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FUN FACT: I finally got around to tallying up the votes thus far. Excluding the "maybe" and the "oh god anyone except (insert name here)" comments...

[Maria and Sumire]

SECOND (but only by one vote):


[The Sixth Pilot]

... it could end up being pretty damn close.

Semiru posted:

Oh, that poor, poor Samurai.

And we will not have Maria and Kohran lessening Sumire's popularity? You hear me?

All he wanted was to spread love and peace!

Also, Maria and Kohran have as much to worry about as Sumire does, so can you really blame them for undermining this incredibly dangerous military operation just to spite their mutual enemy? ... okay, fine, on hindsight, I suppose you can.

Dexanth posted:

I see the demonic plan of Iris-induced pain and suffering proceeds! It must continue! Her evil must come to fruition!

Well, it's certainly not going to stop anytime soon, I can tell you that.

One more chapter... one more chapter....

Thuryl posted:

I mean, she doesn't have a literal cock to block...

... right?

Ha ha ha! Of course not, that's just silly. I mean, it's not like this is one of those bizarre dating sims that break reality in all sorts of ways.


Tomn posted:

In the stock market, MAR shares have jumped three points, in anticipation of the announcement of further character development. It is as yet unknown as to whether this is a temporary bubble or a sign of true progress for MAR against long-time rival SUM and newcomer KOH.

In other news, business psychologists finally have an answer: Is wooing your boss for favors at work worth it? More at five o'clock.

Just as long as the flagging IRI doesn't suddenly take the stock market by storm, crushing its competitors in a series of hostile takeovers...

Morgenthau posted:

Whee, Maria's character development chapter is next! This definitely will push the odds towards Maria but not for long!  This episode we see a cameo of a character from another Kosuke Fujishima work, and we get to bitchslap Maria! 

 I... really? I've either missed the cameo every time I've played, or I'm not nearly familiar enough with Fujishima's stuff. 

Canuck_Errant posted:


I'm convined that that website is run by someone's sex drive gone sentient (which is far from being a bad thing).

I just wish that they could draw Kanna a little bit better.

Grunduggerer posted:

I think Iris and Kohran can make a deal here. Iris gets the soul to torment and Kohran can keep the body for nook-and-cranny fun.

... y'know, it's thanks to goons like you that Ogami's future is looking grim.

Glazius posted:

...man, I know I should be happy to see a new update and everything.

But for some reason I'm now imagining Sgt. Sagara and Cpt. Tessa from Full Metal Panic subbing in for Ogami and Ayame, and that's blotting out most other forms of rational thought.

Imagining Tessa as a mature big sister-type is... kinda frightening, actually. And turning Sagara into a shounen retard....

Dominic Hokage posted:

Mission over! You know what that means, Ensign! Back to punching tickets!


... I don't think I'm getting paid nearly enough to put up with all of this.


Haw haw haw! Ogami, did you really think you were gettin' PAID to do ANY of this?!


... Manager Yoneda, please stop shattering my all-too-fragile dreams.


Wha- you still HAVE dreams? Well, we're just going to have to work on that, won't we now.

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