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Okay, so that's one safe haven down. But it's got to stand to reason that the safest spot in the theater is the hangars filled with ass-kicking robots.


... more reassuring is the fact that I'm probably safer from Sakura when there're a few layers of metal armor between me and her.


I really hope AND I sincerely doubt that Maria has sortied or anything like that, but...


It looks like she isn't here, so... I might as well go somewhere else.


Ya haven't really been lookin' well since ya stepped foot into this theater, y'know. I mean, you've lived here for MONTHS now! Home's where the heart is, ain't it?


Yeah, but home shouldn't be shoving freezing metal utensils up my colon to GET to my heart.


But the quickest way t' a man's heart is through his stomach!


Before or after you rearrange my organs in alphabetical order?!


Gotta keep things tidy in there, Ogami-han, it's standard practice to see if your insides're functioning correctly!


You usually don't inspect them up-close and personally!


I'll inspect YOUR insides any day of the week!


Only if you let me return the favor!


Ah.... Kohran. Hm? What's up with those clothes?


Aah, this? How about it, don't it look good on me?
Whenever I go into some full-blown adjustments or repairs, I change into these here clothes.
'Cause if I'm in what I usually wear, I can't very well lie down on th' floor or anythin'.


I see...


Since th' Koubu were pretty badly injured in th' last fight, I figured that I'd better go all out an' give 'em a good fixin'-up.



When I make these choices, I not only think about which would be the best bet, but which choice is the most Ogami-like in appearance. Let's take this situation as an example.

Mental beating up... no.
Cutting my losses and leaving her to shoulder the entire burden... no.

So I wait for the third choice.

Getting horny at a totally random moment... yes.


Those clothes... they look great on you. Your normal outfit is also great, but you look really, really cute right now.


This kinda mannish-lookin' outfit... there's no way y' could call it cute, now.

... oh, Kohran, how little you understand the male mind.


What're you talking about... you look so vivid and lively that you're fairly sparkling in my eyes.


Like a glass of champagne, accompanied by a fresh garden salad with cucumbers and whole eggplants. Why, I could just eat you all up.


Are we even talkin' about th' same thing anymore?


... God help me, I don't know.


Really now... I can't put up wit' any more o' this. It's... it's jes' too embarrissin'.


I mean, I can strip you down naked and poke an' prod all o' your movin' parts fer HOURS, but this kinda bizarro flirtin' an' complimentin' is way outta my league...


You could've stopped about a sentence ago. In fact, I'd actually have PREFERRED that you stopped talking about a sentence ago.



On hindsight, Ogami really should've been paying attention to that odd little sparkle in Kohran's eyes.


Aah, I got it.


The gashes on Maria's Koubu... looks like she'd been hit on a lotta places where she ain't usually hurt.
Was she thinkin' of somethin' even while fightin', I wonder?


Hmm... that's starting to get me a bit worried, too.


I'm leavin' Maria-han t' you. See if ya can't raise her spirits or somethin'.
Right then... I've gotta keep up with these adjustments... I'll catch ya later.

And that was that. Kohran kept working late into the night, and the rest of Ogami's rounds passed in its usual, non-descript manner...

At least, that's what he'd have liked.

On the way up from the hangars to Maria's room, Ogami could've sworn that he heard something in KOHRAN'S room.

But that's impossible, right? Kohran was just downstairs. She couldn't have beaten Ogami up to the second floor THIS quickly- she'd have had to lurch out of those damn hangars at the speed of light to get past him, for crying out loud!

Thus, it must be a thief, or a burglar, or someone tha--


Ah, Ogami-han. Th' doors unlocked.





A... again...!?

I'm fairly certain that he deserved that for making the greatest tactical blunder in the history of mankind:

Hitting on Kohran.



... there are just... no words.


A'right, let's get started, shall we?




Whazzat, Ogami-han. You look like ya wanna say somethin'... I'm listenin', give it a shot.

Well, okay, there are SOME words, phrased in the form of a very, very pressing question.


It ain't anythin' t' worry about, Ogami-han. I think this look suits ya pretty well.


R... really?


Ogami-han, don'cha think that ya really don't look half bad?


Yeah, well... a bit...

It was at this point that a possibility wormed its way into Ogami's horrified mind. Kohran wasn't doing this for the sake of science, OR for the sake of sadism. Maybe... maybe...

Maybe this was Kohran's version of a mating ritual.


If that's th' case, then let's have another happy naked data-gatherin' today, too!! Here we go, SWITCH ON!



And then, of course, Ogami thought of nothing at all.


... gah, i-it was a dream again?


C'mon, Ogami-han, it's time t' get up!


Ah... aah, sorry. I'll be leaving now.


(Insert jab at Ogami's predisposition to stating the painfully obvious, or his tendency to be frighteningly slow on the uptake, no doubt a result of Kohran's loving ministrations.)

NEXT TIME: How much manpower does it take to find a blonde woman in a theater full of Asian people?

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