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Kanna, in the kitchen, with her fists.


Got it. I'll be looking forward to it, then.




... y'know, you COULD offer to help or something.


You DID sort of kick me in the jaw three times. That sort of thing tends to put a damper on my enthusiasm to do ANYTHING good for you.


Actually, if you think about it real hard, isn't the whole "me kickin' you in the jaw multiple times" thing a good way to motivate you to do whatever it is I want? I mean, it's not like I can't kick you where it'd hurt the most.


... that's both horrifying AND horrifyingly cliche, but... you mean that you'd kick me in the crotch, right?


Actually, I was thinking of kicking you in the nose, shattering it and driving the broken bones up into your brain before pulping your head like a ripe melon.


... where'd that apron of mine get to?

... huh, so he really ISN'T going to at least offer to help her out or anything.


... it's sure taking a while.

Maybe that's because you're a colossal dick it's only been a handful of seconds you colossal dick?



Sadly, waiting doesn't cause any other option to pop up. :/


(I'm so hungry... but I was told to wait, so...)

I waited for you, Kanna.


... wh, what? What is this?

... that's really not how you respond to someone taking the time to give you free food, man.


(There's some sort of... dark red stuff riding on top of the rice.)


It goes really well with boiled barley and rice.


... huh?


The dish's pork and spices, Ogami.


... huh?


... meat, Ogami, meat.


... huh?




No, I mean... we have PORK in this theater? Last time I checked, Sakura's been stocking the larders with the rotting corpses of any woman outside the theater who'd tried to strike up a conversation with me.


... 'scuse me for a second, going to empty the plate and scrub it for a few hours and then maybe go throw up for a while before getting the hell out of this theat-




(Signal lost)


It sorta looks like... there's so much cayenne that the whole thing's a bright red?


Ahaha, don't worry about it, don't worry about it.


R, right then, here goes...


(Urgh... it's really spicy...)
(It's got a fiery kick, but the taste's really salty...)


(Huh? But... once you endure the first mouthful it's... tasty!?)


This is really delicious! This stuff is great, Kanna!


Oh, that's just the hallucinogens kickin' in.


Hahaha, what hallucinog--




... oH mY sTrIpEs AnD sTaRs.


cOuLd YoU tElL mE tHeSe ThInGs BeFoRe YoU sUbJeCt Me To YoUr CoOkInG nExT tImE, kAnNa?!


But, well... I've been doin' nothing but karate since I was a kid, so... y'know, it can't be helped.


Come to think of it, Kanna... I still really don't know that much about you.
If it's alright with you, could you tell me a bit about yourself?


... holy shit, she's actually going to talk and we're actually going to KNOW the basic backstory behind a character without having to wait chapters and chapters?

In any case, this is untimed LIPS. You pretty much sit there and run through all the questions at your leisure, so... I'm goin' down from the top.



Tell me about karate.



You got people who spend their whole lives tending fields, people who devote their lives to fishing, people who want to become rich...

... aren't those the kinds of people who usually end up turning into the villainously psychotic and power-hungry overlords?


That's how I see it...


Ahaha, I guess that doesn't really count as an answer, does it.


At least she's fairly straightforward.



Could you tell me what it is that brought you here?


The boat!


... well, yes, I meant--


And then I swam.




Walking came next. It's really fascinating, walking. I mean, you've got your left foot, then your right foot, and then...


C... can I just go now?

Wait, Kanna BLUSHES?!



Karate's all I have. No... I can't do anythin' outSIDE of karate...
That's what I'd thought the entire time. Doing something like standing upon a stage... that'd never even crossed my mind.


The person who made me realize that was Ayame-san.




Right in front of me, that curtain went up, see? ... and when it did, all I could see in front of me was this dazzling, brilliant light.
It wasn't anythin' big... it was just the light from the spotlight. But still.....


Though my mother died early, and... I can't even remember her face anymore.




... I don't think so, Ogami.


.... so that's how it was.


... the next play can't come fast enough.



How's the Imperial Theater after being gone for so long? Has it changed since you saw it last?


..... I see, that's true, isnt' it.


From here on out, we'll all be eatin' our food out of the same pot everyday. Good t'meetcha, Captain.


Got it. Nice to make your acquaintance too, Kanna.





You're right. We've got pretty caught up talking there.


Ah... whoops, Cap'n. I forgot to tell you somethin'.


What's up?


Those other two, Sakura and Kohran, seem like good, honest kids. I really like 'em.

I... wait, what? It hasn't even been a day, and she's...


I will be sorely disappointed if Kanna starts acting like Sakura.


R, really? ... thanks.


Right then, I'll be countin' on you from here on out. Night, Captain.


A guy that Kanna likes, huh.... that doesn't sound too bad.

'Til you get to the beatings and the violence and the constant sparring.


.... now then. My stomach's become full and all, so I guess I'll go back to my room and get some sleep.


Maria.... what's wrong?


Are you sure? If you'd like, I could hel-




... well, if you're sure, then it's--




... I... I'll just be going now.

Rollin' rollin' rollin' ro--


Hahaha, oh, it's nothing important, it's just useless-in-combat Sumire.


... I hate you so much, Ensign.

Something that's liable to get you into a whole lot of trouble, very very soon if you're not careful with it?


Ensign! That's...


Eh....? I found it here just now...


Is that so... I'll give it back to you, then.








You're very welcome! See? What CAN'T violence do?


Heal your kneecaps?


Hahaha, what? There's nothing wrong with m-




-- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--


... there is now.


Is it a good luck charm?


Hmhm... that could very well be the case.

Yay for frighteningly random mood swings!



... maybe all her troubles would go away if I just destroyed that locket...!


Come to think of it... she'd said something about... dreams of the past...
Maria... I wonder what kind of dreams you'll be seeing tonight...

(And the second half of this update... will come tomorrow. )

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