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Kohran! Explanation! NOW!


You see, Ogami-han, when a man an' a woman have th' hot tamales fer each other's bodies--


OTHER explanation!


Hell if I know- I ain't never seen spirit energy readings like this before! I'm guessin' that ya hafta stay close to each other t' make it work, both in terms o' affection an' physical distance, but still... th' possibilities!


... so... you're telling me that we just beat Setsuna black and blue with the power of love.


Hey, love's the strongest thing in th' world! Especially if ya can channel it into a force o' pure destruction. Can't ya do it again?


... uh... I don't think I can. I'm out of juice, thanks to that attack.


How typical.


Weeeeeell then! We're gonna hafta work on yer endurance, if'n ya know what I mean.


... what are you guys insinuating?


Eh, eh, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more?




Ya jes' keep tellin' yerself that, Ogami-han. I'll be waitin' fer ya with some very special equipment in my room.


Argh argh my freaking eyes argh argh someone help me.






... I hate you all.



However... for someone like me, why would you...




I am...




Do you need a reason to rescue people? If there was someone who needed help... isn't it natural to reach your hand out to that person?


I see... so you're a straight-out masochist.


Not by choice.





Maria... true strength isn't being stubborn at those times when you need help.




... "yes"? That's it?


What the hell do you want me to say? I'm not going to ruin your big dramatic moments with comments like "I still don't understand because you're a loony, and I'm never going to understand because I've been acting this way for years due to that traumatic experience to which you are not yet privy to."


Actually, we already know all about it.


.... what.


Ayame told us. Also, Setsuna's been beating it into us with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.


That's it. No more spiritual hot springs vacation for YOU.





I think that's 'cause we're beating you like a red-headed stepchild.


Oh, that's it. It's time that I turn this battleground into a bloodfest!


Your blood, right?


Now you shall taste the true power of the Hive of Darkness!!


Augh. You aren't making us taste THAT, we don't know where it's been.


Will you knock it off!?







I'll slice you up...


Harbinger! Heaven's Edge Darkness Killer!


That's a horrible name. Got no ring to it, you know what I mean?


You're about to get knifed in the face with a trillion air blades! Can't you think of anything else to say? Like maybe "ouch" or "oh god" or--




That tickles.


Want me to say something like that?




I can throw in an "ouch" or two if it'll make you feel better.


Just leave me alone.





Or, hell, HE could yell all of that for you.


Haah.. haaah... that was a pretty powerful attack. Is everyone alright?


... yes, Ensign. Yes we are.



Good god, what the hell took you so long?


Patience IS a virtue. I was simply biding my time and waiting for an opening, much like--


An evil viper?


Yes, exactly li--


-- wait, NO! How dreadful! Exactly what do you think I am!?


I'd kinda assumed that you were the type of gal who bites the head off o' her husband on the night of her honeymoon.


That's exactly what I've been thinking, too.


Well, no matter. I shall demonstrate my worth right here, right now!





Oh ho ho ho ho!! I have poisoned the demon-driven mechanical soldier, hampering its movement phase and--


Does it hurt 'im over time?


No, but it--


Eh, it's useless. I mean, we're gonna thrash this guy in the next five minutes, so I don't think it'll even SEE its next movement phase.


Oh, you have got to be kidding me.


Because, you know, moving from point A to point B is such trying business.




I see... got it, I'll give it a try.


Fire time. Also, free-for-all time.





And the last laugh...



... goes to Maria.







Aaaany time now, Maria.


Shhh. Let me have my moment.


Okay, that's fine, I just really need to use the restroom.


I haven't had time to put Ogami-san's boxers in an airtight storage container.


Might've left my secret project plugged in. That'll be a whole different level of problems right there.


I would also prefer that we made haste. I might have left something in the oven.


I-- dude, you cook?


No, but it's an awfully convenient place to dispose of unwanted fan letters. And occasionally, of bills.




Alright, alright, I get the picture.








I'd also like to give a shout-out to my little brother, and my thanks to my loving and caring family for getting me where I am. And now, a speech on the virtues of good planning and NO WAIT I STILL HAVE THIRTY MINUTES OF SPEECH TO ARGH ARGH AR--





I won't look back anymore. I now have the Imperial Assault Force...


... who believe in me. I have wonderful comrades now, so...
Everyone... here we go!




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