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Morgenthau posted:

Ahahaha, hilarious! The image of Ohgami whimpering with both arms in compound fractures waiting for Kanna's final attack really got to me. And as always your mspaints are great. Permission to use one if I do get around getting an avatar for myself?

Go for it!


I never really got into Galaxy Angel; it seems so to me. For some reason I could never relate to it. Probably because I watched the anime first and the game lacked the random insanity of the anime. Also the game doesn't have NOMAD which I think has got to be one of the most hilarious characters in anime.

The lack of Normad is a regrettable loss-- but hey, at least those Emblem Frames of theirs are actually put to good use.


To the brave soul who attempts a Galaxy Angel LP, she has got to be the one for you.

I heartily concur, though in my case, it's mostly because she's frikkin' hilarious.


........ That's so unnatural, it's terrifying.


Grunduggerer posted:

Oh where to begin...

I think we all know anything Kohran would grow in a garden can kill and eat a mere crow. And have tentacles in case Ogami wandered by.

Have patience, the plants are still young.


Kanna is... nice, isn't she? Ogami would never be happy with her. However it seems that Sumire and Kanna are friendly, so perhaps Kanna can dispense the beatings Sumire would give him but of course, is too much the lady to actually do.

Any chance you could post what happens if Ogami misses one of those blocks, btw?

So... Kanna can physically emasculate him while Sumire verbally emasculates him?

Also, Ogami DID miss the very last block, hence the fact that he got socked in the face (again). I should've waited for the second set of options to roll around- I think that would've let Ogami block and retaliate.

Dominic Hokage posted:

Strong men make Kanna feel all girly inside!

I think it's more a matter of endurance than anything else...

Bobfly posted:

Oh by the way, another vote for Sumire. Would be Kohran, but I don't like the girls inserting objects into places in my body where nothing should ever be inserted to have glasses, and I don't think Ogami does either

Also, what would you say the action/dating ratio of this game is? It seems to be a little short on the action, I'm sorry to say.

Vote noted!

Generally, I think the ratio is about 50-50 (at least in terms of raw time spent playing); it's just that there's so much more to cover in the dating sim/ADV part of the game, so it feels sorta lopsided.

Alternatively, there's Glazius's explanation. I wholly endorse it.

Semiru posted:

Screw you Spirit Armor - you won't change my vote from Sumire!

You say that as if I had been trying to insult Sumire.


Also, for those voting for Kanna... Uh, she looks more like a dude than Ogami does at times...

And that's the beauty of it.

Glazius posted:

Orks trying to garden! Lordy. ...though you do wonder what they eat.

Probably Ogami.

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