good if I don't eat ten bowls of rice every morning, you know? Ah hahaha!


W, well, I don't think we're too similar THERE...


I mean, that's enough to feed a small country. Before you came to the theater, how the hell did you even get enough money to PAY for all that food?


Oh, Pops registered me as being a prefecture in and of myself. The government sends me food!




You're lookin' at Kirishima Prefecture, population: 1,421! I'm the only mobile population center in the world.


But, but... HOW!?


Weeeeell, I'm a traveling demolitions crew with the strength of 1,421 people, and that kinda thing's pretty useful when you're tryin' to lay down railroad tracks and things like that.





... nevermind the fact that it's only 10 am...


Now then... what should I do from here on out.

I have a couple ideas about that.


He could get mobbed by a bunch of fairly irate women.

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