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Eh... I, I see....




"Argh please for the love of God nonononononoargharghGYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!"?





... no, I really can't go. I've got things to do tomorrow.


Oniichan, you hate Iris, don't you...


Er, no, Iris...


It's not so much "hate" as it is "I am filled with bowel-clenching terror at the very mention of your name."


... Oniichan, do you REALLY have things to do tomorrow?


Sure! Lots of things. Very important and completely unavoidable things, none of which involve a psychopathic girl who enjoys tearing the souls of men into bite-sized wisps constantly wracked by pain and suffering.


Did someone call fer me?


... the OTHER psychopathic girl.







Are you out of your motherfucking mind!?





Okay, I'll admit, that was kind of uncalled for.


I still have your boxers, you know.




I keep them under my pillow as a good luck charm, and also so that I can carry a piece of you into my dreams every night so that we will never be alone ever again.


Scratch that "uncalled for" and replace it with "ridiculously obvious from the outset".



... I have to go and finish rehearsal, so... please excuse me.


A birthday, huh... I guess I was being mean to Iris...
... I'll go apologize to Iris tomorrow...


Pffft hahahaha. Apologize.



(Insert knocking sounds here. Create your own! Rap your knuckles on the table! Punch a real door! Go hog wild, you crazy young 'uns you!!)


Um... it's me. Ogami-san... I didn't wake you, did I?


Aah... I'm coming.


I thought I'd come to ask for your help in cleaning up, Ogami-san...


I see... well, I don't have anything planned for today... I got it, I'll help you out.


And in return, you never tell Iris what I just said.




... wait, weren't YOU the one riding on me for not granting a little girl her birthday wish?


Well, I thought about it for a while, and I realized that you being free would actually serve my admittedly frighteningly single-minded desires for you to become mine both in body and soul.


... I think I'm beginning to understand why everyone's been telling me that the fate of the Imperial Capital rests in my hands.





I'll be... cleaning up in the back, so please tidy up the luggage in front of you.


Okay, got it. And it'd be alright if I cleaned up the smaller props around here too, right?


Yes, that's right. It would be great if you could put these in order.
Now then... let's get started.

Alright, clean and tidy, clean and tidy, clean and tidy...

... cleaning and tidying up...

... cleaning and tidying up...



O-Ogami-san, what are you--




... I think we broke him again, I shou- OH SHI--



O, Ogami-san, help me! Hurry!!



You know, what I like about games like these is that the more you play, the more of the player's avatar character becomes apparent in the choices you're presented with in any given situation.

I'm not entirely sure I like what we're seeing of Ogami's increasingly disturbed psyche.





Thank you very much. If you hadn't been here, I... don't know what I would have...


Imitating a cat's cry is my specialty. If you ever see a mouse, you can call on me any time!


Yes! Thank you.


This DOES beg the question of what the hell they're teaching you in the Navy.


The skills necessary to get us through life, Sakura-kun. The skills necessary to get us through life.


So they're teaching you to be sneaky nautical two-sword-wielding harem anime protagonists who can quickly change into a cat-eared maid outfit and meow at the drop of a hat?


Ye- NO.


Oh, Japan.


There really isn't much more to this particular event.



Other than hurling paper balls at Sakura's head.



Resetting just to play this scene over and over again is optional, though immensely satisfying.


You're welcome. You too, Sakura-kun-- good work.


Thank you so much. The next time... something happens, I'll ask for your help again.

What's truly frightening about this entire exchange is that we're not even on Sakura's route.


Sure, that's fine. Just call on me again next time.

Yes, yes, get going.

Ogami has bigger fish to fry. Next time.

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